MARCH 2015

MARCH 2015

Dear Roundtable Commissioner and Staff:
This Program Planningsession is intended to replace the current March Cub Scout Interest Topicin the Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide (2014 – 2015).
With the launch of the new Cub Scout advancement program in June 2015, it was recognized that the current three sessions on the new program may not be enough to prepare all leaders for the launch of the new program.
The new updates will be emailed to you the first week of each month and then be available at during the final week of each month.
What’s Next:
AprilNew Pack Meeting Plans
MayAquatic Adventures
JuneCampfire Programs
JulyResources for Packs and Den Leaders

TOPIC: Program Planning

Participants will learn the following:

  • Planning your den meetings.
  • All the FUN we know in the Cub Scouting program is still there
  • How the new adventures fit into your annual program planning meeting and annual program
  • How to use the adventure analysis worksheet to help plan your annual program

Presentation Method

The topic is ideally presented as an onboarding session on theupcoming changes in the Cub Scout program. Inplanning the presentation, you should review the latest materialsposted at which include PowerPoint presentations and handoutspublished by the National office. Below is a discussion outline thatshould also be of help in your planning. For this supplemental training on program planning, you should review and refer the leaders to the tools available to them at

Overview / On June 1, 2015, the new Cub Scout program will be in effect. This will be the most significant change in the Cub Scout program since the introduction of the current Webelos program in 1967. Over the next six months, roundtable sessions will be presented to help all Cub Scout leaders prepare for the launch of the new program materials.
Den Leader Program Planning / PLANNING YOUR DEN MEETINGS
As you plan your den’s program for the year with the new program effective June 1, 2015, there are a few important points to consider.
  • Coordinating your planning. Some of the adventures require coordination with other dens. A pack meeting is an ideal place to do this. However your dens and pack wish to do this, work together with the other leaders in your pack to build this into your annual program. Identify the adventures that could be supported by your district and council or perhaps a multi-pack event and determine the coordination needed.
  • Audience for requirements. Many of the adventure requirements state that a Scout should demonstrate a new skill or share something they have learned with other boys during a den meeting. While we recognize that the best approach is to carry out sharing tasks in a den setting, it may be necessary to allow Cub Scouts to share what they have learned while working on Cub Scout advancement requirements in other settings, such asin front of their family.
  • Requirements. When planning, keep in mind that each rank contains seven adventures that must be completed for the Scout to earn his rank badge. While your planning will focus on those adventures for rank, fulfilling a year round plan with elective adventures as well will provide the Scout a quality annual program.
  • Read through the adventures requirements posted online updates. Once the new youth handbooks and new den leader guides have been released May 2015, review the youth handbook content and den meeting plans for each adventure.Give some thought to which adventures will work the best for your location and climate. There is no required order in which the adventures must be completed. Write in the adventures you will use and the corresponding month that will work best.It is important to seek input from the Cub Scouts in the den to find out which adventures they would like to explore with the members of the den.

  • Recognition.Completion of adventures should be recognized when completed – in the den or pack according to your unit’s custom. Each adventure has a insignia device (adventure loop or pin) and pocket certificate to support it). Once a boy has completed the full requirements for his rank the badge of rank can be awarded at any time within the boy’s rank year by age or grade. Once a boy hasmoved (graduated) to his next level den HE MAY NOT EARN THE RANK OF HIS PREVIOUS DEN LEVEL.
  • Note that boys in LDS units may meet the requirements for Webelos and Arrow of Light simultaneously. This is a consideration only for LDS-sponsored units.
  • Preparing to lead the adventures.As you plan your meetings, pay special attention to the “Den Leader Notes” section at the start of the adventure as well as the “After the Meeting” sections of den meeting plans for preparation and materials needed for the next meeting.
Annual Unit Program Planning / ANNUAL UNIT PROGRAM PLANNING
  • All of the FUN of Cub Scouting is still there in the new Cub Scout program! Continue to plan the events your pack traditionally holds such as the Blue and Gold Banquet, Pinewood Derby, Rain gutter Regattas, Kite Derby, Scout Sunday services, Summertime Pack Award activities and attending the Cub camping opportunities of Day Camp and Cub Resident Camp.
  • Pack program events can be built around many of the adventurerequirement fun. A STEM pack event for example can support many of the STEM oriented adventures in each rank. A Pack Aquatics day coordinated with a local swim facility can help support the aquatic adventures for all ranks.
  • Each rank contains adventures that support the pack holding a campfire and a Pack family campout. Some chartered organizations request that their scouts not camp overnight. The adventure requirements honor that request by supporting outdoor activities without camping overnight. The new adventures enhance learning outdoor skills. We encourage your pack to get the Scouts outdoors.
  • Using the CUB SCOUT ADVENTURE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET may provide a helpful tool for your unit as you plan your program year. As Den Leaders plan the adventure work for their dens, this worksheet can help you build your annual pack program. Byanalyzing what impact to finances, manpower, and pack meetings the adventures will have, your unit will have a good idea of the support needed to helpthe den leaders. [SEE SAMPLE ON FINAL PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENT – REPRODUCE AND SHARE WITH PARTICIPANTS]

Resources / The following resources are important tools for your program planning. They have been updated to reflect the changes that will come with the new Cub Scout program. These update resources will be available May 1, 2015.
•Cub Scout Den Leader Guides
•Cub Scout Youth Handbooks
•Cub Scout Leader Book
•How-To Book
•Ceremonies for Dens and Pack
The additional resources listed below can add character and context to your program planning.
•Cub Scout Songbook
•Group Meeting Sparklers
Check with your pack members for these resources. Many packs have pack libraries as well for sharing among their pack leadership.
For additional planning tools and resources go to:
Upcoming /
  • “What’s New” Training Module on E-Learning (by end of March 2015)
  • Updated Cub Scout Position-Specific Training on E-Learning (by end of March 2015)
  • 2015-2016/2016-2017 NEWPack meeting plans uploaded on (April 1)

Closing / Next month, be sure to come back for an overview of the new pack meeting plans. These plans feature new themes with each month referencing one point of the Scout Law.
For ongoing updates, visit for regular program updates and links to program materials and training opportunities.

Next Month

New Pack Meeting Plans

Roundtable Cub Scout Topic Updates March – July 2015

April / New Pack Meeting Plans
May / Aquatic Adventures
June / Campfire Programs
July / Resources for Packs and Den Leaders

HOW TO USE THIS FORM: This form is to help identify resources needed to carry out Cub Scout adventures. Use the requirements for the adventure and the Den Leader Guide as references. Review the requirements and the implementation notes in the Den Leader Guide to determine what is needed to carry out the adventure. Use each of the spaces in the worksheet to identify needs to carry out the adventure and the impact on the pack or den. Not all spaces will be filled out. Use your findings to determine what is needed to implement the adventure and the resources needed to carry out the adventure.

EXAMPLE: In the Grin and Bear it adventure, boys in the Bear can complete part of their adventure by teaching younger boys in the pack how to play games. In that adventure, boys also create awards to present to the adults that helped carry out the games. That adventure has an impact on the pack meeting, so documenting it with this form will help the pack leadership plan for a successful program.

Name of Adventure / Rank
Adventure Highlight
Financial Impact
Manpower Impact
Planning Impact
Pack Meeting Impact
Other Concerns