USATF Minnesota Officials Certification and Recertification
Procedures for the 2017-2020 Olympiad
The certification of all USATF officials expires at the end of each Olympiad. Officials wishing to certify or recertify for the 2017-2020 Olympiad must accomplish all of the actions outlined below.
Certification and Recertification Requirements:
- USATF Membership. Must be a member of USATF for at least 2017. Join or renew your membership at this link.
- Certification or Recertification Form. Complete, sign, and submit the 2017-2020 Certified Official Form, depending on whether you are new or recertifying. Go to the link in paragraph 3 below to get the form, or ask me, your Cert Chair, to email it to you.
- Rules Review. Must complete and achieve a passing score on the rules review appropriate to your certification level and discipline. Go tothe link below to get the rules review you need. Additional reviews will be provided as soon as they are revised for this new Olympiad. Note that the ones there now are not for the new Olympiad yet. WAIT UNITIL THE NEW ONES ARE THERE TO DOWNLOAD. Otherwise, I can email them to you if you ask.
- Certification Fee. The Minnesota Association does not currently have a fee, but may implement one in the future.
- SafeSport Training. Must successfully complete the US Olympic Committee SafeSport training course. Take the training either in-person at a clinic, or online at this link (on the SafeSport training website be sure to add your USATF membership number (this is not your 6 digit Officials #) by selecting "USA Track and Field" under "Memberships" to receive completion credit). Training previously completed since 2014 is valid through 12/31/2020. Send or email a copy of the certificate of completion to me, your Cert Chair, as proof of your completion.
- Background Check. Must have completed a USATF background check within the past 2 years. The check, conducted by NCSI, is now the same one as required for coaches (however, a check completed for any other purpose (school teacher) does not satisfy the USATF requirement). If you previously had a check by NCSI, you can verify the completion date by clicking on this link and providing the requested info. If the date is within the past 2 years, you don’t need another check at this time. Save a copy of the report to your files and then send a copy to your Cert Chair.
- If you do not have a background check in the above system within the last two years, initiate one now as directed below (a $16.00 cost). Getting to the USATF web page for this is rather tricky, so here are the instructions; follow them exactly:
- Click onthis link to get to the “Members Only Content” page.
- Enter your 2016 /2017 USATF membership number and password in two locations: in the body of the page, and in the grey boxes at the very top of the page (note: the boxes at the top may be pre-filled, but you must delete the entries and manually fill them in). When the number & password are entered in both places, click on “Login.”
- You’ll be taken to a page titled “USATF Officials Background Screen.” Click on “Submit Application” which will take you to another page titled “USATF Officials’ Background Check.” Click on “I understand” and you’ll finally be at the page where you enter your payment information and submit the request for the check.
- Additional Training. Must complete any Association requirements for training, testing, or an officiating resume.
- Photo. Must have a current photo in the certification database,so you must submit a new one (jpeg format preferred) to your Cert Chair, or have it taken at the Recert Clinic.
Note: Officials who certified for the first time during 2016arecertified thru 2020; so they do not need to take another Rules Review. You do, however, need to comply with the SafeSport requirement and the NCSI check.
Other News
New National Officials’ Polo Shirt The new officials’uniform polo shirt is a solid navy blue NIKE Dri-Fit. It will replace the current red blue shirt. The plan is thatevery official who completes all requirements above, and is identified to the USATF office as recertified,will be able to order one new shirt at no cost; additional shirts may be purchased for a price of $55.00 plus shipping. Details and a link to the ordering site will be provided in a future mail from the NOC.
Official’s Personal Record Access your certification record online to see your certifications, contact info, evaluations (if any), and to find links to officials’ applications, training resources, and Best Practices. Clickhere to login to an established account, or click here to set up an account.
Resources Links. Are at the USATF-MN Officials page.
Certification Level Upgrade If you believe you’re qualified for an upgrade in your certification level, consult the Certification Regulation at this link, then prepare the required documentation to supportyour request and contact me, your Certification Chair, or discuss with another one on the Certification Committee. Those are: Dan Dornfeld, Greg Utecht, Mike Beck, Tom Boshart, and Scott Stallman