Psi Chi/PSA Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, 9/3

-Officers introduced themselves:

-Psi Chi President: Allissa Arent

-Psi Chi Vice President: Joe Sbar

-PSA President: Shayla Thrash

-Treasurer: Brett Swaney

-Volunteer Coordinator: ErinWilmot

-Secretary: Katie Poisson

-Website Coordinator: Becky Lax

-Social Coordinator: Collin Webster

-Played the beach ball icebreaker

-Meeting list presented:

-September 3rd – Psychology conference and psychology careers- Erin Droege,

Francois Bigelow

-September 17th – GRE discussion with David Bun and speakers for Teach For


-October 1st – Norm Ables discussing graduate school

-October 15th- Psych in the Media (popcorn?)

-October 29th- Hypnotist!

-November 12th- Writing a personal statement/ Eboard discusses best/worst psych

classes at MSU

-December 3rd- Holiday Party


-Sparticipation- August 23, 2008

-Freshman Psychology Orientation- September 19, 2008

-Apple Orchard- September 21, 2008 (Tentative)

-ivote @ Breslin- September 28, 2008

-Bar Crawl- October 11, 2008

-Haunted House- (Depending on Apple Orchard Turnout)- October 18, 2008

-Volunteer opportunities:

-Haven House

-Holiday Cards for children at Sparrow Hospital

-Boys and Girls Club

-East Lansing Healthcare Center- Costume Party

-Ele’s Place

-Origami- CMH

-Speaker 1: Erin Droege from Community Psychology Program

-Community Psychology Graduate Student

-What is community psychology about?

-Research in community, not lab. Interests vary including: poverty, STD

prevention, women’s violence, how to make organizations and programs

work better, and many more.

-“Research for action.”

-The main goal is to motivate social change.

-If interested, you should attend the Midwest Eco Conference

-Takes place October 10th and 11th

-Helps you learn about community psychology and network

-$30 admissions

-Email if you have any questions

-Speaker 2: Directors and student in the Adolescent Diversion Program: Asia Casey, Amanda Terry

-What is the Adolescent Diversion Program (ADP)?

-PSY 371/372

-2 semesters, 4 credits each

-An opportunity to work with an adolescent delinquent and teach them

about communication, life skills, patience, etc.

-Sometimes work with schools, families, CMH, and courts

-Learn in both a classroom setting and hands on in the field

-extremely helpful for career

-Classes are small, with only 6-8 people in each section

-This makes it easy to get to know everyone in an intimate setting

-Also learn about getting into grad school!

-How do I get in?

-Must apply and interview to get in!

-Orientation will be held in October… date to come.

-VERY selective.

-45-50 students are admitted each semester

-Either spring/summer or summer/fall


-Only PSY 101

-Usually only juniors and seniors are accepted, but not always



-Phone: 517-355-9519


-Speaker 3: Francoise Bigelow: Psychology Undergrad Advisor

-One of four psychology undergraduate advisors

-All can be found in rm. 100 Psychology Building

-What do the advisors do?

-Advising, seminars, events for students, etc.

-Francoise also teaches Careers in Psychology (PSY 290) in the spring, Sarah

Handspike teaches it in the fall.

-What is PSY 290?

-A one semester, 3 credit course intended to make you aware of how to be a successful psych major

-Covers: resumes, portfolios, APA style papers, grad schools, academic

planning, volunteering, research, study abroad, internships and much


-This class can help you find a passion, and give you the tools you’ll need

to get there

-Usually has about 25 students

-Sophomores and juniors only

-If you are going to be a senior, you can take Careers for Social Science instead (SSC490).

-Francoise’s other events:

-Undergrad seminars

-resumes, portfolios, etc.

-Freshman orientations

-students tell students how to make it here at State

-1 hour sessions

PSYCHFEST- Wednesday, September, 24- 3pm to 6pm

-Speaker 4: Sally Grady: Psychology Undergrad Advisor

-She is the one who sends us all of the emails about upcoming events… read them and attend!

-Community Mental Health Seminars

-Get more information in rm. 100 psych bldg.

-Sally gave a lot of praise to the ADP… says it is a great stepping stone for both getting into grad schools and getting a job