Helen Windsor 10K Road Race

Greetland All Rounders Sports Club, Rochdale Road, Halifax, HX4 8PS Grid Ref SE SE071213

Thank you for entering the Helen Windsor 10K, this race was originally a ladies only race held in memory of the late Helen Windsor a former member of Halifax Harriers. On behalf of the race committee, we hope you have an enjoyable race.

The race will start at 7.15 p.m. prompt. Please note, the start is now ¼ of a mile from the club, runners will be assembled in the club grounds and walk/jog to the start at 7.25. Runners must allow traffic to pass, keep to the right hand side of the road on the pavement only, facing downhill towards the start and remain on the pavement, until instructed to move onto the road for the race to commence.

For your safety you are asked to remain on the club grounds before the race. If you wish to warm up on the roads, there is a minor road behind the club, which you can access across the rugby pitches, which is safer than the road in front of the club.

Changing and shower facilities are limited and can be found behind the club at the rear of the car park.

Please use the car park at the rear of the club and do not park on the road in front, this is used for the start and the run in to the finish and can be extremely busy. If the car park is full, you will be directed to the road at the rear of the club, this road is quite narrow and a bus route, so you will be asked to park on one side of the road only, can you please adhere to this instruction.

The route is on mainly narrow country roads which are not closed to traffic, please obey the instructions of the marshals and Police and remain on the left hand side of the road at all times. Please note, runners are requested not to wear any form of music playing device which would result in inability to adhere to any instructions issued by a marshal, or reduce awareness of traffic, any runner wearing such a device will be asked to withdraw from the race.

Drinks will be available on the route and at the finish. Refreshments will also be available on sale in the club.

At the finish, please do not distract any officials or helpers by asking for your finish time or position, the prize giving and results will be announced as soon as they are available after the finish and published on www.halifaxharriers.co.uk as soon as they have been ratified. A manual system of timing will be used with each runner recorded to the nearest second.

In the men’s and women’s team results, If 2 or more teams have the same total of points the team whose 3rd counter has the best finishing position will be declared the winner

In accordance with UKA rule 18 you must wear your race number on the front of your vest/top and this must not be folded, cut or mutilated (not an easy task). Please do not pass your number to another runner. If you suffer from any medical condition, please note the details on the reverse of your race number and mark the front of your number at the top with a cross.

On line course map can be found at http://gb.mapometer.com/running/route_941052.html