Frisby on the Wreake Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on9 March2016 at 7.30pm, inthe Methodist Centre.

Present:CllrsThew, Baxter, Farrow, Ford, Sercombe.

In attendance; Cllrs Hutchinson and 5 members of the public

1Apologies – Cllr Orson

2Declarations of Interest


3Minutes of the previous meeting

aThe minutes of the meeting of 5 Januarywere accepted and signed by the Chair.

4Public Participation

aRe Frisby Lakes, an application has been made to divert part of the existing route and to extinguish another part of it. On behalf of the Frisby Lakes Group that fought to get the footpath added to the Definitive Map, Jon explained that he and a majority of the group (5 out of 6 who gave evidence at the inquiry) wished the route to remain as has been added to the Definitive Map. It was noted that the route of GH offered is potentially quite muddy.

bA resident expressed concerns about what he felt was a lack of communication by the Parish Council in informing re the Melton Local Plan. It was explained that the PC had specifically requested Melton BC to set up the additional meeting on 2 March so that residents could learn directly from Melton BC the process they had gone through and were continuing to go through in producing the local plan. It was noted that all households had been leafleted by the PC to inform them of the meeting and that notices had been placed on the notice board. The resident also queried whether a planner/solicitor should be employed to assist with the Neighbourhood Plan. A query was also raised about the proportionality of the number of houses that Frisby is expected to build in the life of the Local Plan (indicating that 20% of its current stock is to be added). It was noted that this also raises issues for the capacity of the school, doctors surgery’s etc.

5Reports of the Borough & County Councillors

aCllrHutchinson spoke briefly about the Melton Local Plan. He explained that MBChad opted for the maximum borough target of housing development as this was linked to financial support for a ring road and he had supported this decision.He also noted that two further pieces of land have been put forward as potential development sites within Frisby on the Wreake.These will go through the Melton BC evaluation process.

6Planning applications and Planning Process.

a16/00031/LBC The Coach House, Main Street, Frisby

Replacement door and frame.

The Parish Council made no comment on this application.

7Frisby Lakes

aIt was agreed the PC would write not accepting the proposed changes and request the re-instatement of the original route, such that a figure of eight can be walked. The Clerk to write to LCC and to inform the Asfordby Clerk of the PC’s view. SB

8Settlement Roles – nominate 2 cllrs to attend the meeting on 15 March

aIt was agreed the Chair & Cllr Farrow should attend to represent the PC. The meeting will review the Spatial hierarchy, settlement roles and facilities work which feeds into the Emerging Option Draft Local Plan. Lesley Twigg will also attend representing the NP Advisory Group. The Clerk to inform Melton BC. SB

9Superfast Broadband – update

aNothing further to report.

10Neighbourhood Plan - update

aThe submission to the grant funding body has been successful for the first tranche of work on the NP.

bAn Advisory Group has been established this will meet on 30 March 2016 in the Methodist Hall at 7.30pm.

cA NP consultation event was held in the village hall on 8 March to identify key issues/themes in the village.

dThe next step is for theme groups to be set up to begin work.

eA notice has been displayed on the notice board to update residents. A facebook page has been set up for residents and it is intended to put information regarding NP on the Parish website.

fIt was agreed that the PC does not have any basis or data on which to support a village view at the present time for input into the Melton Local Plan.

gIt was noted that the Neighbourhood Plan group are currently doing a leaflet drop survey to ascertain residents views on housing issues.

(Cllr Sercombe left the meeting at this point)

11Donation Requests

aA revised request has been received from the Village Hall Committee – the project for next year has been broken into two separate projects as only £20,000 of funding has been awarded by Tarmac. The PC is asked to match this with a £2000 donation and to offer a further £2000 donation if funding can be secured for the other project. The total funding request remains the same as was agreed at the last PC meeting and budgeted for in 2016/17. The Clerk to write to indicate that the PC will support the current project up to £2,000 and will retain £2,000 for a further project in 2016/17. SB


aThe Clerk presented the following accounts for payment;

Payment number PayeeAmount

010D Overfield – Leaf clear & mowing£ 54.00

011Upper Wreake comm magazine- donat’n£ 160.00

012LRALC – chairs training£ 35.00

013Methodist Hall – Rent £ 140.00 014 Viking – printer, paper,stamps £ 167.08

015PC World – computer, MS office£ 408.99

016Frisby Vill Hall Cmtt – air con donation£5000.00

0172Commune – Domain name & email add £ 120.00

018Your Locale – NP, dat, governance, vision£ 1620.00

019LCC – Recruitment advert£ 120.00

020Frisby Vill Hall - Rent £ 140.00

021Frisby Drop In Club – Donation£ 230.00

022R Thew – Chairs annual allowance£ 100.00 023 S Booth –Clks sal & exps Feb/Mar £ 975.82

024Community Heartbeat – Battery, elec £ 255.00

025Methodist Hall – rent NP£ 38.50

026Groundwork UK–refund of unspent grant £ 2.14

It was agreed the amounts were due. It was agreed that Cllrs Farrow and Baxterwill authorise the payments in the new banking system. NF/KF/SB


aThe Clerk has given notice of her intention to retire at the end of April 2016. Cllr Ford & Baxter have produced a job advert and application pack which the Clerk will issue. SB

bNotice received from groundwork UK that the application for funding for the NP has been confirmed. The Clerk to complete the End of Grant process for this tranche of funding before 31 March 2016. SB

cNotice received that the Final Order has been made to close the church yard extension in Mill Lane. The Clerk to write to hand over to the Borough upon receipt of the transfer from the Church as previously agreed. SB

dMr Overfield has asked whether the PC wish him to continue with the mowing.

eNotice has been received from 2commune that they have been awarded the contract for supplying a website to PC’s in Leics. The current website server will be switched off by LCC at the end of August. As the cost to the PC is similar to the level currently paid it was agreed to accept this offer.

14Date and time of Next Meeting

aThe annual meeting and parish meeting will take place on Tuesday 24May.


Chair of Frisby Parish Council
