Dear Orchestra Students and Parents,
Welcome to the 2017–2018 school year! It’s going to be an exciting year in the music department.
Commitment and Communication
The most important factor in any endeavor is commitment. If there are any concerns at any time please do not hesitate to call me (EMMS: 826-7631). Communication between you and I will enable us together to provide the most positive and beneficial musical experience for your child.
Handouts don’t make it home?
Please take a moment to sign up for Remind101 to get important information when you need it. Use any device and choose how you see messages with notifications on your phone, email, or computer.I will be sending short message reminders about concerts and other assignments, and your personal information will not be shared. See the attached sheet for instructions.
Because orchestra is a class like math or language arts, rehearsals occur during the school day. This will not conflict with after school activities like sports. Students are required to attend four concerts and one contest outside the school day during the entire year. Home practice, much like homework in other classes, is expected.
Orchestra is a year-long course. If a student should decide to drop, s/he may do so during the first week of school. Beyond the first week, a student will be required to finish the school year.
EMOB – East Muskingum Orchestra Boosters
Did you know that all Orchestra parents are members of the East Muskingum Orchestra Boosters? We need parents to support our Orchestra program by attending the first meeting of the school year on September 7, or the second one on October5.
We need your help! Without parent involvement, this group cannot meet and participate in activities to help generate funds for the program. In the past, EMOB has helped pay for a variety of orchestra needs such as awards, uniforms, instruments, repairs, music, supplies and many other necessary items. Please contact me at 826-7631 (EMMS) if there are any questions. We meet monthly, and I encourage everyone to attend. If you are unable to attend meetings but are willing to help out, let me know.
Enclosed are some specific policies concerning the orchestra program. These policies are intended to provide the necessary structure for a productive and vital program. After reviewing the policies section, please sign and detach the form at the bottom and return it to Ms. Graham by Thursday, August 31. I’m looking forward to an exciting year in Orchestra!
Dawnell Graham, Director of Orchestras, East Muskingum Schools
Violin and viola students are required to bring their instruments to school every day unless notified otherwise by the director. Cello and bass students are required to have their instruments at performances. Please bring cellos and basses from home at least once a month so Ms. Graham can tune them. It’s unconstructive to practice on an out-of-tune instrument.
All students are required to bring their music and a pencil to class even if a stand is being shared by two students.
All students are required to bring their instruments to performances unless this is impossible (for example, the van broke down and you play bass). Notify Ms. Graham as soon as possible if this happens and she will supply a school owned instrument.
Please do not store instruments in your lockers. Place them in the instrument storage room.
Students are required to be in their seats with instruments out and ready to go within five minutes of dismissal from their previous class. Do not linger in the bathroom!
Orchestra dress code:
Boys:Dress shirt, dress pants, nice shoes. No sneakers, jeans or shorts.
Girls:Dress or skirt (below the knees) with shirt. Long dress pants/long dress for cellos. No sneakers, jeans, flip-flops, or shorts.
All orchestra performances are required. Failure to attend a required event without an accepted parental note of excuse will result in a grade reduction. A parent note does not automatically excuse a student from an activity. Excusal from a required event will be allowed given extenuating or emergency circumstances. Check the calendar now and put these dates on your family calendar.
Grades will be given in the following categories: Class performance and technique, written work and playing tests, and concert attendance.
Extra musical activities and non-school concert attendance are extra credit. Save your concert programs or bring a note from home!
6th Grade required concert attendance:
Oct 24EMMS Fall Concert* – 7:00 p.m. - JGHS Gym
Dec 9EMMS Holiday Concert – 7 p.m. – JGHS Gym
May 7EMMS Spring Concert – 7 p.m. – JGHS Gym
Orchestra Boosters Meetings: 9/7, 10/5, 11/2, 1/4, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3
Orchestra Boosters Fund raiser information:
Nov 2-16Orchestra Boosters Poinsettia & Coffee Sale
Nov 29Orchestra Poinsettia pick-up night, EMMS Orchestra room, 5 – 7pm
Mar 8 - Apr 4Orchestra Boosters Candle Sale
Extra Credit Concert Attendance (need parent note or concert program)
Oct 25JGHS Fall Concert
Dec 11JGHS Collage Concert – 7:00 p.m. – JGHS Gym
April 19String Sounds Coffee & Dessert, JGHS Cafeteria, 7:00pm
May 8JGHS Orchestra Concert – 7 p.m. – JGHS Gym
Also attend any other artistic performance outside of school such as concerts, theatre, ballet/dance recital, etc. This also includes student musical performance outside of school (church, theatre, recital, community choir, etc.).
I, ______have read and understand the handbook including
(Print Student Name)
grading policies, responsibilities, activities, and the calendar of events. I will put the date sheet in the family calendar.
Student signatureX______
Parent signatureX______
Parent/Guardian Email Address: ______
(not student email, please)
Please print parent name associated with email: ______
(Email will only be used to communicate orchestra information)
Feel free to email Ms. Graham with any questions or concerns at: