APPENDIX A:Specification of Requirements

Date: September 2011

Author: Stuart Priestley

Specification of Requirements Document History

Revision History

Revision date / Version / Summary of Changes
Sept 11 / 0.1


Document History
  1. Introduction & Background

  1. Proposed Solution

  1. Requirements

  1. Timescales

1.0Introduction & Background

Human trafficking is by its nature a hidden crime. Victims are tricked, coerced or forced into travelling nationally and/or internationally for the purposes of exploitation. Often they are prevented from seeking support or help because of fear of retribution against themselves or their families. Knowledge of human trafficking, the issues, legal position and services that can be of assistance is very limited among the general population and those who may come into direct contact with trafficked persons. This, together with the reluctance and fear of the trafficked person speaking up and seeking help, contributes to keep victims in exploitative circumstances and perpetuates a climate in which human trafficking can persist.

As well as actual evidence of trafficking obtained from the National Referral Mechanism, SCD 9 Human Exploitation and Organised Crime Police Unit and local NGOs Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster have a number of characteristics that indicate a heightened risk of human trafficking in their boroughs. Risk factors include but are not limited to:

  • Significant closed sex markets in both boroughs (some open sex markets in Westminster)
  • A high number of foreign and domestic visitors
  • A high number of visitors and residents who employ domestic staff
  • High numbers of hotels, entertainment and retail facilities
  • Major transport hubs
  • Significant number of rough sleepers and beggars

Further, whilst there is conflicting international evidence of the impacts that large sporting events have on levels of trafficking SCD9 Police have signalled a heightened risk of trafficking in regard the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012.

2.0Proposed Solution

The community engagement and awareness raising work stream of the ISEC bid seeks to identify a range of individuals and organisations who may be likely to encounter victims of trafficking and support them to:

  • Understand what trafficking is
  • Know the signs of trafficking
  • Know who to contact where signs of trafficking have been identified
  • Be able to share their knowledge with others so they can act against trafficking
  • Understand how HT affects them and what can they do about it

Through this approach more victims of trafficking can be identified and supported by specialist services to exit the exploitative circumstances in which they find themselves.



Summary of benefits expected:

  • Increased quantity and quality of identification and referrals of HT victims by community groups, individuals and professionals resulting in more victims accessing support, exiting exploitative situations and becoming safer
  • Increaseddialogue and partnership between community and local authority/police
  • Increased civic responsibility to identify and report crime related to human trafficking
  • Reduced vulnerability of young people to exploitation and trafficking and improved safeguarding of vulnerable children
  • Increased number of victims accessing help and support to exist exploitation
  • Reduction in number of premises being used for criminal purposes
  • Reduction in number oforganisations employing staff who have been trafficked
  • Increased awareness of visitors to the boroughs about human trafficking and exploitation




To undertake a range of activities with targeted cohorts of individuals to increase their knowledge and capacity to act against trafficking. This should be frame worked within the following participant outcomes:

  • Increased understanding of what trafficking is
  • Increased knowledge of the signs of trafficking
  • Knowledge of who to contact where signs of trafficking have been identified
  • Capacity of participants to be able to share their knowledge with others so they too can act against trafficking
  • Understanding of how trafficking affects them and what can they do about it

To target interventions at the following groups,organisations and individualsfrom the following settings:

  • Education (Secondary Schools, FE Colleges and Universities; targeting both students and teachers)
  • Transport organisations (taxis, train, coach, railway, tube stations)
  • Hospitalityorganisations (hotel staff, leisure services)
  • Businesses (Chamber of Commerce, financial sector, social/private landlords, Libraries, Museums)
  • Communities (community groups, faith groups)
  • EU Embassies based in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster
  • Those working in the sex industry

All quotations will be scored based upon 40% cost (details in the specification requirements) and 60% means of delivery.

The means of delivery criteria and weightings are set out below and will be scored using the following mechanism, and weighted as per the table below:

  • Score 0 = No information provided
  • Score 1 = Unacceptable response;little or none of the information provided is relevant and/or satisfactory
  • Score 2 = Inadequate response; indications are that the response meets some of the requirements of the question/contract, but the Contracting Authority (evaluator) has serious doubts about aspects of the response
  • score 3 = Adequate response; satisfactory, but certain aspects give concern because either the response is incomplete or differs from the professional judgement of the Contracting Authority (or evaluator) on some elements necessary to meet the requirements of the question/contract
  • Score 4 = Good response; meets the requirements of the contract/question to the satisfaction of the Contracting Authority (or evaluator). Otherwise a relevant comprehensive response.
  • Score 5 = Excellent response; meets all, and may in some aspects exceed some requirements of the Contract/question, otherwise a full relevant comprehensive response.

Criterion / Weighting
how you will secure commitment from organisations and individuals to participate / 10
Model of Delivery
the methods you will employ to deliver the outcomes for each of the target cohorts – including paid staff and volunteers / 20
Evidence base
the evidence of effectiveness of your delivery model / 20
quality measures used to demonstrate effectiveness / 20
the products you will use and the products that the participants can access and use / 10
the number of sessions and participants that you will target for each cohort per annum / 10
how you would ensure that the outcomes are sustainable beyond the lifetime of the project / 10


Deadlines for submission:5pm, 27 September 2011

Assessment and

finalise decision 30 September 2011

Notification:Week commencing 3 October 2011

Please Note:

Any decision to let a contract based upon the processes contained within this RFQ will be solely determined by the successful outcome of the ISEC application. All organisations who may wish to submit a quotation should do so with the full knowledge that should the application to the ISEC fund be unsuccessful the Council will not let any contract for the provision of these services.

