From a Parent and Carer’s point of view, what does St.Gerard’s R.C. Primary School offer for children and young people with SEND?
Identification of needs
1. a) How does the school/college identify children with special educational needs?
b) How do we involve parents in planning for those needs?
c) If the school/college is specialist, which types of special educational need do you cater for?
Information is gathered continuously by class teachers. Ongoing assessments, both formative and summative identify children who are not meeting targets and not making progress. Interventions are put in place. Progress is monitored. This information is shared with the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)./Senior Management. A meeting will be held with parents. Close monitoring takes place and if there is not sufficient progress the child may be placed on the SEN register. The Pastoral Lead may identify children with SEND this is shared with the class teachers/SENCO/Head Teacher
A child with an EHC plan (statement) will have a review annually.
Data analysis at strategic points throughout the year is looked at by the Head Teacher senior staff and the SENCO to identify if there are any concerns from the data that need further investigation.
If there are concerns about a pupil’s progress, assessments may be carried out by the Learning Support Service or Educational Psychologist to provide information and advice to support the provision for the pupil.
2. a) Who in the school/college will support my child and how will this be monitored and
b) How are the decisions made about the type and amount of provision a young
person will need?
Who will oversee and plan the education programme? Who will be working with my child and how often? Who will explain this to me? How does the school know its arrangements are effective? Who will make the decisions and on what basis? How will I be involved? How does the school judge whether the support has had an impact?
All teachers have a responsibility for the teaching, monitoring and evaluating of pupils with SEND. Teaching Assistants offer support. Class Teachers, SENCO,
Senior Management and professionals from outside agencies support the provision for the child with SEND.
The SENDCO is responsible for mapping the provision of support and co-ordinating the implementation of action plans and resources. The school Pastoral Lead also liaises with outside agencies and families and co-ordinates this to provide targeted support for families.
Decisions are based on quality evidence the school has collected: both data evidence and that from talking to everyone involved in teaching a pupil. The amount of provision is decided in line with the needs of the pupil. Sometimes this may involve a short programme of work such as half a term of input on a specific area of need or longer term in class support. Effectiveness of any intervention will be monitored throughout with a full evaluation at the end or at review points to ascertain progress towards objectives.
Pupils who are registered as SEN support, in line with the Code of Practice, will have termly planning and evaluation meetings to oversee plans, monitor progress and evaluate any interventions. Pupil’s progress is shared with parents and the pupil.
Progress is also tracked through Statutory assessments such as Phonics Screening.
The arrangements and policy for identifying, assessing and supporting children with SEND, through the Quality First Teaching and the graduated approach detailed in the SEN Code of Practice school Policy which includes assess, plan, do and review. Please see School website for Statutory Documents.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to the needs of the young person?
What is the approach of the school to differentiation?
Overall curriculum structure is directed by the government and the National Curriculum. All students have an entitlement to study a full curriculum. Differentiation is the responsibility of all teachers. Informed by the data and information on each pupil, teachers plan for and deliver using different styles of teaching and meeting individual needs through a range of strategies. Especially within core subjects groups are set within ability bands and this leads to differentiation to the levels students are working at using quality first teaching and ensuring that targets are stretching and attainable. Teaching Assistant support is available to support in specific areas. Planned interventions support children’s learning. There will be access to ICT, equipment and specialist resources. There are rewards and celebrations of behaviour and effort.
4. How accessible is the school/college environment?
Is the building fully wheelchair accessible? Have there been improvements made to the auditory and visual environment? Are there disabled changing and toilet facilities? How are communications made with parents whose first language is not English? Is home/school transport available? (also provide link to the LA transport policy)
The building is fully wheelchair accessible. There is a designated disabled parking space at the front of the school building. There is 1 disabled toilet.
For home/school transport please see Middlesbrough Council website:
Parental Involvement
5. How will both the school/college and the parent know how the young person is doing and how will the school support the young person’s learning?
In addition to the normal reporting arrangements what other opportunities will there be to discuss the progress of my child? How will the school explain to me how my child’s learning will be planned and how I can help to support this? Do you offer any parent training or learning events? How does the school know how well my child is doing?
The school reports to all parents, there are two formal parent meetings, in the Autumn and
Spring Term. There is a written report to parents in the Summer term. Parents are welcome at any point in the school year to arrange an appointment to discuss any concerns or questions that they have about their child. Parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning at home. Homework is provided. Parents are invited to meetings to discuss pupil progress/ IEP’S/EHCP. Parents are invited to an annual meeting to review their child’s statement/EHCP and contribute to their child’s action plan. Home/School books provide additional information on the progress of children. Parents are invited into school regularly to share in a range of activities which include religious festivals, performances, coffee mornings and parent workshops with their children. There is a Friends of St. Gerard’s Group that parents are very welcome to join. The school website contains important information about the school. The school is part of St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish, Coulby Newham and parents and families are always welcome to participate in Parish events.
Overall Well Being
6. What support will there be for the young person’s well-being?
What is the pastoral, medical and social support available in school for my child? How does the school manage the administration of medicines? How will my child be able to contribute his or her views?
The school Pastoral Lead is a non-teaching member of staff who is available daily for contact with parents and pupils. The Pastoral Lead also monitors daily attendance and punctuality and addresses any concern school has with parents. The Pastoral lead works closely with parents on pupil individual needs and co-ordinating provision for families. There is also an Education Welfare Officer who monitors attendance and provides 1:1 support for individual children. The school nurse visits school regularly and liaises with families. The school nurse has provided training for the use of epi-pens and provides advice and support for staff with regard to medical issues. Medicines are stored and dispensed according to the school policy. A Performa containing medicine details is completed and signed by the parents. There is a member of support staff available each day to carry out what has been agreed with the parents. Several members of staff hold First Aid qualifications. The use of inhalers for children with Asthma follows medical guidelines.
Specialist Services
7. What specialist services and expertise are available at or are accessed by the school/college?
Are there specialist staff working at the school? What other services does the school access including health, therapy and social care services?
Specialist services are often used when the need arises and the school feels it needs more support or advice to ensure a pupil makes best progress.
School has access to the following specialist services and expertise:
Learning Support with a specialist teacher in Dyslexia
Educational Psychologist
Occupational therapist
School Nurse
Asthma. Epileptic nurse
Visually impaired teacher
Hearing Impaired Service
Social Care and Outreach
Rainbows- bereavement support
Harbour – Counselling
Attendance and Welfare Service
Speech and Language Therapists
Barnardo’s Bridgeway Project
Staff Training
8. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
This should include recent and future planned training and disability awareness.
All teachers have qualified teacher status and teaching assistants have a minimum of a level 3 qualification. A comprehensive programme of Continued Professional Development ensures that staff are up to date with the latest research and able to deliver this to children with SEND. Training includes Team Teach, Child Protection Training, Speech, Language and Communication, Autism, Behaviour Management, Dyslexia. St.Gerard’s is a member of the Middlesbrough Catholic Schools Teaching Alliance and the Trinity Partnership.
Activities outside of school
9. How will the young person be included in activities outside of the classroom including school/college trips?
How do you involve parents and carers in planning activities and trips?
St. Gerard’s is committed to providing all pupils with equal access to an enriched and extended curriculum.
There are a large and varied number of out of school activities for all pupils to participate in. St. Gerard’s is a fully inclusive school and puts in place the support a pupil’s needs in order for them to join in their chosen activity. Residential trips are organised to different centres so that all pupils have an opportunity to take part. This may include extra staffing, and or equipment. Staff who are arranging an offsite trip will discuss with parents, Head Teacher, SEND staff and the Education Visits Co-ordinator the requirements needed and the suitability of any trip which the school is arranging. Visits enhance and enrich the pupil’s curriculum and include residential centres, local visits and visiting artists and theatre companies which widen the range of cultural experiences.
10. How will the school/college prepare and support the young person to join that particular school/college and how will it support the transition to the next stage of education and life?
What preparation will there be before my son/daughter joins the school? How will he or she be prepared to move onto the next stage? How will you support any new setting to receive my child?
Parents and pupils who are new to school or who join during the academic year are invited to meet the Head Teacher and view the school. Individual pupil needs are discussed. Parents and their child meet staff who will be working with them. When children move from nursery to reception parents attend a meeting held by the Head Teacher, Reception staff and the Pastoral Lead. Parents are given school brochure and have access to the school website.
SEND Resources
11. How are the school/college’s resources allocated and matched to the young person’s special educational needs?
How is the SEND budget allocated?
Every child receives base funding and a ‘top up’ based on their level of need. There are four levels of need and resources are allocated according to assessed need.
Middlesbrough Council website is
Government SEND Reforms. Transport Policy on
SEN Officer David Ball
12. The school/college would use this part of the document to identify key points of contact or how further information can be accessed e.g. The Council Local Offer website link
Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child? Who else has a role in my child’s education? Who can I talk to if I am worried? Who is the SEND Coordinator and how can I contact them? What other support services are there which might help me and provide me with information and advice?
The Executive Head Teacher is Mrs C Walker
The Head of School is Miss V White
The SENDCO is Miss R Hogarth
The Pastoral Lead is Mrs K Parkinson
St. Gerard’s R.C. Primary School
Avalon Court,
TS8 9 HU
Telephone 01642 591820
School E-Mail
School Website:
Middlesbrough Council Website is:
From a Young Person’s point of view, what does St.Gerard’s R.C. Primary School offer for children and young people with SEND?
Identification of need
1. How does the school/college know if I need extra help?
How do you identify young people with special educational needs?
Your teacher will know if you need some extra help with your work. Your teacher will talk to you about the work in your book, share your targets at the front of your book and explain what you need help with. Your teacher will talk with your parents and you may have some work to practise at home.
2. What should I do if I think I need extra help?
How will I be able to raise any concerns I may have?
If you think you need help talk to the teacher of the teaching assistant in your class and tell them what you don’t understand or are worried about. In numeracy and literacy you will complete self- assessment activities after each unit of work and you will talk about your progress and anything you didn’t understand.
3. How will my school/college work be organised to meet my individual needs?
What are the school’s approaches to differentiation?
If you need some extra help you might work with one of the teachers or teaching assistant on your own, in pairs or in a small group. You will get help so that you make good progress. If you need special equipment the school will make sure you have it.
My Involvement
4. How will I be involved in planning for my needs?
How will I be able to contribute my views? How will the school support me in doing this?
Who can I go to for support if I feel my needs are not being met or I’m not being listened to?
All children talk with their teachers about their targets and how they can improve their work. The teacher will talk with you so that you know what you need to do to help yourself make progress.
5. a) Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent?
b) How will I know if I am doing as well as I should be?
Who will help me and what sort of things are available? What opportunities will there be to discuss my progress with staff? How will I know what progress I should be making? How will I be involved in planning my education?
Your teacher will talk to you about what and how you are learning. They will talk about what you need to do next and encourage you to take an active part. We want you to develop independence and try different strategies in your work that you have learned. There will be lots of opportunities to talk about your work. Your work will be marked and show you what you need to improve.
Well being
6. a) What should I do if I am worried about my school/college work?
b) How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my school/college work?
What is the pastoral, medical and social support available to me in school? What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance?
If you are worried or concerned about anything at school you can talk to any member of staff. They will always listen and try to help you. Always talk to someone if you are worried then things can get sorted out.