To: Dorchester Bus Families

From: SCS Business Office

RE: Dorchester Bus Route

Salisbury Christian School will offer a bus route to and from the Dorchester County area for the 2015-2016 school year. Please read the following information carefully as you make plans for the next school year.

What do I need to do to secure a seat for my child on the bus?

Fill out a SCS Bus Registration form and attach the $50 registration fee. It can be returned to the main office. This service will be provided on a “first come- first served” basis. You will receive a “Confirmation” (of service provided or denied) within a few weeks of registering.

What will it cost me?

·  Registration Fee: $50 per family per year (non-refundable). The registration stays in effect for the entire school year unless you contact the business manager.

·  Round Trip Rates (billed June-May…just like tuition)

o  1 rider $530 per year…equates to $44.00 per month

o  2 riders $819 per year…equates to $68.00 per month

o  3 or more riders $1020 per year…equates to $85.00 per month

Note: There is a 2% discount available to families that pay the full annual bus fee as their first paymen

·  Monthly Payment Due: Bus fees are due the 1st day of each month along with your tuition payment. Late fees apply.

·  Non-registered bus students riding the bus with a regular rider shall fill out a “Special Daily Rider” form and pay a $5.00 fee (24 hour notice required).

·  FYI: In light of unstable fuel prices, SCS reserves the right to adjust bus fees if necessary.

Where will the bus stops be on the route?

Riders and parents will be required to sign a “Bus Safety Guidelines” sheet before being allowed to ride the bus.

·  Cambridge @ Fresh & Green

·  Mardela Rest Stop