File ref: TP/1 ...... (for completion by KMC support)Form TP/1
Technical content: new work proposal form
PART A TITLE (to be completed by proposer)Title of proposed content *:
* content may be a publication or other
New content or revision of existing content: Suggested type of content*:
(indicate series or output ie not solely
Proposed by:
Seconded by:
(neutral seconder from KMC, KDSC, KPSC, Technology Committee or Chair of a specialist group or region)
Date proposed:
PART B SUMMARY (to be completed by proposer)
Synopsis (or chapter headings/contents; append as separate sheet, if necessary)
e.g. replaces out-of-date content, responds to new legislation, likely to attract potential new members, fills perceived gap in market, urgency, likely life span of output etc.How will content be originated/Expected approach
Describe the methodology to be applied towards achieving the proposed objectives eg if contract author describe essential knowledge/skills needed and suggestions for three different people/organisations.Outline any needs for research required in order to produce the knowledge product.
Target readership(who will read/use this content)
Within membership: Please indicate which CIBSE Special Interest Groups or Societies may have a particular interest in the proposed content-In UK only:
In commercial market (if appropriate): (who will buy the output, how big is the market etc)
-In UK only:
Competing/similar content and unique selling point of this content
Estimated number of sales and the rationale and justification for the estimate
Opportunities for sponsorship of the content development activity
i.e. partnership/sponsorship/ Knowledge transfer opportunities etcPART C COSTS (to be completed by proposer and CIBSE)
Expected author costs (if applicable):Other details, including :
Proposed extent of content/word count: …………………………………………………………………….
Proposed number of illustrations (artwork) included: ……………………………………………………….
Proposed number of images (photographs) included: ……………………………………………………….
Colour or black and white? ………………………………………………………………………………….
Other costs e.g. licensing: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Estimated cost of copies to contributors: ……………………………………………………………………
Suggested print run: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Estimated total production costs: …………………………………………………………………………
Likely members’ price:…………………………………………………………………………………….
CIBSE synergy with CIBSE strategy (to be completed by all departments)
Eg opportunities for launch event, conference, training, new SIG, membership promotion etcNote: Marketing Assessment included Y/N
PART D APPROVAL(to be completed by Knowledge Management Committee Chairman/Head of Knowledge)
KMC priority category: …………………(1 Essential title/ scheduling important; 2 Important document, gap filling or special need;
3 Less vital title, but timing important or useful
Authority to proceed
Signed: ______(on behalf of KMC)
Revised: insert date of final sign off for inclusion in the CIBSE QA system
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