Board of County Commissioners

Regular Public Meeting

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Board of County Commissioners in and for Wakulla County, Florida met for a Regular Public Meeting on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. with Chairman Ralph Thomas presiding. Present were Commissioners Randy Merritt, Jerry Moore, Richard Harden and Howard Kessler. Also present were County Administrator David Edwards, County Attorney Heather Encinosa and Deputy Clerk Brandy King.

The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were provided by Commissioner Harden.


(CD5:00) Commissioner Harden requested to table the item in Awards and Presentations Regarding the Historical Society Cemetery Projects, Commissioner Merritt requested to move item (11) to consent, Commissioner Thomas requested to add on item to Commissioner Agenda Items; Commissioner Kessler requested to table item (16) and add one item on to Commissioner Agenda Items; County Attorney requested to table items (13, 14) to the next meeting, June 20, 2016.

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the agenda as amended; second by Commissioner Kessler and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.


(CD5:02) Raymond Gloss – Newport Springs (Sulphur Hole)


(CD5:03) Announcement Regarding Dimock, PA: Groundwater ATSDR Update – Commissioner Kessler

Announcement Regarding Historical Society Cemetery Projects in Wakulla County – Debbie Jay, Historical Society

This Presentation has been tabled to a future meeting.


(CD5:07) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the consent agenda; second by Commissioner Harden and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.0

1. Approval of Minutes from the May 16, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

Approve - Minutes from the May 16, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

2. Approval for Payment of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for May 12, 2016 through June 1, 2016

Approve - Payment of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for May 12, 2016 through June 1, 2016

3. Request Board Approval to Accept and Award ITB No. 2016-03 Otter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Expansion to Ortega Industrial Contractors in the Amount of $7,644,346.00

Approve - Accept and Award ITB No. 2016-03 Otter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Expansion to Ortega Industrial Contractors in the Amount of $7,644,346.00

4. Request Board Approval of Disposal of County Property

Approve - Disposal of County Property

5. Request Board Approval to Accept the Consolidated Small County Solid Waste Grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in the Amount of $90,909.00

Approve - Accept the Consolidated Small County Solid Waste Grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in the Amount of $90,909.00

6. Request Board Approval of Amendment #1 to the Billing Agreement between the City of Sopchoppy and Wakulla County for Wastewater Services

Approve - Amendment #1 to the Billing Agreement between the City of Sopchoppy and Wakulla County for Wastewater Services

7. Request Board Approval to Accept the DACS Mosquito Control Grant in the Amount of $32,467.65 and Approve the County Match of $31,540.00

Approve – Accept the DACS Mosquito Control Grant Funds of $32,467.65 and Approve the $31,540.00 County Match as Proposed in the Draft Budget.

8. Request Board Approval of an Agreement Between the Florida Department of State, Division of Elections and Wakulla County for Use of HAVA Funds

Approve - Agreement Between the Florida Department of State, Division of Elections and Wakulla County for Use of HAVA Funds

9. Request Board Approval of Amendment #1 to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Agreement #14073 for the Shell Point Public Access Boat Facility

Approve - Amendment #1 to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Agreement #14073 for the Shell Point Public Access Boat Facility (Shell Point Boat Ramp) and Approve the Chairman to Sign.

17. Request Board Approval to Purchase a Harris Symphony Console Dispatch System for the 911 Center and Approval of Budget Amendment

Approve – Purchase the Harris Symphony Console Dispatch System in the Amount of $322,439.18 and Approve the Budget Amendment.

11. Request Board Approval to Consider a Code Lien Reduction Installment Payment Agreement with the Owner of Property Located at 66 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Road (Code Enforcement Board Case No. CE2015-65)

Approve – Installment Payment Agreement with Accountable Investments, LLC.




(CD5:07) 10. Request Board Approval of an Application for Reduction of Code Enforcement Lien Pertaining to Case No. 2015-1062

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the Application for Reduction of Code Enforcement Lien pertaining to CE2015-1062 to forgive the full amount of the lien ($4,650.00); second by Commissioner Kessler and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:09) 12. Request Board Approval of Waiver of Any Alleged Conflicts of Interest Relating to the Potential Acquisition of Winco Utilities, Inc.

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve informed, written consent of any alleged conflicts of interest on behalf of John R. Jenkins and NGN in relation to the potential acquisition of Winco Utilities by the county; second by Commissioner Harden and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.


13. Request Board Approval to Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider Adopting an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Article IV of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Animal Services

This item has been tabled to the June 20, 2016 meeting.

14. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Final Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Approving TA16-02 Text Amendment to the Land Development Code Pertaining to Solar Power Generation Facilities

This item has been tabled to the June 20, 2016 meeting.




15. Commissioner Merritt -

(CD5:11) A. Request Board Approval to Direct Staff to Prepare a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Remove the Requirement for Performance Based Septic Systems in Areas that will be Served by Central Sewer in the Foreseeable Future

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to direct Staff to prepare a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to remove the requirement for Performance Based Septic Systems in areas that will be served by Central Sewer in the foreseeable future; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:18) 16. Commissioner Kessler -

A. Request Board Approval to Direct Staff to Draft a Light Ordinance

This item has been tabled to a future meeting.

Add-On Item. - Request Board Approval to Direct the County Administrator to Immediately Send a Letter to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

Commissioner Kessler moved to approve to direct the County Administrator to immediately send a letter to FWC notifying FWC that Wakulla County will be present and speak at the meeting on June 23, 2016; second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:23) Commissioner Thomas –

Add-On Item –Resolution Pertaining to Florida Gulf Red Snapper

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the Resolution pertaining to Florida Gulf Red Snapper Season, requesting that Governor Scott, request the officials at the National Marine Fisheries Service, extend the Federal Gulf Red Snapper Season 3 days ending at midnight on June 12, 2016; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.








(CD5:24) COMMISSIONER KESSLER – Highway 319/98 Intersection; Tractor Supply land clearing

(CD5:26) COMMISSIONER HARDEN – Resolution or Letter of Support of Leon County purchasing Ames Sink; County Park rental fees

(CD5:34) COMMISSIONER MOORE – Senior Center Meals on Wheels Program

(CD5:35) COMMISSIONER THOMAS – Recognize Anniversary of D-Day and Owen Royce Council

(CD5:36) COMMISSIONER MERRITT – ICE Prisoner Revenue

(CD5:56) There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Moore made a motion to adjourn; second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

The meeting adjourned at 5:56 p.m.