Minutes of theParish Council Meeting held in Goods Yard House on 7th November2016 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllr R Eastwood (Chair), Cllr M Colenutt, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr C Beare and Cllr A Emery
Absent: Cllr J Smith, Cllr Horner, Cllr R Nathan, Cllr B Maude, Cllr S Howard and Cllr C Tamplin.
- To accept apologies for absence.
Cllr J Smith, Cllr Horner, Cllr B Maude, Cllr S Howard, Cllr R Nathan and Cllr C Tamplin.
- Declarations of pecuniary and disclosable interests in respect of matters to be discussed.
The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare when necessary.
- To Approve Minutes from Parish Council meeting held on 3rd October 2016
Proposed by Cllr Higgins seconded by Cllr Eastwood and unanimously approved.
- Matters Arising.
Jo Edwarde was thanked for efforts with the replanting in the Village in particular the Castlefields planters – it was hoped that residents would now tend and water these planters.
The Clerk confirmed the youth proposal would now be made at the TCPA committee meeting.
- Correspondence.
The list had been circulated prior to the meeting.
ESCC had confirmed the planters in Castlefields may need a license. The Clerk would get the details, investigate any implications and report back to the Council.
The St Marys PCC consultation meeting was highlighted – The Clerk and Cllrs Emery and Higgins would attend.
The Clerk highlighted the BT consultation on the possible decommission of the telephone boxes.
The Clerk was asked to confirm that the boxes should be retained.
- To approve sale process and conditions of the Colestock Crossroads telephone box.
The power would be switched off shortly. The Council had agreed to sell the box but needed to discuss logistics.
The Council agreed to sell the box at a market value possibly via local market or ebay.
The Clerk would confirm possible sale value in due course and arrange to advertise its availability.
Thereserve price should be in excess of the decommissioning costs.
- To review bridge sale proposal update.
The Clerk updated the Council on progress to date.
Cllr Hardy requested a decision was made as the Conservators wanted to dispose of the timbers at the end of the month unless they were removed.
The Clerk would write to Richard Regan to alert him to this so he could arrange removal.
- To ratify strategy minutes and actions.
Cllr Eastwood with Cllr Higgins seconding ratification this was unanimously approved.
There were no actions to deal with at this meeting.
- To approve charity walk and event arrangements.
The Clerk outlined the Parkinson walk arrangements discussed by the Strategy Committee and these were duly ratified.
- Finance
(i)To accept account summary.
This had been circulated to the Council.
The Clerk outlined the main points of interest.
The Finance Committee would discuss in more detail but the Clerk confirmed the account was on track.
(ii)To consider movements in ear marked reserves
This was deferred to the next meeting.
(iii)To approve expenditure as itemised on the schedule.
The list had been circulated prior to the meeting and was unanimously approved.
- Update on Community Asset application process.
The Clerk confirmed the Anchor and Gallipot were now assets of community value and would remain on the register for 5 years.
Bearing in mind the criteria outlined by WDC there were no other applications likely to succeed.
The Clerk was asked to check the legal ownership position of the hall with the Village Hall Committee.
- Update on sale of Anchor Public House.
No update was available.
- Report on Goods Yard House and consider proposals.
The Clerk reported on the current position.
The Clerk was asked to push for a formal conclusion within the next week with the loss adjusters and in the absence of progress commence legal proceedings.
- To consider co option proposals.
There were no applications to consider.
The Clerk was asked to include an article on the vacancies in the newsletter.
- To consider policy adoption.
Proposed by Cllr Higgins seconded by Cllr Beare the following policies were formally adopted:
Data Protection
Email and Internet
Health and Safety
- Items for Reporting or Inclusion in Future Agendas
Dog fouling
Dates of Next Meetings:
Planning 10th November 2016 7:30pm
Finance 14th November 2016 7:30pm
SLR 28th November 2016 9:30am
TCPA 29th November 2016 7:30pm
Parish Council 5th December 2016 7:30pm
Meeting closed at 8.55pm