From Father Jim

“Therefore, we aspire to please him, whether we are at home or away. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.”

In recent years we have heard calls for transparency and accountability. Whether in politics, the corporate world or the church, demands are being made on the activities of others. Judgments follow. The television is filled with many court room cases being exposed and decisions made – guilty, non guilty, fines and recompense. That is entertainment.

St. Paul reminds us that we all will experience the same accountability for reward or punishment. Sometimes we try to avoid finding ourselves as the subject of such scrutiny, yet it is a result of our goodness, our prayer life, our service to others, that the reward will come.

For many, it is quite convenient to pass over the idea of judgment. Maybe we should spend a moment to judge ourselves, ask forgiveness and reap the reward. Remember Matthew 25, ‘Come blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you….”

We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have recently died:

Mr. John Charles Leo

The Cecil County Pregnancy Center wants to say, “Thank you!” for your generous contributions during their recent baby bottle drive at ICC/SJ. The total that you contributed this year came to $6,102.29. They are looking for ways to become more user-friendly to the community and how they can reach more of Cecil County. Thank you for 41 years of helping families in need!

June 18, 2018

8:30 am-----Fathers of the Parish

June 19, 2018St. Romuald, Abbot

8:30 am-----Fathers of the Parish

June 20, 2018

8:30 am-----Fathers of the Parish

June 21, 2018St. Aloysius Gonzaga

8:30 am-----Fathers of the Parish

June22, 2018St. Paulinus of Nola

8:30 am----Fathers of the Parish

June23 2018

8:30 am-----Fathers of the Parish

5:00 pm-----John Gottemoller

June 24, 2018The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

7:00 am-----Sharon Burnham

8:30 am-----Grace Blendy

9:00 am SJ---Sharon Burnham

10:15 am----People of the Parish

12:00 pm---Fathers of the Parish

The Knights of Columbus will be hosting “Smoky Sunday” after all masses at Immaculate Conception on June 24th featuring smoked beef brisket, pulled pork, sausage and peppers, sandwiches to go! The profits for Smoky Sunday will be going towards Immaculate Conception Vacation Bible School. Come on out and enjoy!

Adoration for Vocations

On the 1st Sunday of each month, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament occurs from 1pm-3pm in IC Chapel. Join us to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. The next opportunity is July 1st. Contact Dermott Mullan at 410-398-3368.

Readings for next week:

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-6

Isaiah tells how the Lord called to him from birth and gave him his name. He explains that although he thought he toiled in vain, his strength is in the Lord in Whose sight he has been made glorious. God made him a light to the nations so that salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.

Second Reading: Acts 13:22-26

John heralds the coming of Jesus by proclaiming a baptism of repentance. He says, “Behold, one is coming after me; I am not worthy to unfasten the sandals of his feet.” The children of the family of Abraham and those who are God-fearing have received the word of salvation.

Gospel: Luke 1:57-66, 80

Elizabeth gave birth to a son whom she named John. On the 8thday, when neighbors and relatives came to circumcise him, they wanted to call him Zechariah, after her father, but Elizabeth’s husband wrote on a tablet, “His name is John.” Immediately he spoke, blessing God and the people became afraid. All who heard of the incident knew that the Lord was with John.

Does your child need to be Baptized?

The next Baptism Class is,August 20th, 7:00-8:30 pm in the Parish Center. It’s never too early to prepare for the Baptism of your child. Parents are required and Godparents are encouraged to attend. Contact the Parish Office to register and arrange the date of Baptism at 410-398-1100.

Daily Readings:

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday.....Ez17:22-24; 2 Cor5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34

Monday...... 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Mt 5:38-42

Tuesday...... 1 Kgs21:17-29; Mt 5:43-48

Wednesday...... 2Kgs2:1, 6-14; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Thursday...... Sir 48:1-14; Mt 6:7-15

Friday ...... 2Kgs111-4, 9-18, 20; Mt 6:19-23

Saturday ...... 2Chr 24:17-25; Mt 6:24-34


"Shipwrecked" Totally Catholic VBS is where kids learn that Jesus rescues! Look for the date of our next planning meeting!If you cannot attend the meeting, but would like to be part of this exciting adventure, contact the religion office at 410-392-3551or We are still in need of adult and teen volunteers to make this exciting adventure happen!

We need YOU!




VBS will be held June 24-28 from 6:00-8:30pm This will be a great week to meet new friends, enjoy wonderful treats, playcreative games, learn and be part of fantastic bible stories while learning incredible songs. VBS is for children Ages 4 through the completion of Grade 5

Registration forms are available in the vestibule of Church and in the Parish Center.

Online registration available:


Liturgical Ministers for Next Week: June23-24


Altar Servers:Mason H, Grace B•EM’s:Carol K, Julie M • Lector: Ed R

• Ushers: Eileen P, Bill B, Pat C, Diana B


Altar Servers:Ben J•EM’s:Frank S, Gerald M, Alan S • Lector:Ron G•Ushers:Charles M, William C


Altar Servers:Ryan M, Sean M •EMs:Don H, Cecilia G, Peter G

• Lector:John G• Ushers: Anthony D, Stephen C, Wendel S, Anthony M

9:00am (SJ)

Altar Servers:Sara M, Tommy M•EM’s:Dorothy D, Bill C, Narcy Z, John N, Cheryl N•Lector:*UNFILLED* •Ushers:Kevin O, Jule V, Bill D, Jake S


Altar Servers:Adam M, David M• EM’s:James D, Gwen D, Grace B, David L, Dana B•Lector:Francis C•Ushers: Bob W, David B, Steve A


Altar Servers:Gabe O, Valerie O• EMs:Cynthia J, Mary Anne S, Kathy C

• Lector:Frank E• Ushers: Teresa G, Charles C

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy is for children ages 5-8 ONLY. Children
who are not in this category are asked to remain in church.

There is NO Children’s Liturgy for the summer!

Have a great Summer!!

Immaculate Conception

School News

The halls and classrooms are quiet and empty. Books and materials are all packed away. Teachers finished their cleaning and paperwork this week and are off for a rejuvenating, relaxing summer! Please pray for all of our students and staff that they enjoy a happy and safe summer to return to us in September!

The school will be busy for the next couple of weeks with Vacation Bible School and the search for a new principal. Some building work is planned over the summer as well.

The school office hours for June are set. It will be open Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 3:00 through June 22. The week of June 25, the office will be open from 9:00 - 1:00. July and August hours will be posted when the new principal is hired.

You may contact office personnel including the secretary, principal, and advancement director any time during the summer. Phone and email messages will be checked regularly. Other school personnel including teachers, counselor, and nurse are not required to monitor emails throughout the summer.

Contact Info:

  • Secretary - (option 1) 410-398-2636;
  • Principal - (option 2) 410-398-2636;
  • Advancement Director -443-604-8615;

Enrollment applications are still being accepted for next school year. Individual tours may be scheduled by contacting the Emily Murphy, the Advancement Director at 443-604-8615. Now is the time to consider the benefits of a strong faith-based, challenging academic program that Immaculate Conception provides.

faith formation

Education & Sacraments

Religion Classes for Grades K-8:

To ensure a place for your child in the religion classes for next year, you must register now!

You can register either:

- On the Parish Website under Faith Formation

-By completing a hard copy of the forms

**Note: Finances are never to be a reason not to register! Payment plans / assistance are available if needed.

Did You Know that…

-We have a Kindergarten Class that meets on Sunday Morning?

-Children must have attended 1st grade to register for 1st Communion?

-Studentsmust have completed Grades 7 AND 8 to register for Confirmation?

Questions?Contact the religion office at 410-392-3551


WANTED: Adult volunteers (parents and others) to teach small groups of young people and Teens or Adults to serve as an Assistant.

QUALIFICATIONS: Willingness to communicate about our faith, a love of young people, and a desire to be more involved. Experience is not necessary-training provided!


Kindergarten: Sunday Morning

Gr. 3 & 4: Sunday Morning


7th grade on Sunday and 8th grade on Sunday and Wednesday

Contact 410-392-3551 or to volunteer.

Youth Ministry & Confirmation


If you will be in 9th grade next year, don’t forget to register for Confirmation. Once registered, you will receive information on service opportunities.


No Meeting today!! Next meeting: July 8th


Young Adults Group:

This June there will be a Connections group for young adults (ages 18-30.) ‘Connections’ is an adult faith formation program that inspires Catholics to pursue their spiritual transformation and equips them to be fully devoted disciples of Jesus. Each Connections seminar involves a weekly meeting, personal and group activities, and a discussion with the leader. Contact Maddie Reese at

Adult Education

Interested in a study group? Many opportunities are available. Call the Religious Ed. Office at 410-392-3551.



Please consider donating non-perishable foods to the Outreach! Thank you for your help, prayers, & donations to this essential ministry!!

We are currently in need of:cereal, rice, jelly, canned ravioli, and soup. We also are in need of toilet paper and paper towels.


Parish Coffee

Join us for Parish Coffee:July1stafter the 9:00am Mass at St. Jude’s.

Join us for Parish Coffee,July8thafter 10:15 mass at IC! See you there!


Thank you so much for your continued

generosity and support to your parish!

Weekly Church Collections:Week of June 10th

ICC $8,795.00

St. Jude $1,881.00

Online $5,291.00

Total Offertory $15,767.00

We offer electronic giving!

How does Online giving benefit you?

  1. It’s easy, convenient, and safe
  2. Allows you to give any amount, any time.
  3. Puts all offerings at your fingertips to track your giving

How does Online giving benefit the parish?

  1. Creates consistency of giving to help with financial planning
  2. Increases the efficiency of processing regular giving

How to sign up?

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Go to Online Giving”
  3. Sign up! It’s that easy!

Job opening: Principal (pre-k-8)

Immaculate Conception School

Immaculate Conception School seeks qualified applicants for the position of PRINCIPAL beginning July 1, 2018. The parish school has an enrollment of 140 students in Pre-K through 8, 26 faculty/staff to minister to the students. Immaculate Conception School provides a faith-filled, student-centered, service-oriented environment that nurtures the whole child, and offers a solid academic program with very positive standardized test scores. For full details, go to or email .

PLANNING FOR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: The Christmas Bazaar will be held November 10th and 11th and the committee is already working hard to make it a success! Please check this bulletin notice each week to see how you can help. THANK YOU to the people who have stepped forward to join the committee this year and take responsibility for key tasks. We are still looking for someone to oversee decorating for the bazaar and someone for advertising. Also, if your business, family, or group would like to assemble and donate a basket for our theme basket raffle, please contact us. Contact Lisa Kaminski at 410-392-9558 or Jackie Gedz at 410-392-0396.

8th Annual Golf Classic

Due to inclement weather, the ICC Golf Classic was postponed!The Rain Date for the Golf Classic is Monday, July 9that Newark Country Club!! Spaces for golf are filled, but you can still register for dinner! Join us for a fun-filled day of golf, great food, and some amazing auction items and prizes! Spaces are limited!!Register online at or by filling out a registration found in the churches or parish office. Contact the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 for more information.

Sunday, June 17

8:20 AMConfessions - SJ

10:30 AM Baptisms - SJ

12:00 PM VBS Set-up - ICS

6:00 PMHS Gathering - PC

Monday, June 18

9:00 AMNovena - CH

12:00 PM VBS Set-up - ICS

8:00 PMAA Mtg – Caf

Tuesday, June 19

9:00 AMHoly Hour – CH

12:00 PM VBS Set-up - ICS

Wednesday, June 20

9:00 AMRosary Crusade/SJ Novena-CH

9:30 AMCantor Rehearsal - IC

12:00 PM VBS Set-up - ICS

7:00 PMParish Council - PC

Thursday, June 21

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

12:00 PM VBS Set-up - ICS

6:30 PMBoy Scout Meeting - PC

6:30 PMCub Scouts - Caf

6:30 PMCantor Rehearsal - IC

Friday, June 22

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

12:00 PM VBS Set-up - ICS

7:00 PMNA –Caf

Saturday, June 23

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

12:00 PM VBS Set-up - ICS

4:15 PMConfessions - IC

7:00 PMNA –Caf


Knights of Columbus

Bishop Becker Council 2427

443-616-5370 or

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of themonthat 7:00pm at the Parish Center

The LAOH (The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians)

Help the LAOH feed the hungry!

Your $5.00 donation will help support Immaculate Conception Church Outreach and Good Shepherd Church St. Vincent de Paul Society. In return, you get a Boscov’s 25% shopping pass to be used on October 16 for “Friends Helping Friends” Day. Your donation gives you the opportunity to use your 25% discount shopping pass on October 16 at all Boscov’s locations(not valid online). In addition, you are eligible to register to win fabulous prizes; including shopping sprees and more! You can contact a LAOH member or stop by the parish office to pick up your shopping pass.

Immaculate Conception is an affiliate Partner of The Franklin Institute

As a parishioner, you get discount pricing for admission and exhibits!! Go to and enter our organization code: ICCPMGRP. Check out some of the awesome Summerexhibits they are running:

Conquering Cancer: New Breakthroughs in Gene Therapy, June 25 As part of our speaker series, Dr. Saar Gill of the University of Pennsylvania is part of a team of researchers who pioneered a revolutionary new treatment for some forms of cancer. Please join us for this inspirational and groundbreaking evening.

Science After Hours: 8-Bit, June 26 – Our monthly 21+ event will be themed around video games in June. There will be video game quizzo, a silent disco, live-science shows and much more

Some if their Special Exhibits include:

Game Masters: The Exhibition, March 31-September 3: This exhibit is a history of the science and graphic design that goes into creating video games. It’s fun and interactive!

Annual St. Joseph Parish Carnival -Middletown

Join us for our 20th Anniversary celebration, July 17 thru July 21. Join us for exciting rides, games, andnightly entertainment under the big top! Special children's game area.ONE NIGHT ONLY: July 17, Jungle John's Dino Show, 7-9 p.m.MegaPass-ride all week $45. July 17-18 are Family Nights: $25/night/all rides! Nightly

raffles! Enjoy delicious meals in our air-conditioned Parish Hall beginning at 5:30 pm Tuesday -Thursday. Outdoor dining, rides and games begin at 6:00 pm nightly. FREE admission and parking!For more information, contactthe Parish Office at 302-378-5800 or