Chapter 28: World War Two
Chapter Questions and Study Guide
CQ1: What were the key events, ideas, and individuals that contributed to the start of WWII? (W.43, W.45, W.46) – Section 1
Vocabulary: appeasement, isolationism
- What were the major acts of Nazi aggression, expansion and oppression in the 1930s?
- What was appeasement? How did this impact Czechoslovakia?
- Who was Neville Chamberlain?
- What was the international impact of the Spanish Civil War?
- What was the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939?
- What was America’s response to the rising tension in Europe during the 1930s?
CQ2: How did WWII play out in Europe? (W.47, W.48, W.49, W.52)
Vocabulary - blitzkreig
- Who were the Allied and Axis powers?
- How did the war start?
- Describe the importance of the American home front to the Allied war effort?
- Describe the battles and explain the importance of …
- blitzkreig
- Dunkirk
- Battle of Britain
- Battle of Atlantic
- Battle of El Alamein (North African Campaign)
- Italian Campaign
- Siege of Leningrad
- Battle of Stalingrad
- Normandy/D-Day
- Battle of the Bulge
- The allied bombing campaign over Germany
- Why was it important for the Allies to open a second front in Europe?
- Describe how the following leaders impacted the war ….
- Winston Churchill
- Adolf Hitler
- Benito Mussolini
- Joseph Stalin
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Erwin Rommel
- How many soldiers and civilians were killed?
- What were the key weapons used and developed for the European theater?
CQ3: How did WWII play out in the Pacific theater? (W.47, W.48, W.49, W.52)
- What happened in December 7, 1941?
- Describe the battles and explain the importance of …
- Island Hopping
- Pearl Harbor
- Battle of Coral Sea
- Battle of Midway
- Battle of Guadalcanal
- Battle of Iwo Jima
- Battle of Okinawa
- Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- What was a kamikaze?
- Describe how the following leaders impacted the war ….
- Emperor Hirohito
- Hideki Tojo
- Harry Truman
- Douglas MacArthur
- How many soldiers and civilians were killed?
- What were the key weapons used and developed for the Pacific theater?
CQ4: How did the allied leaders attempt to create a post-war peace? (W.53, W.54)
- What was the Atlantic Conference/Charter and its goals?
- What was Yalta and its goals?
- What was the Potsdam Conference and its goals?
- What was the United Nations?
- Why was the UN established?
- What were the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?