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The Stanway Learning Centre is based on what was until August 2014 the Alderman Blaxill School site in Paxman Avenue. The closure of the school and the fact that the site will be required for a secondary school in the future provides an opportunity in the next few years, to continue using the facilities for learning. The aim of the Learning Centre is to provide quality learning experiences, intervention programmes and tailored support that enables young people in local schools to raise their achievement.

The Learning Centre is at the heart of the local educational community providing learning experiences and support that extends and enhances the educational provision for young people. An important belief of the Learning Centre is that all young people have talent and the potential to achieve, providing they have the support and encouragement to meet their specific needs. The Learning Centre will work closely with local schools to identify the needs of students and to provide interventions and support that it is difficult for schools to provide on their site. The home school will be provided with accurate and detailed feedback on the progress students make while they are attending the Learning Centre to ensure that progress made in the Learning Centre is sustained when the students returns to their school.

The Learning Centre will provide learning activities, for all abilities, that are tailored to meet the needs of individual or targeted groups of students. These activities will challenge young people to take responsibility for making progress in their education and achieving success in the future. Staff will ensure that the time students spend in the Learning Centre is focused on meeting their needs and enables them to be better prepared to achieve challenging outcomes in the future. The aim will be to build the belief of the young people to make them aware of their potential to achieve success in their lives and improve their future life chances.

In the Independent Learning Zone staff will provide individual support for students. A daily learning programme will be designed for each student to enable them to overcome any barriers that are preventing them from learning and to ensure that they continue to have access to the curriculum. Students whose behaviour is preventing them and their class from making progress and putting them at risk of being excluded from school, will be provided with a period of time away from their peer group without any interruption to their education. The independent Learning Zone can be a stepping stone back into regular attendance for students who have been absent form school. For some students the Learning Zone will provide them with a break from pressures from their peer group without preventing them from continuing to learn. Students who need to catch up perhaps in one subject or in a number of subjects can take advantage of the support available in the Independent Learning Zone to get back on track. For high achieving students the Independent Learning Zone can be a venue for focused revision or extension work. Any student who has individual needs will benefit from the opportunity to work in the Independent Learning Zone on a programme that is designed by the staff to meet their specific needs.

The Learning Centre provides courses and interventions that are targeted to meet the needs of different groups of students including, primary pupils, secondary students, Gifted and Talentedstudents, and those that simply need some additional stimulation or motivation. Courses are provided in response to demand from schools and cover areas such as, study skills, raising achievement in specific subjects, preparation for examinations or tests, and personal development.

The Learning Centre has a dedicated primary room for learning activities involving primary age children and a dedicated secondary room for activities involving secondary school students. There is an ICT suite and a fully equipped Student Conference Room which is also available for schools to book for their own intervention activities or events. This is also a student Common Room for students to eat and drink and take a break from the learning challenges they are presented with in the courses and interventions. Attending a course at the Learning Centre takes the students to a different venue for learning and takes them out of their comfort zone, which makes the learning more memorable. On the courses and interventions provided by the Learning Centre students will have the opportunity to work with students from other schools, so the time spent on learning has more impact. On some programmes the course at the Learning Centre will be followed up by outreach visits to the students’ school to ensure that the impact of their participation in a learning programme is sustained. Adult learning is also catered for at the Learning Centre and the fully equipped Conference Rooms and other facilities are available for hire at very reasonable cost. If you are planning a course, activity or event please contact the Learning Centre to discuss your requirements.

If you would like more information about the Learning Centre please contact the Business Manager Krista Hook on 01206 216500 or by e mail . You would be very welcome to come and visit and one of our members of staff would be very pleased to show you the facilities. Please contact Krista Hook to arrange a suitable time.

Mr Phil Jones

Head of the Stanway Learning Centre
Paxman Avenue




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Telephone 01206216500

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