Chapter 28: World War Two

Chapter Questions and Study Guide

CQ1: What were the key events, ideas, and individuals that contributed to the start of WWII? (W.43, W.45, W.46) – Section 1

Vocabulary: appeasement, isolationism

  1. What were the major acts of Nazi aggression, expansion and oppression in the 1930s?
  2. What was appeasement? How did this impact Czechoslovakia?
  3. Who was Neville Chamberlain?
  4. What was the international impact of the Spanish Civil War?
  5. What was the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939?
  6. What was America’s response to the rising tension in Europe during the 1930s?

CQ2: How did WWII play out in Europe? (W.47, W.48, W.49, W.52)

Vocabulary - blitzkreig

  1. Who were the Allied and Axis powers?
  2. How did the war start?
  3. Describe the importance of the American home front to the Allied war effort?
  4. Describe the battles and explain the importance of …
  5. blitzkreig
  6. Dunkirk
  7. Battle of Britain
  8. Battle of Atlantic
  9. Battle of El Alamein (North African Campaign)
  10. Italian Campaign
  11. Siege of Leningrad
  12. Battle of Stalingrad
  13. Normandy/D-Day
  14. Battle of the Bulge
  15. The allied bombing campaign over Germany
  16. Why was it important for the Allies to open a second front in Europe?
  17. Describe how the following leaders impacted the war ….
  18. Winston Churchill
  19. FDR
  20. Adolf Hitler
  21. Benito Mussolini
  22. Joseph Stalin
  23. Dwight Eisenhower
  24. Erwin Rommel
  25. How many soldiers and civilians were killed?
  26. What were the key weapons used and developed for the European theater?

CQ3: How did WWII play out in the Pacific theater? (W.47, W.48, W.49, W.52)

  1. What happened in December 7, 1941?
  2. Describe the battles and explain the importance of …
  3. Island Hopping
  4. Pearl Harbor
  5. Battle of Coral Sea
  6. Battle of Midway
  7. Battle of Guadalcanal
  8. Battle of Iwo Jima
  9. Battle of Okinawa
  10. Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  11. What was a kamikaze?
  12. Describe how the following leaders impacted the war ….
  13. FDR
  14. Emperor Hirohito
  15. Hideki Tojo
  16. Harry Truman
  17. Douglas MacArthur
  18. How many soldiers and civilians were killed?
  19. What were the key weapons used and developed for the Pacific theater?

CQ4: How did the allied leaders attempt to create a post-war peace? (W.53, W.54)

  1. What was the Atlantic Conference/Charter and its goals?
  2. What was Yalta and its goals?
  3. What was the Potsdam Conference and its goals?
  4. What was the United Nations?
  5. Why was the UN established?
  6. What were the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?