Meeting called to order at 12:05 by Randy Paul with a pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence.
Kolman Fuzy presiding:
Thanks 10 Mile Inn for hosting us and for the food, gives mission statement.
Visitors: Julie Parsley
Kolman changed the order of business and called for vote on the winter meeting place at this time.
Nominations are: Wild Hogs on Harrisburg Pike, Columbini’s on West Broad, Crazy Mule on Cleveland, Heritage Lounge on east side of 256.
Joe Pickens stated that he thinks Wild Hogs is going to be a strip bar and it was taken off of the list.
Motion by Joe Pickens to postpone vote on winter meeting place till November, seconded by Roger Wright. . Vote taken: 21 yea, 3 nay. (December would then be first meeting in winter location.) We will still vote in April for the summer meeting location and move in May. Nominations will still be open at the November meeting.
Chris: talked to Mike Columbine and he said not normally open on Sunday but they will open for us and will have some food.
Harley : last month it was brought up that we can’t change the meeting to every three months because of state by-laws and he can’t find any mention of that in the by-laws. Jim Elgin: says it is in the by-laws and we tried to move meetings around more often before and it was an expense. It also was tried in other counties in Region 9 and didn’t work really well.
Motion by Harley Stock that we move the meetings every three months instead of every six months, seconded by Kim Chaffin. Vote taken: Yea 4, Nay 18, 3 abstentions.
Discussion points: people were confused before when we moved meetings every month. The schedule can be put on the county website the week before the meeting. Can be added to state calendar too. Not everyone has a computer. We had more people attending when we moved the meetings around. State newsletter would need two month’s notice - don’t have the newsletter out by the first. We had a lot of complaints when we had them every month. With a three month schedule we would have a window. There might not be a state newsletter if we don’t find a new editor. It’s hard enough to find a new location every six months. The county coordinator handled moving the locations back then.
Kolman is going to check the by-law verbiage.
Legislative report by J.R. Gantner:
In the seminar at the Meeting of the Minds Hardtail stated that old warriors teach and young warriors learn. The MRF membership is up. 2014 is going to be a grassroots year=knocking on doors, etc. There are 7 million riders and of that, 250,000 are SMRO members.
2014 Agenda of the MRF
As voted on at the Meeting of the Minds
-TEA (Transportation Equity Act) upcoming reauthorization slipped in the highway bill, 34-0.
MRF is on-road focused.
-SAE motorcycle roadside sound test. MRF to not promote national standard. 34-0
-Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) will monitor. 31-0
-NHTSA checkpoint grant program, cut off spending. 34-0
-Crash causation study- pursue no further, monitor – NO VOTE
-EPA mandatory stamping of exhaust, MRF to oppose. 36-0
-EPA sound emissions user study, MRF to closely monitor, leave it up to each state. 34-0
-Distracted driving MRF to oppose all forms of it, oppose blackmail funding of it. 35-0
-Right to repair, remove from objectives, will monitor though. - NO VOTE
-Definition of a motorcycle, enhance and clarify the definition – CONSENT
-Motorcycle/Motorcyclists discrimination, support profile opposition.
- International Motorcycle Cooperation Group- maintain same level of engagement, increase if needed. – 35-0
-Mandatory helmet and apparel laws. 36-0
E15 fuel, not support use of. 36-0 (farmers support use, Illinois strongly opposes)
-ITS pursue inclusion of motorcyles . 35-0
-Crash avoidance vs. safer crashing HR1498. CONSENT
-Roadway design and engineering pursue safer design. 36-0
-CDC’s involvement in motorcycling issues, limit funding of CDC. 36-0
-Private organizations who object to our agenda (smarter) monitor. CONSENT
-Public organizations who object to our agenda monitor. CONSENT
-Federal health care looking for motorcycle legislation. 36-0
-monitor EPA for any motorcycle emissions or regulatory actions . 36-0
-Black box HR2414 data belongs to the individual registered owner . 36-0
-Support national EMS standards for motorcycle crashes. 33-0
-Fair tolling on toll roads – do research
New MRF address is Suite 204 not 500
type in bill # to find out sponsors etc.
MRF has been working on a letter to the CDC from the U.S. Congress to ask them to stop focusing on motorcycle safety. Please contact your Representative in the U.S. House and ask them to co-sign this letter. Deadline is Tuesday October 8th.
Treasurer’s Report by Kim Chaffin: Beginning balance was $1112.88, ending balance is $973.00
Motion by Sue Nissely, seconded by Tony Losego: If there is over $50 in the Buy a Day collection we give it all to them in that month regardless of the amount. Discussion, Vote taken: yea – 8, nay – 11, abstentions – 4.
Motion by Robin stated that any overage from Buy a Day is held till the next meeting and we start with the overage in the kitty and it goes to the state in $50 blocks. Second by Cindy. Discussion, Robin withdraws motion. Kolman states that Buy a Day money goes to the state either as it is or as an overage over the $1,000 anyway.
Motion by Sue Nissely, seconded by Cindy: re-vote on the issue of sending overage of the Buy a Day money to state. Vote yea-19, abstentions – 5.
Motion to waive the reading of last month’s minutes made by Brian, seconded by J.R., motion carried. Harley asked for two corrections, Sally to correct and re-send.
Products report by Crystal Young: Nothing new, pins for Tom Onstott for 17 years.
Technology report by Tony Losego: nothing to report.
Old Business:
Meeting of the Minds: Robin said the crew was amazing and it was one of the largest in over 20 years attendance wise. 305 registrations. They also felt it would be a record year for donations. Next year will be held in Kansas City, MO. Robin is going to ride out and take a scenic 2-day route if anyone would like to go.
Kolman stated that the state officers worked really hard and so did Robin. Region 9 did the bulk of the work. Roger thought it was nice how everyone interacted in the hospitality room.
Toy Run: Tony will scan fliers of J.R.’s and will be in Outspokin. Email Kolman for donation letters and fliers. Phone # is 332-0198 in the article in the Outspokin.
We need a chair person for the food, Karen Norman declined. J.R and Kathy volunteered to do this.
Nominations for Franklin County:
Coordinator: none
Deputy Coordinator: Brian Nissely
Sargeant –at-Arms: Randy Paul
J.R. Gantner
Nominations for Region 9:
Sargeant-at-Arms: Randy Paul
Products: Crystal Young
Technology Officer: Tony Losego
Legislative: J.R. Gantner
Treasurer: Kim Chaffin
Deputy Director: Harley Stock
Coordinator (as stated by Kolman) corrected by secretary to:
Director: Kolman Fuzy
Secretary: Kathy Gantner, previously nominated Sally Carroll declines
Good of the order:
On Thursday night the mayor of Reynoldsburg will be at Cindy’s house if anyone wants to talk to him. 8709 Priestly Drive.
Robin is on seminar committee and looking for ideas on what you would like to see at the seminar this year. It is the first Saturday in February at Deercreek State Lodge.
Ohio is going to participate in Bikers Inside the Beltway 2014 - MRF event on May 13-16th. Will leave on Thursday and come home Friday and try to take scenic route back.
Robin is on the June Jam committee, let her know if you have any suggestions for that event. We will promote events for others if they promote ours.
Jim Elgin thanked Joe and Robin for Meeting of the Minds, said all things were handled well.
Kolman thanks all who worked bike security at MOTM and Sue for staying up all night with him.
WE made ABATE work.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Kim, seconded by Taz, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 1:52
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Carroll