Unit Test Review Notes 1st 6 Weeks 2016


  1. Basic equipment

a)Safety goggles



d)Additional equipment as directed by teacher

  1. Safety Rules

a)Follow all teacher directives

b)Report accidents immediately

c)Understand and follow all warning signs and labels

d)Do not play in the lab

e)Never eat or drink in the lab

f)Wear closed toed shoes when directed

g)Tie back long hair

h)Do not taste drink or smell anything without teacher permission

i)Clean up lab area before leaving


  1. Anything that occupies space and has mass
  2. Naturally is composed of element/s which are composed of at least 2 atoms


  1. The smallest unit that still has the properties of an element
  2. Made up of protons, neutrons and electrons

D)Chemical symbols

  1. 1st letter in all element symbols is capitalized
  2. 2nd letter (if there) in all element symbols is lower case
  3. The coefficient(number in front of element/compound) in an element/compound represents the number of molecules in that element/compound
  4. The subscript (number below the last letter in an element) represents the number of atoms in that particular element.

E)Chemical Formula

  1. When 2 or more elements combine to form a molecule it is known as a compound
  2. Represents all elements in a compound
  3. Represents the total number of atoms in a compound
  4. Represents the total number of molecules in a compound
  5. Chemical formulas with only a single element in them have at least 2 atoms of that element present and this is shown in the subscript of that element
  6. An element is made up of 1 type of atom only


  1. Are manmade representations of real world situations
  2. Have limitations that prevent them from showing every aspect of what is being studied
  3. Example: a model of the universe cannot be made to scale in a classroom and still be visible to the naked eye

G)Types of scientific investigations

  1. Descriptive investigation
  2. Comparative investigation
  3. Experimental investigation

H)Scientific investigations

  1. There are two kinds of variables we will be using to create a line graph:

a)Independent / (Manipulated) Variable – this is the variable that we change.

b)Dependent / (Responding) Variable – this is the variable that responds to that change.

c)Constants are the things in an experiment that stay the same. Most things in your experiment should be constant

d)Control Group – A trial in which the variable being tested is not manipulated (you can think of this as what would normally happen in a given situation, i.e. you would normally use water on plants)

I)Organic compounds

  1. 99.5% of all organic compounds are made of a combination of 6 elements-CHONPS







  1. All organic compounds must contain Carbon and either Hydrogen or at least 2 of the other elements (ONPS)
  2. All living organisms are made up mostly of water and organic compounds
  3. All organic compounds are 1 of 4 kinds of molecules

a)Sugars – Carbohydrates

b)Amino acids – Proteins

c)Fats – Lipids

d)Genetic materials (DNA) – Nucleic Acids