Student Handbook


James S. Hogg Middle School

STEM Magnet School

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)

1100 Merrill, Houston, TX 77009

Dr. Mina Schnitta, Principal

Mr. Mike Olson, 8th gr. Principal

Ms. Kori Catlin, 7th gr. Principal

Mrs. Clementine Arana, 6th gr. Principal

Welcome to Hogg Middle School

The faculty, administration, and staff extend greetings and best wishes to you for a successful school year. We urge you and your parents to become well acquainted with the school policies contained in this handbook.

The policies and procedures contained herein are the results of the concentrated effort of a committee consisting of students, parents, faculty and the administration. The information has been carefully prepared and presented so that it will be of great value in helping you to adjust to our school and to become an integral part of it.

Since its founding in 1925, Hogg Middle School has maintained a reputation for excellence. Our school welcomes you and we hope that you will always be conscious of our traditions and requirements. May you always have the spirit to do the things that will make both you and the school outstanding.

The mission of Hogg Middle School is to strengthen the academic, social, and economic foundation of our community and ensure its students a high-quality middle school education that prepares them for future learning in the high school setting and beyond.

“It’s All About P.R.I.D.E!”

A Razorback is: Polite, Respectful, Intelligent, Disciplined, and Engaged


School Hours: The first bell rings promptly at 8:15 AM. The tardy bell rings at 8:20, at which time all students should be in their classrooms ready to start the day. School dismissal is at 3:35 on Monday through Friday. Students can not be picked up early from school by parents between 3:00-3:35pm.

Arrival and Drop Off Procedures: Students may be dropped off as early as 7:30 am. Any students who arrive between 7:30 and 8:15am will be expected to proceed directly to their assigned locations; 6th-cafeteria, 7/8th- gym. Students should never be dropped off before 7:30 am, as there is no supervision before that time. Car riders and walkers are to be picked up and dropped off in front of the school. Buses load and unload on the Oak Ridge St. side of the school. No walking students or car riders are to enter or exit where the buses load and unload. All students arriving after the late bell, 8:20 am, are to pick up a tardy slip in the attendance office before proceeding to class. Tardy to 1st period will result in a detention after school.

Absence from school: When a student is absent, he/she must turn in a written excuse from his/her parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. Excused absences are only allowed for the following:

  1. Illness of the student.
  2. Illness or death in the student's immediate family.
  3. Participation in legitimate school activities with the permission of the principal.
  4. Emergencies or extenuating circumstances as recognized by the principal or his/her designee.

The student will be given three days to bring a written excuse from the parent/guardian for an absence. After three days, the absence becomes unexcused.

Students must be in school 90% of the time in order to earn credit for class. Any students not meeting this requirement must appeal to a campus attendance committee.

Make up work: Students who have excused or unexcused absences will be given an opportunity to make up work missed within three school days upon return to school. It is the student's responsibility to see that the work is made up.

Absenteeism and Tardiness: Regular attendance is a must at Hogg Middle School. Many studies prove there is a definite correlation between a student making good grades, his/her success in school, and regular attendance. It is equally important that the students begin their day on schedule. Tardiness breeds truancy and affects the student’s progress in school. A student is counted tardy if he/she is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. The teacher keeps an accurate record of tardiness. Students who are tardy will be assigned the appropriate consequences.

Tardy Consequences:

1st offense – Warning

2nd offense – Referral to AP

3rd offense – SAC referral and request sent and a

required parent meeting

with an administrator

If a student is tardy 3 or more times in one school day, then the student will be assigned to SAC and parents will be contacted. Random tardy sweeps will be conducted throughout the day to stress the importance of being on time to class. Students should not linger in the hallways but instead get their needed materials and proceed directly to class. Any student caught in a tardy sweep will be assigned an after school detention.

Truancy: Any student who is absent from school without the consent of his/her parent or the school officials is considered truant. Students may be assigned to the SAC or suspended from school for this offense.

Telephones: Office telephones may be used by students in case of an emergency. To use office phone students should proceed to the appropriate grade level office and ask permission. Under no circumstances should

students use their cell phones while on campus. It may be used by students only in cases of emergency and with the permission of a teacher or assistant principal in the main office.

Parent Conferences: Parents may make appointments for conferences with teachers, counselors, or the principal by telephoning the school office. It is necessary that teachers confirm the date and time of the parent conference. Teachers have designated conference periods to meet with parents and cannot be pulled during instructional time to do so. For security reasons, all visitors must first report to the receptionist for a visitor's pass.

Detention: Administrative Detention is held from 3:35 PM to 5:35 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The student must bring paper, a pencil, and something to read or work on. Students causing problems or not following instructions in detention will be sent home and referred to the Assistant Principal’s office the following day for disciplinary action.

Students must arrive to detention on time or they will not be allowed to enter. Failure to attend an assigned detention without a legitimate excuse from the parent/guardian will result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension from school.

A teacher may assign detention in his/her classroom on any given day as a disciplinary

consequence as long as they give the parent 24-hour notice. Failure to attend will result in a discipline referral to the assistant principal.

School Bus Transportation: Good pupil behavior on the school bus is important for the safety and well-being of the entire passenger load. The administration reserves the right to administer disciplinary consequences to students who violate the school rules while traveling to and from school on a public or private bus service.

The school schedules all buses to games or field trips and each bus is under the direction of a

faculty member. All students are required to return to school on their assigned bus.

Physical Education Classes: For reasons of health and safety, each student will dress appropriately for physical education (PE class). Students must wear appropriate undergarments, a Hogg MS PE uniform (red, blue or black shorts and a Hogg gym shirt), and rubber-soled sports tennis shoes. PE uniforms may be purchased from the PE teachers. All parts of PE wear should be marked with the student’s name for identification. Students may not wear PE clothing to class. Students who fail to bring their PE uniform will be required to rent one for a fee of fifty cents. The funds will be used to launder the uniforms.

Backpacks: Parents are encouraged to review the contents of student backpacks periodically. Students tend to over fill their backpacks with

items that they do not need to carry around every day. We encourage students to plan wisely and only carry what they need. Overloaded backpacks become a safety hazard in the classrooms and on the stairs. They also create health hazards by putting undue stress on the student's spine. All backpacks must be clear or mesh for security purposes. Carrying an inappropriate backpack will result in a uniform violation and the backpack will be confiscated by the administration.

Personal Property: Portable radios, CD players, mp3 players, ipods, cameras, Game Boys (or other electronic games), playing cards, markers, large sums of money, and other such personal property are not to be brought to school. Many problems arise concerning articles of this nature and the school will not assume responsibility for them. If such personal property is brought to the school, the property will be taken from the student and held in the appropriate grade level office until the parent comes to collect them. After 30 days, the unclaimed items will be shipped to the HISD warehouse for disposal. The school is not responsible for confiscated items.

Cell Phones: Per HISD policy, all cellphones must be turned off and not visible from while on campus during school hours from 7:30am to 3:35pm. If a student fails to abide by these guidelines, the cell phone will be confiscated by an administrator and held until a parent comes to collect it. As per HISD policy as noted in the student code of conduct, a fee of $15 will be charged prior to the return of a cell phone that has been confiscated.

Bicycles: Bicycles are to be parked immediately on arrival at school and left there for the remainder of the school day. If a student rides the bicycle in an unsafe manner, that student will be prohibited from riding the bike to school. All bicycles should be provided with a lock. The school is not responsible for loss, theft, or vandalism. Skateboards, scooters, and personal PE equipment such as balls, ropes, etc., are not allowed on campus.

Textbooks: Each classroom teacher will have a class set of textbooks available for student use. Parents may contact the grade level assistant principal and request a set of textbooks to be kept at home for studying purposes. Textbooks are the property of the State of Texas and if lost, must be paid for by the student to whom issued.

Halls: Students are not permitted in the halls during classes without a signed permit that has the time and date on it. Students are to conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner while in the hallways. Furthermore, students should always stay to the right to facilitate the flow of traffic.

Smoking: Smoking is not permitted at any time in the school building or on the school grounds. This applies to all school-sponsored activities as well as the regular school day. Violation of this rule constitutes a serious offense and possible suspension from school.

Fundraising: Any sales or fund raising at Hogg Middle School must have written administrative approval. Fundraising or selling products

initiated by individual students is prohibited; the products will be immediately confiscated and parents contacted regarding the offense.

Gum Chewing: Careless disposal of gum in drinking fountains, furniture, and floors presents sanitation and cleaning problems and costly repair. Therefore, gum chewing is not permitted. The eating of candy and chewing of toothpicks, paper, etc. is also prohibited.

Discipline: It is impossible for teaching or learning to take place in a classroom unless good order is maintained. Students are reminded that they must adhere to the HISD Code of Student Conduct, not only for their own benefit, but for the benefit of others as well. Please refer to the parents section of the Hogg MS website to review a copy of the student code of conduct.

All major and minor offenses and their consequences are fully described in the Code of Student Conduct. Receipt of the signatures of parents and students indicates that the Code of Student Conduct has been read and will be adhered to. The signature forms will be kept on file. Weapons, narcotics and other inappropriate items listed in the Student Code of Conduct that

endanger lives, disrupt the educational process and are safety hazards are prohibited and students who have them in their possession will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Student Assignment Center (SAC): Students who repeatedly fail to adhere to school or classroom rules or who commit acts that seriously disrupt the school process will be assigned to the Student Assignment Center for a period of up to three days, depending on the infraction. Parents will be notified of the assignment by phone and/or in writing on the day of the assignment. The SAC is supervised by school personnel and the student will be provided with assignments from their classroom teacher so as not to fall behind in their academic studies. Students who are assigned to SAC will be expected to follow the instructions of the SAC teacher and comply with all rules and

regulations of the SAC center. Students may be given an extended assignment in SAC by an administrator if the SAC classroom rules are not adhered to. Continued failure to comply will result in the student being suspended from school. Students in SAC will have a separate lunch from those of their peers.

Suspension from School: It is the philosophy of the Houston Independent School District that every student, kindergarten thought twelfth grade, should be privileged to attend school every day during the school year in order to be given thorough instruction in all subject areas. Under certain circumstances, as stated in the Student Code of Conduct, it may become necessary to suspend a student from school attendance or assign him/her to an alternative program for misconduct when other means of correction fail or if the student is a disruptive force to the school environment.

Lost and Found: Our lost and found is located in the head principal’s office. Frequent checks on lost articles should be made to this office. Articles not claimed by the last day of school will be donated to a charitable organization.

Cafeteria: Students may choose to eat in the cafeteria or bring a sack lunch. The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the school. To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced breakfast and lunch are offered at a reasonable price. The

lunchroom management and your fellow students will appreciate your cooperation in the following:

 Deposit all lunch litter in wastebaskets immediately after you are finished eating.

 Leave the tables and floors in a clean condition for others.

 Food or drink must not be taken from the cafeteria. Eating in the building or on the school grounds other than in the cafeteria or mall area is strictly prohibited.

 While in the lunch line, do not cut in front of others or allow others to cut in front of you.

Cafeteria Duty: Students who fail to abide by the cafeteria guidelines or commit other minor discipline infractions are subject to being assigned cafeteria duty. This involves sitting at the cafeteria duty table to silently eat your lunch and helping the custodians clean the cafeteria after students have left the lunchroom.

Grading System: The criteria for grading academic subjects are as follows:

90-100Excellent quality of work through mastery of subject matter.

80-89Good quality of work. Above average with consistent effort.

75-79Satisfactory quality of work, average achievement.


Below 70Unsatisfactory quality of work, failing

Homework: Hogg Middle School has a campus homework policy. Home study is a necessary part of each pupil's educational program. Each student must be expected to spend some time in addition to scheduled class instruction to achieve satisfactory work. Some assignments are long-range in nature and require planned study time for their completion. Planned study eliminates the necessity of spending too much time in completing an assignment the day before it is due. Students who did not complete homework will be assigned to “student work lunch” to complete the work. A sack lunch will be provided.

Conduct Average:

Teachers assess student conduct as follows:

EExcellent citizenship

SSatisfactory behavior, cooperates readily

PPoor behavior, below average

UUnsatisfactory behavior, needs drastic improvement

Report Cards and Progress Reports: Students will receive a progress report or report card every three weeks. Progress Reports will be sent home with students after the third week of each marking period and report cards will be mailed home after every marking period. Each marking period is six weeks long. Progress reports are required to be signed by a parent and turned into 1st period teachers. Parents are encouraged to schedule a parent/teacher conference when a progress report is received.

School Organizations and Activities: There are a number of clubs and organizations at Hogg Middle School. The purpose of these is to promote loyalty, school spirit, and sportsmanship. Each student is encouraged to become a part of the extracurricular life at the campus.