From:Councillor Harvey [mailto:
Sent: 20 January 2017 18:45
To: 'Cllr Debbie Baker' <>
Subject: NDP Questions
Dear Debbie,
Please find attached some questions I have regarding the management, oversight, content and rationale for the Ledbury Neighbourhood Plan.
I was disappointed that neither FTP, you - as the designated chairman of the plan, the deputy mayor – as the titular chairman of the plan, nor any NDP Group members were prepared to answer even the simplest of questions put by me at Wednesday night’s full council meeting dedicated to the Neighbourhood Plan:
•The reason for spending £5k on a call for sites when a massive planning appeal was outstanding should have been able to be called quickly to mind.
•Similarly, the reason for including the Cricket Ground in a map of protected green space over a year after planning permission had been granted to build 100 homes on it should not have been difficult to recall.
•The reason to leave out a strategic wildlife corridor from proposed protected green space and then offering up a large portion of it for development wasn’t forthcoming
•The rational for the group boldly bypassing the ‘Options’ stage of the process seemed similarly troublesome to explain.
•Cllr Fieldhouse’s inability to differentiate between Bloor, Bovis and, no doubt, Barratt elicited sympathy in the room. Those pesky builders with all their ‘B’ words!
Some of my questions may be easier to answer than others, depending upon how well organised the group has been in building its evidence base as the work has progressed.
If you are not able to provide me with the answers to all these questions in time for the full council meeting in 2nd February, please will you advise me in advance of that date as to which answers will be delayed.
As a minimum I would like the questions I asked on the night and a list of the council decisions which approve the plan moving forward at each stage of its development to be provided with reference to the meeting minutes at which the decisions were made.
I also append the email containing all the questions I have asked over recent months which you have publicly refused to acknowledge as correspondence received and which the Neighbourhood Plan Group members appeared to be unaware of.
Kind regards,
Liz Harvey