TO: Lutheran School Administrators
FROM: ECLEC ’10 Registration Committee
DATE: August 2010
RE: Conference Registration Packet
Enclosed please find the Registration Packet for the East Coast Lutheran Educators’ Conference at the Hershey Lodge on October 27-29, 2010. We are excited to have Brother Robert Bimonte as our featured speaker, and Rev. James Klockau, Rev. William Wrede and Mr. Henry DeVries as our Worship leaders!
The Conference Registration Form is due by SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 so please give it your careful and prompt attention! Please note that you are responsible for making your own hotel reservations directly with The Hershey Lodge. You will find information on how to make those reservations in this packet.
« The Conference Registration Form must be postmarked by September 30, 2010, with FULL payment included. Please make checks payable to Lutheran Schools Association and mail to:
East Coast Lutheran Educators’ Conference
Attn: Mr. Paul Schulz – Conference Registrar
171 White Plains Rd.
Bronxville, NY 10708
« All attendees MUST pay the conference registration fee of $80 per person. After 9/30/10 the registration fee increases to $90 per person.
« We are asking that each school have only one person – preferably the administrator – register at the hotel desk for the entire school. That person will sign for room keys and need to leave a credit card number for incidental room charges incurred by attendees from their school (room service, recreation fees, telephone, etc.)
« It is the conference committee’s hope that all schools are represented at the conference. Should your school not have the resources to send at least one teacher or administrator, please contact the LSA office at (914-395-4787) regarding conference scholarships.
« Through the generous support of Thrivent, a limited number of scholarships for first time attendees are available. Please contact the LSA office (914-395-4787) for an application.
HOTEL RESERVATIONS (See the Yellow Hotel Reservations Page in this Packet)
« Reservations must be made directly with The Hershey Lodge by calling 717-533-3131. Reservation requests received less than 30 days prior to arrival will be accepted on a space available
basis only.
« Special room requests (suite, connecting rooms, etc.) should be made directly with Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
« E-mail Lois Dierlam, conference chairperson at: or call 914-337-9300 x2219
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103