Word Dissection Lesson 10
1. pyr / pyro = fire
pyrgeometer - device which measures earth’s/Earth’s heat
pyrology - the study of fire
2. -en(suffix @ the end) =
(A.) (adj) = made of
~ part of speech change: noun or adjective + en=adjective woolen - made of wool(noun wool + en = adjective made of wool)
wooden - made of wood (noun wood + en = adjective made of wood)
(B.) (v.) = to make
~ part of speech change: adjective + en = verb
moisten - to make moist ( adjective moist + en = verb to make moist)
soften - to make soft (adjective soft + en = verb to make soft)
3. chrom / chromato =color or using color ~spellingchromato = chromat + vowel
chromatology - the study of colors
chromotherapy - treatment using colors
4. gy /gyn/ gyny / gyneco = woman Note: also gyno / gynae / gynaeco
gynecologist – an expert in the study of women
polygynous - having to do with many women
5. lith / litho= rock ~spelling litho = lith + vowel
polylithic - having to do with many rocks
lithology - the study of rocks
6. - al /- ical=having to do with Notice: ical=ic + al
gastral- having to do with the stomach
anthropoidal - having to do with resembling early man