Lake Clarendon State School
Annual Implementation Plan 2016

School Improvement Priorities 2016

Improvement priority:Teaching Quality

Strategy:Improve our Performance
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Implement consistent pedagogical practices around reading and writing
  • Consistent implementation of “Speech Sound Pictures” in Prep classes to develop phonological awareness.
  • Develop and implement whole-school writing program “BigWrite/VCOP”
  • Provide professional development on teaching Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation for writing and levels of Questioning in reading.
  • Align C2C English units with writing program
  • Writing coach to be timetabled with a focus on narrative writing.
  • Ensure consistent visual displays for reading/writing and spelling.
  • Implement consistent editing processes across whole school
  • Develop ‘no excuse’ spelling lists for each year level.
  • Collect ‘A, B and C standard’ samples of writing annotated against Big Write Criterion scales
  • Use writing cold assessments for moderation practices.
/ In all year levels:
  • 42% As; 78% A or B; <D or E
  • Overall students show a gain in achievement over the year
98% Prep – Yr3 students achieving at or above level
70% Yr 3 students achieving U2B NAPLAN
65% Yr 5 students achieving U2B NAPLAN
50% Yr 3 students achieving U2B NAPLAN
50% Yr5 students achieving U2B NAPLAN / Term 1 - 4 / Class Teachers
Catriona –Leader of Learning Data
Develop content-specific pedagogical guides to complement strands in English with a focus on I Can statement goals. / Completed guides / Term 2 / Leader of Learning Curriculum – Megan & Linda
Refine and embed the whole school- wide pedagogical framework / Completed and shared with community / Term 1 / Leader of Learning Effective Teaching - Renee
Formalise the observation and feedback processes to engage teachers in reflective practice, and develop appropriate protocols. / All teachers engaged in process / Term 1 / Principal
Strategy:Promote Innovation
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Focus financial resources to create a “Projects for Excellence” fund to support innovation and action research which enhances Literacy Learning. / All teachers engaged in innovation / Continuous / Principal
Classroom Teachers

Improvement priority: Successful Learners

Strategy : Personalise Learning
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Build teachers’ capacity to utilise data to inform improvement, guide teaching practices, and prompt early intervention / 100% teachers engaged in deepening teacher knowledge / Continuous / Classroom teachers
Develop short-term data cycles, utilising a range of formative assessment tools, to provide timely identification and intervention for at-risk students / Case Management processes exist that support student literacy achievement / Continuous / Classroom teachers
Amanda Best -Learning support teacher
Further develop Excellence Academy with a focus on STEM curriculum / Increase intake by 25% / Term 2 / Michelle Minehan – U2B coach
Actively uses Honeycomb Data Model to set targets and define improvement strategies to inform teaching and differentiation strategies. / 100% teachers adhere to model / Continuous / Classroom teachers
Strategy : Engaging students
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Use Teach Like a Champion Instructional Rounds observation to identify improvements. / 100% teachers engage in observations / Quarterly / All teachers
All teachers engage in meetings that focus on the Cycle of Highly Effective Teaching: Connected curriculum →monitoring learning with specific feedback →planning instruction→ intervention / 100% teachers know ACARA and implements curriculum intent / Staff meetings weekly / All staff
Implement Digital Technologies and Coding/Robotics curriculum / 100% students use technological devices to enhance their learning experiences. / Term 2 / Classroom teachers
Actively monitor and follow up attendance. / 96% attendance / Continuous / Classroom teachers
Strategy : Cultivate 21st Century Learning
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Implement Guided Inquiry to Prep – Year 2 classes and Open Inquiry to Year 3 - 6 / 100% teachers / Term 2 / Classroom teachers
Embed the 4 Cs – Creativity, Collaborating, Communicating and Critical Thinking into Inquiry Based Pedagogy / All year levels to improve Higher Order Thinking skills / Term 4 / Classroom teachers

Improvement priority: Build Positive Culture

Strategy: School Performance
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Review role responsibilities to ensure alignment with school improvement agenda and Distributive Leadership model / All teachers assigned Leader of Learning / Review to be finalised Term 3 and presented to school council Term 4 / Teachers
Embed research circles within the school to ensure cohesion and a clear focus on innovative teaching and learning / 100% teachers engage in professional development and sharing of knowledge/practices / Continuous / Principal
Leader of Learning Curriculum
Undertake review using ASAA Australia Schools Accreditation Agency moving toward attaining accreditation from the ASAA in 2017 / 100% staff engaged in conversations / Term 4 / All Staff
Strategy: Principal Leadership
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Build a shared belief that all students can learn and all teachers can teach / Full Community understanding / Continuous / Principal
Engage staff in Performance Development processes incorportating AITSL standards and Teach Like A Champion techniques / 100% teachers engage in Annual Review Process with Principal / Continuous / Principal
Drive and lead future-focused change within and amongst schools (Lockyer Cluster, Forest Hill SS, IPS Alliance) / LCSS recognised as a leader in DDSW / Continuous / Principal
Strategy: Promote positive relationships and celebrate successes
Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Actively promote the Glasser Behaviour mindset / 100% students know language of Choice Theory and display self-managed behaviours at all times / Continuous / All staff
Establish strong, innovative and sustainable partnerships that support student learning / Enhanced school resources and facilities / Continuous / School Council
Embed strong culture of collaborative learning amongst all staff and Forest Hill SS staff / 100% staff engaged in educational research and professional discussions / Continuous / Brooke and Sandra

Improvement priority: Enhanced School Facilities and Resources

Actions / Targets / Timelines / Responsible Officer/s
Front school entrance refurbishment
  • Remove bark from playground and fill with sand
  • Replace playground edges
  • Build garden borders and fill with soil and plants
  • Fill hexagonal garden with soil and plant
  • Painting of shapes and games on concrete
/ Enhanced school facilities
Parent Café – create and use for chappy mornings and parent information talks
Upgrade projector in parade shed to incorporate sound system
Water bubblers to side of staffroom
Extend concrete path to tennis courts to allow pathway directly to office
30 new tablets for 4-6 classrooms
Robotics equipment to implement curriculum
Additional technician time
Carpark to be redesigned
Upgrade Classroom furniture for year 1 classroom
Furnish Excellence Academy and combine with staffroom to provide more room
Re furnish Library to cater for flexible teaching spaces


This plan was developed in consultation with the school community and meets identified school needs and systemic requirements.

Sandra Wright ______

Principal School Council Chair