Data Action Team Summary Notes
Monday, April 23, 2012
I. Members in Attendance:
Tami Miller, RDH, BS - Co Chair; Scott Tomar, DMD, DrPH - Co Chair; Phil Bilger, DDS, MPH; Vinodh Bhoopathi (Bhoo-patee), BDS, MPH, DScD; Judith Corbin, RDH, BSDH; Kim Herremans, RDH, MS; Karen Hodge, RDH, BASDH; Joleyn McClemens, RDH, BS, CDHC; Karen Pesce, RN; Felecia Brantley; Rob Selwitz, DDS, MPH; and Shannon Starace, MS
Catherine Cabanzon, RDH, BASDH; Earl Fox, MD, MPH; Debora Kerr, MA; and
Martha Harbin
II. Workgroup/Action Team Organization – Tami Miller will take summary notes today.
III. Suggestions were made to add another statement to what is posted on the webpage. The following statement to be emailed to group and without objection will be posted on the OHF Data Action Team webpage:
The purpose of the Oral Health Florida Data action team is to develop an oral health surveillance plan to establish and maintain an ongoing oral health surveillance system in Florida. Oral Health surveillance is useful for directing interventions and resources to high-risk populations and tracking populations and health trends.
IV. Dr. Earl Fox and Martha Harbin reviewed the sample one pager emailed to the group Sunday, April 22, 2011. The action team were asked for suggestions and invited to join the one pager review team. Dr. Scott Tomar joined the other reviewers (Dr. Fox, Debora Kerr, Dr. Bilger, Tami Miller, Martha Harbin and Cathy Cabanzon). A conference call for the reviewers will be set by Dr. Earl Fox before the ABC spot on Wednesday night. Ms. Harbin requested the last three years of Medicaid Utilization data.
Suggestions were provided to eliminate the following:
1. Age specific information
2. Graph on upper right corner – Adult tooth loss
Suggestions were provided to add the following:
1. Data about children
V. State Oral Health Improvement Plan (SOHIP) – Recommendation 4, Action Steps Review
a. Action Step 1: Dr. Rob Selwitz reviewed the Introduction/Background. Returned to listing “Caries Experience” on page 2 under NOHSS.
b. Action Step 3: Dr. Vinodh Bhoopathi reviewed the Sources List and Sources and Available Data table in Florida.
1. Add “X’s” in all the columns for Head Start, Early Head Start and Migrant Programs as the Program Information Report is an annual report.
2. Indicate which data sources are available on a county and statewide level. Dr. Bilger to email Dr. Bhoopathi when the BRFSS county data was done.
3. Add the Medicaid Utilization from AHCA (Medicaid eligible, Medicaid utilization, Medicaid dental providers)
c. Action Step 3: Dr. Scott Tomar recommended the county level as the minimum level of representation (if available).
d. Action Step 4: Ms. Kim Herremans reviewed the resources needed to design, develop, implement and evaluate the surveillance system
1. Research including the Bureau of Epidemiology in our final report
2. Warren McDougal will be asked to join our next call to provide guidance
3. The DOH Public Health Dental Program should also be listed as a resource
4. DOH reorganization is occurring
e. Action Plan 5: Ms. Shannon Starace will email a list of stakeholders for the group to review and provide input.
f. Action Step 6: Will postpone this discussion until our next call
VI. Recommendations for FOHSS plan:
1. BSS HMS – encourage county health departments to report BSS data
2. School Health reports – coordinate with the county health departments and establish a standard method of data collection
3. Support mandatory school entrance dental screenings
VII. Announcements
1. Next call established for Monday, June 11, 2012 at noon.
2. Use Google documents to review before the next action team meeting
3. It was suggested to use GoToWebinar for next action team meeting. The details will be sent to the action team.
VIII. Adjournment
Oral Health Florida Coalition administrated by The Florida Public Health Institute