Saint LouisUniversity
FR X110 Communicating in French
SteGenevieveHigh School
French 3
Course Syllabus 2010-2011
Instructor: Mme Bre Uzzell
Contact Information: school phone – 883-4500 ext 2142
email –
website -
Texts: Bien dit French 3, Holt Rinehart, Winston; Le Petit Prince, À la découverte du Petit Prince, National Textbook Company.
Course Objectives:
1.Synthesize strategies to comprehend written and spoken French on a variety of topics
2.Apply and synthesize language and culture skills to provide and obtain information, express emotions, exchange opinions, and create presentations on a variety of topics
3.Apply knowledge of Francophone cultures to demonstrate the relationship between the practices, products, and perspectives of these cultures
4.Apply language and cultural skills to expand knowledge in other disciplines
5.Analyze the nature of language by comparing French and English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation
6.Apply language and culture skills both within and beyond the school setting to show evidence of becoming a lifelong learner
Course content:
1st semester: Chapters 1-4Bien dit French 3.
Semester project: Francophone Africa – an in-depth study of Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, and the Ivory Coast among others
2nd semester: Chapters 5-6Bien dit French 3.
Semester project: Le Petit Prince
Course evaluations:
1st semester: chapter quizzes and tests, comprehensive final exam
research of Francophone Africa
2nd semester: chapter quizzes and tests, analysis of Le Petit
Prince (for more info see website), comprehensive exam
Course schedule:
See attached calendar for more information.
daily work30%
comprehensive finals10%
Grading scale:
Academic Integrity Statement: This class holds the same standards of academic integrity as other classes at Saint LouisUniversity. Complete, specific guidelines are available at
Key Information:
- Students are required to keep a 1 ½ inch binder for notes and certain assignments
- It is requested that students bring, as part of their school supplies, any one of the following: 1 box of Kleenex, 1 bottle of glue or 2 glue sticks. Students who choose to bring one of these items for classroom use may receive 5 points extra credit; maximum 10 pts.
- Assignments should be turned in by placing them in the correct file near the teacher’s desk. Adequate time is given in each class period for work to be completed in class. Therefore, any assignment not turned in by the due date will be late.
- Late work on projects and papers will not be accepted. Exceptions in extreme cases will be made only at the teacher’s discretion.
Student Expectations:
- Students are expected to be in attendance and on time for all classes. Students should be in their seats with all required materials when the tardy bell rings. Chronic absenteeism is a precursor for failure.
- Students are expected to bring books, notebooks, binders, and pens/pencils to class each day.
- Students are expected to take examinations at the scheduled times except for an excused absence. Make-up examinations will be taken on the day the student returns to class.
- Students should preserve the academic atmosphere of the classroom and not engage in any disruptive or distracting activity such as whispering/talking, walking around during lecture, etc.
- Students are expected to devote sufficient study time to accomplish the stated goals and objectives of the course. This is a college prep class.Expect to spend a minimum of 20 minutes each night on homework or studying vocabulary.
- Show respect for yourself and others in conducting yourself during class. There are no insults or jokes made another’s expense that are tolerated in this classroom.
- All policies in the 2010 SGHS/SGMS Standard of Conduct handbook shall be adhered to in this classroom.
By signing this form, I affirm that I have read and understood the above syllabus. I further understand that if I have any questions or if a problem arises, I may contact Mme. Uzzell via the school or her e-mail address.
Student signature ______
Parent signature ______