Pan London C-Card Scheme
Frequently Asked Questions: Information Sheet
Current Version 1.2
Updated 0.2: Adrian Kelly, Christine Chapman
Compiled by: Adrian Kelly, Christine Chapman, Kelvin Julian November 2010
Pan London C-Card Scheme
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does access to free condoms matter for young people in London?
The retail price of condoms is a potential barrier to young people, particularly more so for those form lower income families who are at greater risk of unplanned pregnancy and sexual infection. London’s young people are incredibly mobile. Many leave their borough for school or college each day and many will move from one borough to another during the year. Services need to be provided where young people live their lives, not merely where they reside.
What are the benefits of joining up with the pan London condom scheme?
It improves access for young people, it provides boroughs/PCTs with better intelligence, it is more cost effective and it is more technologically advanced. Each area will know the full picture of condom take-up by their residents, regardless of where they accessed the condoms; this is only possible through an integrated scheme.
What will it cost to start on the scheme?
Boroughs/PCTs engaging with the pan London scheme before January 31st 2011 there will bear be no initial cost for the database, however there is an initial cost in the plastic RFID cards/RFID readers. This will need to be offset by the cost of current cards. The cost of initialisation £3,000 and the first years annual licence fee £550 will be covered by the pilot funding. Boroughs joining after the pilot phase will need to pay their own one-off initialisation and annual licence fee.
What do boroughs get when joining the scheme before January 31st 2011?
· Software licence fee of £500 (paid until March 31st 2011 with pilot funding).
· Initialisation fee £2,500 (paid with pilot funding).
· Free training on the web system for the designated borough administrator to cascade locally.
· Pan-London publicity posters and window stickers
· The ability to generate reports for their borough i.e. usage, ethnicity, age, gender, location.
· Access to free condoms for their young people in any borough participating in the scheme
Please note: The pan London scheme is not responsible for local operating costs e.g. costs of condoms, additional local publicity materials, training of all local staff delivering the service to young people, quality assurance of local access points.
What are the initial costs for boroughs/PCTs who join the scheme after January 31st 2011?
They will need to pay a one-off initialisation fee of £2,500 plus the annual software license of £500.
What are the recurrent costs for participating in the scheme?
The annual database licence fee and support/help desk will be approx £1,500 -£2,000 per borough. An invoice will be issued to individual participating boroughs in March/April each year.
Will the Pan London Scheme provide mechanisms for reporting for each Borough/PCT?
Yes, the database has been developed so that individual PCT’s will be able to generate reports and comparative reports from Pan London will be generated by the Pan London Administrator
Will boroughs need designated administrator time for the scheme?
Yes, the designated administrator will have full access to the scheme and be able to allow other user levels, generate passwords/usernames and generate local reports. The amount of time needed is dependent on the borough and the number of outlets/distribution points, this can be incorporated into c-card lead roles/administrator roles.
How long will it take to get usernames and passwords generated?
Usernames and passwords will normally be generated within 48hours.
How training will be undertaken for distribution sites?
This will be cascaded within a local area by the local coordinator/lead. During the pilot stage the C-Card Project Coordinator may be able to assist a local lead where necessary. Local training on how a local scheme functions (e.g. stock ordering, SRE skills etc) will entirely be the responsibility of the local scheme.
How much do the cards cost? (product code COR004)
The costs depending on the volume purchased. A one off set up fee also applies, approx £350, which could be shared by joint purchasing with other boroughs. These prices are correct at the time of print, are subject to change and are not inclusive of VAT or delivery and are a guide for budgeting. Actual quotes should be obtained from CoreRFID whose details are at the end of this document.
Quantity / 1000 / 3000 / 5000Sale Price / £0.99 / £0.84 / £0.84
Sale NET / £990.00 / £2,520.00 / £4,200.00
How much do the RFID readers cost? (product code WON001)
Again the costs depend on the volume purchased. The prices below are, again, a guide for budgeting only. Actual quotes should be obtained from CoreRFID whose details are at the end of this document.
Quantity / 10 / 50 / 100Sale Price / £39.00 / £35.55 / £32.49
Sale NET / £390.00 / £1,777.50 / £3,249.00
Do we have to purchase our condoms through Camden PCT?
The database will have a link to the Freedoms Shop webpage. Chief Executives of London PCTs have agreed that the preferred route to purchasing condoms is through Freedoms although this is not a requirement.
Will there be a database toolkit available?
A database toolkit is still currently in development, the database user guide should provide you with most of the information that you may require, for other queries please call the Pan London C-Card Coordinator.
What kind of IT/ database support do we have?
All database support or queries should go through the Pan London C-Card Coordinator during the pilot phase. Upon completion a direct line of communication will be opened up with the database service providers.
Do I need to install software to support the RFID reader?
No separate software/application is required to be downloaded. The RFID readers are all self contained units of hardware. The unit works by reading the information (or c-card number) on the card and inputting that into data fields on the registration screens. Ultimately it is an auto fill type device that will auto fill online fields with the c-card number on the card which has a chip very much like the oyster card.
Am I able to pull reports and information for monitoring access points etc?
You can currently request reports through the Pan C-Card London Coordinator, once the pilot is complete and once modifications have been made to the toolkit you will be able to generate your own borough based reports.
What about GP’s and pharmacies?
Each GP/surgery/pharmacy will be able to register with the scheme, they only need to register once – they will then receive an email to say that they have registered. In order to engage GP’s/pharmacies it is suggested that boroughs leaflet their GP’s etc to notify them of the database/condom scheme and how to register.
If we are asking for email address and mob telephone number then the consent should mentioned them, as it is personal information?
Email and Mobile are in fact NOT mandatory fields on the database or the registration form. As the information is not mandatory then consent should only be sought by those boroughs wishing to gather this information, which should be incorporated as part of the intervention structure with the young person.
What is the communications strategy for the branding?
During the pilot stage free stickers, posters and contraceptive guides are available to participating boroughs with the common branding. We realise that local areas will want to commission or produce additional resources that use the pan London branding. Comprehensive branding guidelines have been produced to enable local areas to produce additional resources which adhere to a common standard and design treatment. This will enable us to more easily share good practise and avoid duplication of effort. The guidelines are available from the Pan London C-Card Project Coordinator.
What is the tag line “Come Correct” all about?
In addition to the logo we needed some kind of strap line for the scheme that had a good fit with the overall identity (it has the letter C at it’s heart) and was in some way a “call to action” for the client group. It is a slang term that signifies that you approach someone with respect – particularly if you are making romantic advances. We liked it because it could be interpreted in a number of ways (when we consulted young people some thought it described the process of testing and being treated for sexual infections and none of them saw the double entendre that many adults immediately see). Given the concerns about sexual violence and media representations of young people’s sexuality we wanted a tag line that was positive and countered the largely negative and/or oppressive representations of human sexuality young people see in popular culture.
Important contacts:
Kelvin Julian
Interim Pan London C-Card Project Coordinator | CLASH sessional
NHS Camden Provider Services
CLASH | ACT | 11 Warwick Street, London. W1B 5NA
Office: 020 7734 1794 | Fax: 020 7287 1368
Email: | Mobile: 07989 414 666
Richard Harrison
CoreRFID Ltd. Dallam Court, Dallam Lane, Warrington, WA2 7LT
T: +44 (0)845 071 0985 F: +44 (0)845 071 0989M: +44 (0)7752 389 745