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July13, 2015

  1. The regular meeting of the Freedom Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 pm by Board President Joe Jessup with members present: Lynn Bolar, Cindy Reed, Concha Herrera, Shane Morris, and Joe Jessup. Others present were Superintendent Danny McCuiston, Minute’s Clerk Patricia Dauphin, Amando Galindo with the Newsgram, Lynn Martin with the Newsgram, Dalene Dauphin, Dana Luddington, Kim LaFon, Lonn Luddington, and Bryant Weber.
  1. Reed made the motion, seconded by Herrera, to approve the consent agenda. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
  1. Minutes of the June 8, 2015, Regular Meeting
  2. Activity Fund Expenditures
  3. Approve Encumbrances for and Signing Warrants of:
  4. General Fund
  5. Building Fund
  6. Child Nutrition Fund

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Superintendent’s Report /Principal’s Report (See Attachments)
  1. Morris made the motion, seconded by Herrera to approve the following Certified Contracts for the 2015-2016 school term:
  2. Certified
  3. Katie Strehl
  4. Bretta L. Woodard
  5. Sharon Harper
  6. Calvin Neill
  7. Holly Neill
  8. Kellie Badley
  9. Charlotte Selfridge
  10. Jeanne Weber
  11. Margret Woodard-Smith
  12. Jennifer Williams
  1. Certified Part-Time Contracts
  2. Kent Bilyeu
  3. Donna Fearing

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Reed made the motion, seconded by Morris, to approve the following Extra-Duty Contracts for the 2015-2016 school term:
  2. Donna Fearing- Special Education Director
  3. Calvin Neill- Coaching (Basketball)
  4. Calvin Neill- Coaching (Track)
  5. Katie Strehl- Academic Teams (Junior High & High School)
  6. Brett Hill- Athletic Director

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Morris made the motion, seconded by Reed, to approve the following Support Contracts with a $1 per hour raise for the 2015-2016 school term:
  2. Brenda Daughhetee
  3. Heidi Cook
  4. Dawn Wares
  5. Dalene Dauphin
  6. Stevy Hill
  7. Islia Barnes

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Morris made the motion, seconded by Herrera, to approve the bid from Hiland Dairy for milk products for the 2015-2016 school term.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Herrera made the motion, seconded by Reed, to approve the use of signature stamps for official signatures of Board Members and Superintendent with prior approval.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Reed made the motion, seconded by Herrera, to approve the “change order policy” to approve minor adjustments in the encumbrances limited to $500.00 without additional Board action.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Reed made the motion, seconded by Herrera, to approve advancing class funds up 1 year on Activity Fund.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Morris made the motion, seconded by Reed, to approve authorizing the Superintendent to approve all fundraisers during the 2015-2016 school term.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Reed made the motion, seconded by Morris, to approve accepting the resignation of 2015 Certified personnel Elizabeth Ferguson.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Board discussed long-term facilities’ upgrades/improvements.

Reed made the motion, seconded by Morris, to approve establishing a Construction Priorities list as follows:

  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Update Public Restrooms for ADA
  3. Replace Boiler with New HVAC
  4. Gymnasium
  5. Exterior
  6. New Sloped Roof
  7. New Wall Cladding
  8. Insulation
  9. Interior
  10. Retractable Goals
  11. 4 Practice Goals
  12. Modern Lighting
  13. Large Fan
  14. New HVAC
  15. Seating for 450 (Some Chairbacks)
  16. Install Ceiling in Rear Corridor
  17. Update Locker Rooms for ADA
  18. Secure Entrance
  19. Renovate Superintendent Office for New Entry
  20. Renovate Support Offices to Relocate Superintendent
  21. Repairs to VoAg Facility

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. New Business:

Reed made the motion, seconded by Herrera, to approve the hiring of Cynthia Leiter for the Early Childhood Development position.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

  1. Reed made the motion, seconded by Morris, to approve adjourning at 8:15 pm.

Record of Vote: Bolar, yes; Reed, yes; Herrera, yes; Morris, yes; and Jessup, yes

Minutes for July 13, 2015 Board Meeting