Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 2nd April 2015in the St Keverne Methodist Hall at 7.30pm.

The following Councillors were present:-

Cllr R Combe (Chairman) / Cllr D Lambrick (Vice-chairman)
Cllr A R Peters / Cllr M Anselmi
Cllr A Richards / Cllr W Frisken
Cllr R Richards / Cllr Mrs S Lyne
Cllr D Kevern / Cllr R Beadle

Also present: - C Cllr W Sanger and 5 members of the public.

1.To accept apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs A Carey, D Brandreath and the Police.

2.Members to declare disclosable pecuniary and prejudicial interests (including details thereof) in respect of any item on this agendaand any dispensations thereon previously granted or requested now

Cllr M Anselmi – item 8f) – brother-in-law’s father.

3.To receive PCSO Julia Berry’s report

There was no Police report.

4.To receive Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger’s report.

Cllr Walter Sanger reported that 1st April saw the start of the new austerity measures put in place by Cornwall Council. Half the money from libraries was disappearing and there was to be a consultation.

5.Public Question Time

Jonathan Kearsley, representing Shire Oak Quarries, invited Cllrs to walk Dean Quarry with Kurt Larsen on Monday 20th April. Tue, Wed & Thu 21st – 23rd would be for the general public and Fri 24th was for near neighbours. All sessions would start at 2pm. He stated that there was a lot happening that required a conversation and suggested nominating two members to meet once a week. Members stated that they would discuss it at the end of the meeting. Cllr Frisken proposed making a date now for the whole Council. Cllr Mrs S Lyne proposed an amendment that several weekly dates be planned. Cllr A Richards did not feel it was necessary as no decisions had been made with regard to the quarry. Cllr Mrs S Lyne pointed out that Council could not do without a plan B. Another suggestion was that it be after the walk around the quarry. Some members noted that facts were changing continuously. Jonathan Kearsley stated that the unilateral undertaking should answer any doubts and more. A suggestion of Wed 22nd April was made as some members were away. It was agreed to defer the matter to the end of the meeting.

Charles Green spoke on planning item 8f) and the reasons why it should now be full residential.

Paul Taylor and Norman Elliott represented Kerrier Male Voice Choir (formerly St Keverne MVC) to answer why the chairman of the choir had changed its name, when the previous chairman had attended a meeting of St Keverne Parish Council and said they would not change the name. The choir members had voted several times about changing the name and each time the vote was 27-3 in favour of change. They had to remove ‘St Keverne’ from the name as it was getting bad press. Cllr Mrs S Lyne noted that when the new choir was formed in St Keverne after the male voice choir moved out, it chose a name so as not to clash because St Keverne Male Voice Choir name still existed.

Vivian and Pamela Harry were in attendance to answer any questions on their planning application 8e) if required.

6.To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the Chairman sign the minutes as a true and correct record of the last meeting.

7.To receive the following pre-planning applications

There were no pre-planning applications.

8.To receive the following planning applications

a)PA15/01698Conversion of barn to dwelling - amended design to an extent planning approval, Tremenhere Barn, Touch Me Pipes, St Keverne, Mr & Mrs A Foster

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

b)PA15/01940 Erection of a new dwelling, Land South of Rutherglen, Porthallow, Mr M Waller

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

c)PA15/01120 Application for Lawful Development Certificate for existing shed that has been on site for over 30 years, Land adj To Rose Cottage, Gwenter Road, Coverack, Mr Peter Butler

It was RESOLVED to ask for clarification on what Lawful Development meant as it was felt it could be the back door way to a future planning permission.

d)PA15/02161 Proposed extension and internal alterations, Respryn House, formerly Withy Cottage, Porthallow, Mr & Mrs M Pendleton

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

e)PA15/02233 Proposed conversion of a barn to form a dwelling, Barn A, Riverside Farm, Ponsongath, Coverack, Mr & Mrs V Harry

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

f)PA15/02279 Partial demolition and re-construction, minor extension and change of use of existing stone built residential utility building and former barn to form a single dwelling, dismantling and relocation of existing agricultural pole barn, installation of a domestic packaged sewage treatment plant and diversion of part of footpath 68, utility building Polcoverack Lane, Coverack, Mr & Mrs Martin Lea

Cllr M Anselmi left the room. The agent confirmed, when questioned, that the footpath 68 would be moved to the lane. At present it was south of the building but everyone was using the lane anyway, so they proposed to move it to there. It was RESOLVED to support the application.

Cllr M Anselmi re-entered the meeting.

g)PA15/02823 Proposed extension to front of property, Trevalsoe House, Trevalsoe, St Keverne, Mr & Mrs J Ludbrook

This appeared to double the size of the house and it was RESOLVED to object to the application on the grounds of over development, visual impact and the fact that it was in an AONB.

9.To receive planning decisions

25.03.2015 PA15/00558 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr Paul Scott

Location: Treleague Barn Treleague St Keverne Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Construction of two sheds for the storage of material and machinery in connection with agricultural land and some domestic storage for residential use

10.03.2015 PA14/11109 APPROVED

Applicant: Arqiva Ltd

Location: Land North East Of Trewillis Farm Trewillis Farm Trewillis Coverack Cornwall

Proposal: Development of a shared electronic communications base station comprising a 25m high lattice mast, six antennas, two 0.6m DIA dishes and six ground based radio equipment cabinets installed within a fenced compound.

12.03.2015 PA15/00422 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr M Tylor

Location: Trevithian Farm Road from Butlers Cottage to Lanarth Gate St Keverne Cornwall TR12 6RG

Proposal: Erection of lean-to on agricultural building

12.03.2015 PA15/00429 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr M Tylor

Location: Trevithian Farm Road from Butlers Cottage to Lanarth Gate St Keverne Cornwall TR12 6RG

Proposal: Erection of lean-to on agricultural building

11.03.2015 PA15/00483 APPROVED

Applicant: Messers Webb and Beasley

Location: Cove Outlook Chymbloth Way Coverack Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Reserved matters application for the erection of a dwelling approval sought for layout/siting, scale, landscaping.

27.03.2015 PA15/00663 REFUSED

Applicant: Mr Jonathan Melville-Smith

Location: Tregoss Barton Tregaminion St Keverne Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Continued use of land for stationing of 4 holiday units and 2 supporting service caravans

10.Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda

a)Meeting with St Keverne Band re potholes between band room car park and main road

The Chairman and Clerk had met with a representative of the band and had arranged for a load of stone to be delivered (free of charge for stone and delivery) and the Chairman would obtain a tamping machine so that it could be laid properly. It was noted.

b)Mill Mehall road

In a recently released Cormac schedule of surfacing works Mill Mehall road was due for patching this financial year and surface dressing next summer.

11.To discuss possibility of churchyard money being paid direct to church rather than Committee

Members were definitely against this suggestion and asked how it had come about. There was presently no treasurer or secretary for the churchyards committee, with the vicar acting as temporary treasurer and Mrs Jane Redrup acting as temporary secretary. It was RESOLVED to write to the vicar asking for an extraordinary meeting of the PCC as the public may not know that a secretary and treasurer were required.

12.To discuss provision of a defibrillator accessible to all in St Keverne village

Cllr M Anselmi was in favour, he felt the more the better. It was agreed that the WI be asked if it could be its nominated charity for next year, as they had already agreed their nominated charity for this year. It was further agreed that the Parish Council would contribute the same amount in grant from the Charity Car Parks towards as it as it had done for each of Coverack and Porthallow defibrillators. A notice would be put in the Beacon asking for someone willing to co-ordinate and set up a fund raising committee.

13.To discuss provision of Cornwall Cllr representation on Sandys Hosken Charity

Cllr Frisken advised that originally there was a Kerrier Councillor on the charity, then there was a Cornwall County Councillor on it, then there was no-one in the area. However, now there was a Cornwall Councillor in the area. It was RESOLVED that Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger be co-opted to the Sandys Hosken charity.


a)To receive letter of resignation from a member

It was with regret that members received a letter of resignation from Cllr Russell Hocking. A letter of thanks would be sent to him and the press would be asked to put in an article about his work on the Parish Council.

b)Reply from Vicar re community meeting room in church

This stated that the main reason for offering the community meeting room free of charge was due to funding criteria and this would be reviewed once the appropriate period had expired. However, he did not think there were any organizations using it instead of regular halls because it was much smaller. It was pointed out that Andrew George MP had used it for his recent ‘surgery’ whereas the previous year he had paid for the Parish Hall. Also, the prospective conservative candidate for St Ives constituency had used it for a ‘meet the candidate’ session. The vicar would be advised.

c)Ethical Standards training, including Code of Conduct, Camborne 14th May

It was noted.

15.To receive the financial statement Current a/c £5,821.11Tracker £22,049.99

16.The cheques to be signed by Councillor W Frisken

17.To approve the following outstanding accounts

It was RESOLVED that the following outstanding accounts be approved and cheques prepared:

a)Clerk’s pay599.07

b)Clerk’s expenses 47.36

c)St Keverne Methodist Chapel (Hire 17/3, 2/4) 40.00

d)Susan Roberts (St Keverne bus shelter cleaning) 60.00

e)Cormac (cleaning toilets Mar) 1048.29

f)SSE (routine street light maintenance Oct 14 – Mar 15)408.82

g)Cornwall Council (rates Harbour toilets) 49.20

h)Cornwall Council (rates St Keverne toilets) 75.00

i)Cornwall Council (rates Porthallow toilets) 54.00

j)Internal audit account 2013/14120.00

k)DomainIt (domain name & hosting renewals) 76.43

18.Any other business (for information only)

Cllr Mrs S Lyne mentioned a wall that had been built below the Croft, N Corner. The Chairman had taken a Natural England officer to look at it because it was adjacent to the SSSI but he was not bothered about it. The Clerk had now sent the matter to planning enforcement.

Cllr D Lambrick reported that the work to Porthallow toilets to remove the Wallgate hand washer/dryer units and replace with sinks had been completed that day. Two new paper towel dispensers were required as two had been removed by someone.

Cllr A Richards reported that the Parish Hall had received £30k from SITA Uk for a new roof and this combined with a couple of other small grants plus fundraising had achieved the amount required. A new boiler had already been installed. He also reported that Cormac had put down some tarmac in Rosenithon.

Cllr R Richards noted the amount of rubbish on the roads into the village and asked whether a working party could be set up to clear it. It was agreed to put it on the next agenda.

In conjunction with the above; the blue box recycling collection lorry regularly drove out of the village with all its flaps left open, so rubbish was blowing out of it. The Clerk would advise the contract manager.

Cllr Frisken advised that he had obtained a new barrel lock for the N Corner toilets car park, as the old one had something jammed in it and would not work. It was noted.

19.The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 14thMay 2015 in St Keverne Methodist Hall, at 7.00pm.

20.In view of the nature of the following items, it was resolved to exclude members of the press and public under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (Standing Order 1c)