Patterson PTA General Meeting
November 10, 2016
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:36AM
II. Approval of October 13, 2016 Meeting Minutes
The minutes will be posted as written
III. Principal’s Report, Mrs. Frost
• Thank you for the principal gift from the PTA
• Thank you to the families that provided the Diwali Lunch that was presented to the teachers and staff.
• Parent Teacher Conferences - continue to be going on.
• Veterans Day Assembly is on 11/11 at 9:30AM. There are a lot of guests to speak and to be recognized. It is open to the chorus parents as well as they are preforming. Immediately following is a small reception for our guests put on by the PTA in the music room.
• Test Scores - the PARC scores went home. You can call the office if you have questions. The students will be taking them again in the spring. At the last board meeting they spoke about the district scores.
• Courtyard/Outdoors Update - There is an IPEF grant that has been submitted to hopefully get some funds. The garden club will do some planting in the spring. Please keep in mind we will be looking for donations of plants etc.
• IPEF Participation - was fantastic with the marathon - we will be getting some money back to the building. There is a committee of staff and runners that will take suggestions and determine what would be the best use of the money.
• Citizenship Awards - we had our first quarter breakfast. It went very well. It is a way of recognizing kids who have been “caught” being good or have made significant changes in behavior. We can’t catch everyone so we do try to keep it a celebration between the families, child, and school. PTA contributed money towards the program which is used for the breakfast and a sign for photo ops. The program is continued all year long with the tickets and random prizes. We are always looking for little trinkets for the prize box.
• Transportation Department and Naperville PD - we have asked them to come out and review our drop off/pick up procedures. The good things are that our system is good and our structure is good for the facility. The concern was people following the signs and the rules. They said that they are going to come out and enforce the rules.
IV. President’s Report
• Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast - for chairs and co-chairs in place of our general meeting is on 12/8 at the Pancake Cafe at 9:30AM.
• Last year we purchased the tables for the courtyard. We are formally gifting the tables to the school from the PTA
• 11/15 Lou Malnati’s
• 11/14-18 american teachers week
• 11/18 american teachers week luncheon
V. Treasurer’s Report
• $35286.87 bank balance
•Income Highlights $15580 total- Orange Ruler $13530 that does not include online transactions. Fall Photography $1740. Orange ruler income matching $300 Late Pics With Pete $10
• Expense Highlights $2306.50 t-shirts. Fall photography. Room Parties 7
• Insurance 395, Ice cream socail 240 Fall family fun 116 and 109 reimbursements. $4771.76 total in expenses.
• Miscellaneous - Projected Income: Butter Braids, Spirit Wear $150, Mod Pizza $214. Orange Ruler income. Projected expenses: $5100 for field trips. Teachers submit receipts up to $75 for Classroom Enrichment. We project $2600. Taxes will be filed electronically.
VI. VP - Finance/Fund Raising
• Spirit Wear - made $150
• Restaurant Nights - mod pizza on 11/15
• Butter Braid pick up is 11/18
• Box tops - The first check should be about $1100. Labels for education is ending this year. We have about 42000 points that we will need to spend before the end of the school year. We did order some equipment for recess. Use your box top apps.
VII. VP - Administrative/Service
• Sock Hop - there will be something on announcements regarding volunteering.
• American Education Week - luncheon on 11/18.
• Directory - Hoping it comes out in a week. It is done and going to the printer.
• IPPC meeting - Was 10/20. There is a scholarship each year for the seniors. They emphasized the volunteer of the month and nominating people for those. NC17 tv came and you can get emails from them regarding news tips, local sports, a monthly meeting with the superintendents from both districts. They are looking for news from us. Dr. Sullivan came and spoke about the board and putting money towards air conditioning to get the elementary schools to 50%. They are commissioning a demographic study to look at what is going on with populations and ages of children attending schools and small chance of looking at high school boundary changes.
• PA PTA meeting - the main thing they hope to achieve is to get grants for their PA teachers. It is strength in numbers - Crone and Still are known as heavy in homework so coming together in numbers is more helpful in that situation than individual. There will be meetings as well as transition nights for going into honors and PA to know what to expect when you are going into middle school and high school. The next one is on 11/28 for middle to high school at Matea. Mostly it is the students speaking about their experiences. Students should go with their parents.
• Special Needs PTA - Napersafe program - they have a smart 911 phone number that you can register you information. You can give them medical information etc. so that if someone came to your house in an emergency call they would have more information. You can also put in additional contacts info. There is also the fast track program - for someone who may have special needs or an older person where the person could qualify for a waterproof tracking devise. There is an alert sticker that you can get and put on your car so that indicates you have a child with autism incase of an emergency.
VIII. VP - Enrichment/Social
• Orange Ruler - we are closing out the books on 11/19 and will have a final number. After the holidays we will meet as a PTA to solicit ideas as to how we should spend the money.We can share ideas at the January meeting. The more detail with your idea the better. FYI we are getting new playground equipment from the district. Ideas are to benefit all students. It could be lots of different things - not just one large thing. Looking down the line - Chrome books are coming, trees are being donated.
• Cultural night 2/24
• Science Fair is 3/8
• STEAM day at school 4/27 if you know anyone who would like to present please let us know
• Variety Show - May 10th rehearsal and May 12th the show at 6pm.
• Community Service - Gift Mart is starting in Dec. on 12/15 volunteers to be bell ringers at Casey’s .
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
• Rita Malloy brought up how Chris Herren, who played for the Boston Celtics, spoke about addiction at Naperville North. The talk was phenomenal. It was also discussed that the Kids Matter talk is good as well and is about tech awareness and drug addiction.
•There was a thank you note from Mrs. Ambrose for the luncheon.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:46am.