General Information:
Dr Karsten Øster Lundqvist
Present appointment:
Lecturer (International Teaching Fellow),University of Reading
Appointed January 2013
Education and qualifications:
2005-2010: PhD in Computer Science at University of Reading
- Thesis title: “Ontology Supported Comparison in Vague Domains”
- Supervisors: Professor Shirley Williams, Professor Keith Baker
2002-2005: BSc in Computer Science at University of Reading
- 1st honours - Winner of Hockney Prize for Best Student in Computer Science
1995-1996:Modern apprenticeship in sales. Carl F. Junget
1992-1995: Finished 1st part of Cand. Oecon. Aarhus University
1987-1990:Studentereksamen at Bjerringbro Gymnasium, Denmark
Previous appointments:
08/2011-12/2012: Teaching Fellow, University of Reading
- Taught 9 different modules
- Module convenor on 5
- Won faculty award for exceptional work beyond expectation
10/2005-07/2011: Research Assistant, University of Reading
- Wrote and secured over £465,000 in 8 different research project proposal
- Involved in all aspects of international and national research projects
08/2000-10/2002: Logistic manager. NorskBokforlag, Norway
- Supervised over 5 staff members
- Co-supervised over 50 salesmen
10/1999-06/2000: Media consultant (salesman). Stepstone A/S, Denmark
- Used communication skills in “cut throat” business environment
- Became salesman of the month within 3 months of employment
- Was 2nd best salesmen in the first quarter of 2000
02/1995-09/1999: Salesman. Carl F. Junget. Denmark
- Developed communication and negotiation skills
08/1993-08/1994: Served the compulsory Danish National Service through the pacifist service
02/1991-09/1992: Cleaner at Skodsborg Badesanatorium, Skodsborg, Denmark
Statement of Purpose:
Understand, inspire and improve teaching and learning through pedagogical innovation using technology.
Research and scholarship:
1. Publications:
Journal Papers:
Tharindu Liyanagunawardena, Karsten Lundqvist, and Shirley Williams, “Who are with us: MOOC learners on a FutureLearn course”, Special Edition on Massive Open Online Courses in the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), 2015.
(Impact factor 2.098)
Ahmed Al-Azawei, Pat Parslow and Karsten Lundqvist “A Psychometric Analysis of Reliability and Validity of the Index of Learning Styles (ILS)” International Journal of Psychological Studies, Vol 7, No 3, ISSN 1918-7211, 2015
Ahmed Al-Azawei, Karsten Lundqvist “Which Factors Affect Learner Achievement? Analysing the Role of Psychological, Surface Level, Environmental and Learner Effort Variables” International Journal of Education, Vol. 7, No. 2, ISSN 1948-5476, 2015
Cadenas Medina, J., Sherratt, S., Howlett, D., Guy, C. and Lundqvist, K. (2015) Virtualization for cost-effective teaching of assembly language programming.IEEE Transactions on Education. ISSN 0018-9359, [online]
(Impact Factor 1.221)
R. S. Adham, and K. Ø. Lundqvist, “MOOCS as a Method of Distance Education in the Arab World; A Review Paper”, The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL), 2015, [online]
White, E., Basford, L., Birch, S., Black, A., Culham, A., McGoff, H., Lundqvist, K., Oppenheimer, P., Tanner, J., Wells, M. and Mauchline, A. “Creating and implementing a biodiversity recording app for teaching and research in environmental studies.”The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 1 (1). ISSN 2055-4990, 2015
Mystakidis, S. & Berki, E. (2014). Participative Design of qMOOCs with Deep Learning and 3d Virtual Immersive Environments: the case of MOOCAgora. Retrieved from:
S Williams, P Parslow, K O Lundqvist, “RedGloo: Experiences of developing and using an emerging technology in higher education”, the Special Edition on Emerging Technologies and Changing Learning/Teaching Practices in the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), 2013.
(Impact factor 2.098)
K O Lundqvist, “Teaching Android development using eLearning material in a traditional Java programming course”, Innovative Practice in Higher Education Journal, Volume 1, Issue 3, 2013
Karsten Lunqvist, Keith Baker, Shirley Williams, “Ontology Supported Competency System”, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Volume 7, Issue 3 / 4, p197-219, 2011.
(Unofficial Impact Factor 1.2)
A C Crook, A L Mauchline, S J Maw, C S Lawson, R Drinkwater, K O Lundqvist, P Orsmond, S Gomez, J R Park, “The use of video technology for providing feedback to students: Can it enhance the feedback experience for staff and students?”, Journal ‘Computers & Education’, Volume 58, Issue 1, p386-396, 2011.
(Impact Factor 2.556)
Shirley Williams, Sarah Fleming, Karsten Lundqvist and Pat Parslow, "Understanding your digital identity", Learning Exchange journal for the advancement of learning and teaching, University of Westminster, ISSN: 2043-6602, 2010
Michael L. Brown, Karsten O. Lundqvist, Shirley Williams, and Keith Baker, "ontoReadiness: A meta-Ontology for Readiness Certification and Career Portability", CEPIS UPGRADE the European Journal for the Informatics Professional pp 56-61, 2007
Michael L. Brown, Karsten O. Lundqvist, "ontoReadiness: unametaontología para la certificaciónenpreparación. yportabilidad de la carreraprofesional", CEPIS UPGRADE Novática: revista de la Asociación de Técnicos de Informática pp 40-44, 2007
Journal Papers (in press):
A. Al-Azawei, K. O. Lundqvist, ” Learner Differences in Perceived Satisfaction of an Online Learning: an Extension to the Technology Acceptance Model in an Arabic Sample”, to appear in Electronic Journal Of e-Learning (EJEL), 2015
AC Crook, JR Park, CS Lawson, KO Lundqvist, R Drinkwater, J Walsh, S Gomez, P Orsmond, SJ Maw, “ASSET: Moving forward through feedback”, JISC Final Report, 2010, [online]
Patrick Parslow, Karsten Øster Lundqvist, Edwin Porter-Daniels, Shirley Williams, "Folksonomological Reification", Book,, 2008
Book Chapters:
K. Ø. Lundqvist, G. Paviotti, S. Williams, Book chapter “Educational Data Mining” in “Intelligent Tutoring Systems in distance education: a review”, PensaMultiMediaEditore, Lecce, Italy, 2013 ISBN 978-88-6760-048-9
Shirley Williams, Sarah Fleming, Karsten Lundqvist and Pat Parslow,Book chapter ‘This Is Me: Digital Identity and Reputation on the Internet’, in: Warburton, S. & Hatzipanagos, S. (Eds). 2012. Digital Identity and Social Media. London: Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global.
Karsten Lundqvist, Book chapter “TRACE” in "HR-Semantics Roadmap - The Semantic challenges and opportunities in the Human Resources domain", The Ontology Outreach Advisory publication, 2007
Conference Papers:
Ahmed Al-Azawei, Karsten Lundqvist “Development of a Universal Design for Learning-Based Teaching Collaborative System (UDL-BTCS) to Support Accessible Learning” to appear in the Proceedings of the 7th Computer Science & Electronic Engineering Conference, London, 2015
F. Otto, S. Williams, and K. Ø. Lundqvist, “Using Social Networking Tools for Teaching and Learning: A Perspective of University Students and Lecturers” To appear in Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training (eLEOT), Novedrate, Italy, 2015.
F. Otto, N. A. Badrul, S. Williams, and K. Ø. Lundqvist, “Students’ Perception of Privacy Risks in using Social Networking Sites for Learning: A Study of Uganda Christian University” To appear in Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training (eLEOT), Novedrate, Italy, 2015.
F. Otto, S. Williams, and K. Ø. Lundqvist, “Integrating Social Collaborative E-Learning (SoCeL) in Higher Education: The Conceptual and Theoretical Framework.” To appear in Proceedings of Pan African Conference on Science, Computing and Telecommunications (PACT), Kampala, Uganda, 2015.
Al-Azawei A., Lundqvist K.O., “The Impacts of Learning Styles, Learning Patterns and Demographic Factors on Learners’ Performance in a Blended Learning Environment”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), 2014, London
Liyanagunawardena,T.R., Lundqvist,K.O., Micallef,L., & Williams,S.A., “Teaching Programming to Beginners in a Massive Open Online Course”, OER-14, 28-30 April 2014, Newcastle
A P Harvey, R J McCrindle, K. Lundqvist and P Parslow, "Automatic Speech Recognition for Assistive Technology Devices", Procedures of the 8th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, Valparaiso, Chile, ICDVRAT, ISBN 978 07049 15022, 2010
Shirley Williams, Pat Parslow, Karsten Øster Lundqvist, "Position paper on the Future of Social Networking", W3C Position paper on the Future of Social Networking, 2009
Kirsten Oster Lundqvist, Karsten Oster Lundqvist, "Facebook Faith - Social Networking in a Faith Based Community", 180 degree Symposium, Andrews University Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA, 2009
Karsten Øster Lundqvist, Rob Ashton, Mike Evans, Pat Parslow, Edwin Porter-Daniels, Shirley Williams, “MeAggregator™”, Internet 9.0 Copenhagen, 2008
Shirley Williams, Karsten Øster Lundqvist, Rob Ashton, Mike Evans, Pat Parslow, Edwin Porter-Daniels, “Developing community via the RedGloo learning landscape”, Internet 9.0 Copenhagen, 2008
Pat Parslow, Karsten Øster Lundqvist, Mike Evans, Edwin Porter-Daniels, Shirley Williams, “eLearning Communities and spaces”, Internet 9.0 Copenhagen, 2008
Parslow P, Lundqvist K Ø, Williams S, Ashton R, Evan M, “Facebook & Blackboard: Comparative view of learning environments”, Paper presented at the Systems Engineering Conference 2008, University of Reading, 2008
M.P. Evans, S.A. Williams, P. Parslow, R.P. Ashton, K.O. Lundqvist and E. Porter-Daniels, “The MeAggregator: Personal Aggregation and the Life-Long Tail of the Web”, International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, 2008
Karsten Øster Lundqvist, Keith Baker, Shirley Williams, “An Ontology Approach to Competency Management”, School of Systems Engineering Conference, University of Reading, 2008
Karsten O. Lundqvist, Shirley Williams, Patrick Parslow, Michael Evans, Keith Baker, Robert Ashton, "MeAggregator™", Proceedings of ePortfolio, 2007
Shirley Williams, Karsten Lundqvist and Keith Baker, "Building Communities via a Learning Landscape", Proceedings of iLearn, 2007
Karsten Lundqvist, Keith Baker and Shirley Williams, "An Ontological Approach to Competency Management", Proceedings of iLearn, 2007
(Citations 3)
Karsten Lundqvist, Shirley Williams and Keith Baker, "Evaluation of Quality of e-Learning Environments", the 5th European Conference on e-Learning, Winchester, edited by Dan Remenyi, ISBN 978-1-905305-30-8, pp216-223, 2006
D Rodríguez, Karsten Oster Lundqvist, S Williams, K Baker, "Personal metadata for cataloguing microcontent – linking to large ontologies?", Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: Gaining the Big Picture Proceedings of the Microlearning Conference, ISBN 3-901249-99-0, pp288-294, 2006
Xin He, Xiaochun Cheng, Karsten Lundqvist, Kecheng Liu, Yan Zheng, and Xianchuan Yu, "A Competency Based Ontology-Driven Framework Using Agent-Oriented Semantic Web Approach", Proceedings of the 12th Chinese Automation & Computing Society Conference in the UK, 2006
2. Postgraduate research student supervision:
PhD supervision:
Recently finished:
Pat Parslow, 2nd supervisor
- Thesis title “Research methods in the domain of learners in digital spaces: Identity, position and role; dealing with rapid change”
Final year:
Rose-Margaret Itua 1st supervisor
- Investigates the effects of feature phones vs. smart phones on communities of practice of business women in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Became her supervisor 1 year ago. This has transformed the work, and she has recently passed the confirmation stage and is now working on the thesis.
3rd year:
NurulBadrul, 1st supervisor
- Investigates privacy issues for governmental workers and automated disclosure of their private data online
- 1 conference paper
Francis Otto, 1st supervisor
- Investigates social collaboration in e-Learning in Uganda
- 3 conference papers
2nd year:
Ahmed Al-Azawei, 1st supervisor
- Investigates adaptive e-Learning systems based on learning style theory vs. universal design for learning systems using case studies based Iraq
- 3 journal and 2 conference papers
- Became his supervisor one year into his PhD. This changed his efforts from conference to journal papers, and his research questions now include universal design for learning and the TAM model.
1st year:
Lucia Valle 1st supervisor
- Investigates critical thinking in learning using cybernetics modelling
Rania Adham, 1st supervisor
- Investigates the use of avatars by female teachers in gender segregated Saudi Arabia MOOCs
- 1 journal paper
Samar Alharbi 2nd supervisor
- Recently started
EimanKallan 1st supervisor
- Recently started
I am already supervising Rose-Margaret at distance (she lives in USA) and I believe that it would be possible, if the Universities agree to it, to supervise the PhD students online.
3. Research grants and contracts:
Below is the list of projects for which the applicant wrote or co-wrote applications
External funding:
Total funding over £450,000to UoR
MeAggregator (2006), P.I. Shirley Williams. (JISC £193,421)
- 5 projects funded out of over 100 project proposals
- The project created an ontology based file system for storing private information
MUVENation (2007), P.I Marga Perez, Scienter, Italy (EU €300,000 –UoR part €49,236)
- EU projects are highly competitive with hundreds of proposals with only few funded
- Running an early MOOC within SecondLife to explore how virtual worlds can be utilized within higher education
Mobi-blog (2007), P.IMarga Perez, Scienter, Italy (EU €292,682 – UoR part €39,736)
- EU projects are highly competitive with hundreds of proposals with only few funded
- Generated a community for EU Erasmus students
LLL3D (2007), P.I. Simon Heid, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (EU €486,560 – UoR part €69,994)
- EU projects are highly competitive with hundreds of proposals with only few funded
- Developed resources for academics that wanted to use virtual worlds within their teaching
DEVELOP (2010), P.I. Maria Papaefthimiou (JISC £100,000)
- 5 projects funded out of over 100 project proposals
- Created AI tools to support teaching and learning within virtual learning environments
I-TUTOR (2011), P.I. Karsten Lundqvist (EU €359,954 – UoR part €71,310)
- EU projects are highly competitive with hundreds of proposals with only few funded
- Developed AI based support systems for tutors within Moodle
Internal funding:
Total funding £15,000
RedGloo (2006), P.I. Shirley Williams.(£10,000)
- Internal funding provided by the Centre for Career Management
- Developed a social network for students to meet like-minded students and develop skills together
Biodiversity (2013), P.I. Alice Mauchline (TLDF £5,000)
- Internal funding provided by Teaching and Learning Development Fund
- 1 project funded out of 5 project proposals
- Developed an app for gathering biodiversity information on the UoR campus
4. Evidence of research esteem:
Invitations to give presentations at conferences and other events:
Invited expert and fully paid trip to Tianjin Polytechnical University (China) to teach seminar on MOOC development and flipped class rooms, 2015
- I was the only invited expert. I was invited based on my international reputation within the MOOC community
Member of the Trans European Division of SDA’s think tank on e-Learning, 2015
- The think tank has 7 external members, I was invited based on my international reputation within the MOOC community
British Computer Society (BCS)SFIAplus version 6 reviewer, 2014
- Invited based on my IEEE standardisation work on competency frameworks
Invited expert to SLUSH Helsinki, 2014
- One of 5 European experts invited to make presentations about employability and MOOC participation
Invited expert to 3 MOOC design pattern pedagogy days, 2014
- One of 12 UK experts invited to develop pedagogical theory for MOOCs
Keynote presenter at GAIN Europe, England, 2014
- One of 8 international experts invited to present recent findings in Internet research
Invited presenter SIREM conference, AI tutor workshop, Bari, Italy, 2013
- Invited as the only technical expert in development of AI tools to support tutors in learning management systems
BCS SFIAplus version 5 reviewer, 2011
- Invited based on my IEEE standardisation work on competency frameworks
Keynote presenter at GiEN, Jamaica, 2011
- Invited as eLearning expert to present how various pedagogical theories influences how teaching can be done better within eLearning.
Invited presenter at Higher Education Academy Event “Mobile phones in Computer Science Education”, University of Aston, 2011
- Invited to present how I integrate mobile phone development into ordinary programming modules.
Invited expert presenter at three different JISC Benefits Realisation Day on “Improving Feedback Provision”, (Roehampton University, University of Sheffield and University of Reading), 2010
- Invited as the only technical expert in the usage of video for feedback provision in higher education. This was a series of three mini-conferences across the UK.
Invited expert at European Competency Symposium, Berlin, 2010
- Invited based on my IEEE standardisation work on competency frameworks
Invited expert at European Competency Symposium, Berlin, 2009
- Invited based on my IEEE standardisation work on competency frameworks
Invited expert at European Competency Symposium, Berlin, 2008
- Invited based on my IEEE standardisation work on competency frameworks
Invited expert on the IEEE Competency Standardisation Working group, 2007 – 2008
- Invited as the technical expert on ontologies and standardisation. I was invited based on the work and results of the TRACE project. The working group consisted of 8 experts mostly from USA
Invited expert evaluator at final project meeting of the KITE Project, Oxford, 2006
- Invited as the technical expert on ontologies and standardisation. I was invited based on the work and results of the TRACE project
Collaborative research at a national or international level:
The applicant has developed through participation in EU funded projects an international network of researchers who collaborate on proposal development. This has resulted in many successful EU Life Long Learning projects and JISC projects.
- Research Assistant, negotiating and implementing the formation of the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning
- Take active part in the Quality Assurance debate at a European level
- Other partners in project: University of Duisburg – Essen (De), MENON (Be), HUT Dipoli (SF), EIfEL (Fr), EUN (Be), University of Erlangen – Nürnberg (De)
- Leader, sole designer and developer of an ontology driven system for comparison of competencies and competency frameworks in EU
- The results were used in several international projects, and I was invited to participate(2007-2008) in the IEEE work group on Competency Standardisation. Participants from USA and EU
- I am still consulting within this area
- Other partners in project: MENON (Be), EIfEL (Fr), Scienter (It), AEAE Andras (Est), Scienter Espana (Es), King’s College London (UK)
- Led the technical development of a video system for feedback provision to students within the University of Reading
- Led to a new approach within higher education, which was received further funding by JISC to promote results in Benefits Realisation Days throughout UK
- Educating and supporting academics and students in 6 different Schools to use video for feedback provision
- Proposal writer (responsible for technical part) in a team of international grant writers
- Led the development of educational content within SecondLife
- Other partners: University of Macerata (It), MENON (Be), University of Erlangen – Nürnberg (De), Florida Centre de Formeció (Es), Scienter (It), King’s College London (UK)
- Proposal writer (responsible for technical part) in a team of international grant writers
- Led the development of educational content within SecondLife
- Other partners: University of Erlangen – Nürnberg (De), Menon (Be), Scienter (It), King’s College London (UK), LDD (Fr), Eduanim (Sl), Florida Centre de Formeció (Es)
- Proposal writer (responsible for technical part) in a team of international grant writers
- Technical advisorand research in the project.
- Development of multi-language blogging platform
- Led the development of Wordpress plugins to support multi-language blogging
- Other partners: University of Granada (Es), University of Erlangen – Nürnberg (De), Scienter Espana (Es), Amitié (It), Lambrakis, Foundation (El), Institute for Symbolic Analysis (Sl), Helsinki University of Technology (Fi), Romanian Institute for Adult Education (Ro)