Ms. Ikuru

English 9

Course Syllabus

Fremont Magnet High School

Course Description

Welcome to Freshman Composition. This year, we will have an academic focus on persuasion, exposition and literary analysis. We will do intensive writing as we explore and analyze various texts. We will furthermore, enhance our reading stamina and comprehension skills through daily academic reading, and comprehension exercise. Be prepared to work towards achieving academic excellence in English Language Arts. This will be a rigorous, yet productive year. As long as you work hard and complete all assignments, you will have no problem passing this class.

Course Objectives

  • Upon culmination, students will be able to independently construct persuasive, expository, and literary analysis compositions.
  • Students will furthermore be able to revise their own work, adjusting grammatical, syntactical, and punctuation errors.
  • Students will be able to think critically, as they explore and analyze presented texts
  • Students will be able to demonstrate mastery of reading comprehension, with presented literary selections.

Classroom Rules/ Expectations

  1. Be on time, in your seat, and working quietly when the bell rings; this will help us maximize our class time.
  2. Be respectful to every person in the room; this helps create a comfortable learning environment.
  3. Do not get out of your seat without permission; this will prevent chaos.
  4. No electronic devices; it is a distraction and interferes with the learning process.
  5. No talking during instruction; you cannot talk and listen at the same time.
  6. All school rules apply in this classroom

If You Choose to Break a Rule

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Standards
  3. Seat change
  4. Call Home
  5. Parent Conference
  6. Referral to the office

*In a case where disrespect gets out of control (e.g. use of foul language, threats, physical force, etc. towards instructor, you will be removed from the classroom. In those cases, you will take a zero for the day and will not be given make up work. MAKE SURE THIS DOESN’T HAPPEN TO YOU!


  • Pens/ Pencils
  • Binder or Section in binder (with college ruled paper)


Your weekly homework will be to familiarize yourself with your vocabulary words. You will be tested on these words every Friday. I will know that you have been studying based on your weekly test results. Additional homework will be assigned at my discretion and worth a tenth of your grade.

Recommended Study Format

Word / Definition / Synonym / Antonym / Sentence

Typed Assignments

All final drafts of essays are required to be typed. My standards for typed essays are as follows: 12-point font, doubled spaced, times new roman font, and one inch margins all around. Please secure access to a computer as soon as possible. Keep in mind that there are computer labs and a library on campus. I will not accept handwritten final drafts. No excuses, no exceptions.

Make Up Work

Should a situation arise in which you miss my class, you have 48 hours (from the day of your absence)to retrieve and turn in the missed assignment to me. Anything outside of that time span forfeits your rights to make up work. Furthermore, make up work will only be granted with a sick note from your parent/guardian.

Bathroom Policy

You may only use the bathroom when direct instruction is not taking place AND upon handing over your cellphone. Keep in mind that you are still responsible for anything you miss while out using the restroom. Be judicious in monitoring your bathroom activity. My suggestion is to do your best to handle your business before and after class.

Policies & Procedures

  • Abstain from using crass and vulgar language. You may not speak that way in my classroom. It is unbecoming of an aspiring scholar. This includes racial slurs.
  • Food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom as they bring ants and other pesticides. The only liquid allowed is water (as it does not stain). Finish your drink at the door or discard it in the appropriate receptacle.
  • You may only use the pencil sharpener when direct instruction is not taking place and upon receiving my permission.
  • Everyday an agenda will be posted to give you an idea of what the day will entail. This way you always know what is going on.
  • Come to class prepared. This means, fully equipped with paper and a writing utensil. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have both everyday. Do not ask me for such materials; the answer is no. Be responsible, and prepared.
  • Keep my classroom clean. Do not leave trash on the floor. Pick up after yourself. Keep the aisle free of your personal belongings.
  • Finally, I dismiss you, not the bell. As long as we are always ready, you will leave on time.


My tutoring hours are as follows:

Day / Time
Monday/Thursday / •3:00-3:30pm


You will be graded on a traditional, 100 point grading scale.I will inform you of your grades regularly. You can also ask me your grade after school during tutoring hours only! Do not come and ask me outside of the allocated time. You will not be accommodated.

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

0-59% F

Cheating/ Plagiarism

I have a zero tolerance policy for cheating and plagiarism. If you are caught you will be reprimanded and take an automatic zero on the respective assignment. It’s simply not worth it. Use your brain and ask for help.

The following are examples of cheating and plagiarism and they are unacceptable at Fremont Magnet Academy:

•Copying homework and submitting it as your own.

•Allowing someone to copy your work and submit it as his or her own.

•Looking at others test or sharing what is on a test verbally or electronically.

•Turning in someone's old project as your own.

•Not properly citing the words, pictures, music, video, or other forms of communication in your research projects

•Copying and pasting from an online source and submitting it as your own.

•Paraphrasing source material without proper citations.

•Hiring someone to write a paper, buying a paper, or downloading a paper from an online source.

Final Note:

I will do everything in my power to see that you are successful and pass this class, but I need your full cooperation. Do not slack off. Put forth the effort, and take pride in your work. This will ensure your success. Remember, I cannot want this more than you do. Take ownership of your education. After all, it is yours.

Parent Letter


Dear Parent/ Guardian,

My name is Mrs. Ikuru, and I am your student’s 9thgrade English teacher. I am looking forward to working with your student this year, and enhancing their skill level in English Language Arts. I have an open door policy, and am willing to support and assist your child in achieving their academic endeavors this year. I would like for us to work together to ensure that your student is motivated, focused, and most importantly, successful in this class.

Should you have any questions, or would like to set up a parent-teacher conference, please feel free to call the Magnet Office at (323) 565-1386 or email me at to make the proper arrangements.

Thanks for your time and participation. I look forward to working with you and your student this year!


Ms. Ikuru

*We have read and discussed the syllabus for 2017-2018 in class.

*I understand the syllabus.

*I will comply with the rules and procedures stated in this syllabus.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Please read before you sign:

*I have read and discussed the syllabus with ______and explained to him/her the importance of staying focused and following the rules.

Por favor lea antes de firmar:

*He leido y hablado sobre este plan de estudios con ______y le he explicado la importancia de estudiar y de seguir las reglas de le classe.

Parent Name ______

Parent Signature ______

Telephone # ______