The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, April 17, 2012. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Leon Baker, Steve Bury, Rhett Coon, Matt Hull, Linda Jones, and Gerald Reichert. Others present included: Treasurer Kathleen Zander, Fire Chief George Lane, Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart, Interim Police Chief Ty Ulrich and Director of Public Works Gary Zuroff . Council member Mike Dryden and Recreation Director Dean Svenvold were absent.

Coon moved to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2012 regular council meeting. Second by Bury and the motion carried with Sokoloski abstaining.


Street Committee – 04/10/2012

Present: Carrie Sokoloski, Rhett Coon, Gerry Reichert, Jerry Jimison, Chief Lane, Gary Zuroff, Kevin Dorwart, Aaron Ollerman, Chad Knutson (Ranger), Kelsey Bray (Ranger), Ann McHale, Peggy Iba, and Jerry Geiger. Arriving late: Jack Rice, Wally Broeder and Mike Dryden.

1)Farm to Table is asking for a street closure on the 100 block of Clough and the 300 block of Bell, to the alley, for the Saturday Farmers’ Market. This would be from 9 a.m. to noon beginning from June 2 to October 6, 2012. Farm to Table has their own barriers and would not require any barriers or assistance from the City to set them up. Farm to Table also requested to access electricity from the City Water Plant if it isn’t accessible on the other side of the block.

Public Works Director Zuroff explained that there is only one person on at a time at the City Water Plant on Saturdays, so traffic in and out should not be a problem, but they will need access so it may be necessary to leave one lane open. Farm to Table was also asked to provide signage where Bell St. connects with Douglas St., so traffic knows that the street is closed ahead.

R)The committee recommended granting their request. Farm to Table is to work with Public Works Director Zuroff on signage and potential access issues.

2)The Committee discussed the two proposals the City received for the walking trail that will connect the city to Makoshika State Park. Each Committee member was given evaluation sheets to score proposals from Interstate Engineering and Weston Solutions, Inc.

R)Based on the total compiled scores, it was the recommendation of the Committee to hire Interstate Engineering.

With no further business, the Street Committee report was concluded.

FUPR Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 4:00pm

Present: Mayor Jimison, Carrie Sokoloski, Mike Dryden, Gerald Reichert, Rhett Coon, Gary Zuroff, Jack Rice, Kevin Dorwart, Kelsey Bray, Chad (Ranger), Jerry Geiger, Peggy Iba, Ann?, Aaron Ollerman

1. Kevin Dorwart: SID policy

Mr. Dorwart presented an SID draft policy. This policy allows the City to fill “holes” in our existing state of development. Ex - being able to pave Grant Ave or other areas in the City that were developed but do not have curb/gutter, paving, etc. and are at least 51% owner occupied/developed. New development infrastructure and improvements are required and included in Subdivision Regulations.

Committee recommends changing proposed SID policy to: Not exceed 15yrs amortization, 3% admin fee, with a $5,000 flat rate down payment, and up to $200,000 for residential.

2. Kevin Dorwart: Water/Sewer Engineering Projects

Mr. Dorwart presented the bids from engineers regarding various water and sewer projects. The bid from Great West Engineering met our approvals and timing is critical to move forward with Great West’s scope of work. Mr. Dorwart and the committee requested more time to review the bids from the other firms because of pricing concerns on parts of the bids. Committee will review bids and be ready to make approvals by next committee meeting. This will not affect critical path timelines.

Committee recommends entering into a contract with Great West Engineering for 4 projects including East Doge blks 213, 228, and the Husky Lift Station.

3. Gary Zuroff: Amendments & Resolutions

Mr. Zuroff presented amendments and resolutions needing approval for next council meeting.

A. Approve landfill consultant agreement with Barry Damschen

B. Legal notice on public hearing for waste water treatment plant Environmental Assessment. April 17, 2012 at 7:10pm

C. 3 resolutions for grant requirements for the waste water treatment plant

Committee recommends approving amendments and resolutions.

4. Jack Rice: Annexation Application Form

Mr. Rice created an application form for which county residents can use to request annexation from the city. The form was well constructed.

Committee recommends approving the Annexation Application Form.

5. Jack Rice: Water/Sewer Hookup fees

Mr. Rice presented a final draft of water/sewer hookup fees. Fee schedule was shown as exhibit A (included in your packet).

Committee recommends approving exhibit A for water/sewer hookup fees.

6. Mayor Jerry: Community Clean-up Week

Mayor Jimison informed the committee that it was again time for the annual Community Clean-up Week. In the past, the City donates $1,000 to cover landfill costs for residents to clean up properties. The county in the past has matched and last year WBI also matched $1,000 to help cover landfill costs. Last year the City and County used a coupon program in coordination with the Chamber to cut down on commercial entities abusing the program.

Committee recommends donating $1,000 for Community Clean-up Week utilizing the couponprogram.

Mayor Jerry: Multi-Purpose Building RFPs

Mayor Jimison presented 5 RFPs from area architects and engineers for the City multi-purpose building proposed to be built next to city hall. Committee will review the RFPs, score them, and be ready for recommendation at our next committee meeting


With no further business, the committee report was concluded.

***7:10 – The regular City Council meeting was recessed to conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of obtaining public comments regarding an environmental assessment for a proposed project that will replace the existing facultative lagoons with a wastewater treatment plant.

***7:18 – Reopen City Council meeting after conclusion of Public Hearing.


Mayor Jimison asked, three times, if any members of the audience would like to speak to the Council. There were none.


Approve Hiring Interstate Engineering for CTEP Walking Trail Project – Sokoloski moved to approve hiring Interstate Engineering for the CTEP Walking Trail Project. Second by Reichert and the motion carried.

Approve contract with Great West Engineering for scope of work on four sewer projects for $63,400 – Coon moved to approve the contract with Great West Engineering for scope of work on four sewer projects, in the amount of$63,400. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.

Approve Landfill Consultant Contract with Barry Damschen Consulting in amount of $9,000 -

Hull moved to approve the Landfill Consultant contract with Barry Damschen Consulting in the amount of $9000. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.

Approve Resolution #2860 - Accepting the Findings of the Environmental Assessment and Determining that an environmental impact statement is not necessary – Baker moved to approve Resolution #2860 to accept the findings of the Environmental Assessment and Determining that an environmental impact statement is not necessary. Second by Bury and the motion carried.

Approve Resolution #2861 - Authorizing submission of DNRC-RRGL Grant Application – Hull moved to approve Resolution #2861 authorizing submission of DNRC – RRGL Grant Application. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.

Approve Resolution #2862- Authorizing submission of a TSEP Application – Hull moved to approve Resolution #2862 – authorizing submission of a TSEP grant application. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.

Approve Annexation Application Form for use with Annexation Policy - Coon moved to approve the Annexation Application Form. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.

Approve Resolution #2863 - for Water and Sewer Hookup fees (Exhibit A included) – Coon moved to approve Resolution #2863 Water and Sewer Connection fees. Second by Bury and the motion carried.

Approve $1000.00 donation for Community Wide Clean-up Week - April 23rd – 28th– Bury moved to approve the $1000 donation towards community wide clean up week to cover landfill expenses. Second by Hull and the motion carried.

First Reading of Ordinance No. #02-2012-Amending Ch. 7-2-5 regarding bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gases – Mayor Jimison read Ordinance #02-2012 aloud for the first reading.

FYI – Request from IAFF Local 2242 – A request for various financial information from IAFF Local 2242 was included in the packets. Dorwart will take care of getting the information to the union.

FYI – Recognition of Public Service – Mayor Jimison recognized Kathy Green for her service to the City of Glendive as a Council member and past President of the Council. He presented her a small present, her name placard and a plaque thanking her for her contribution to the City.

May 9-11, 2012 – Municipal Elected Officials Workshop- Billings – April 20th Registration Deadline

Any interested elected officials can contact the Mayor.

Accounts Payable Claims: $78,072.56 – Bury moved to approve Accounts Payable Claims in the amount of $78,072.56. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.


Police – They have just completed quarterly firearm testing. Tomorrow several officers will be attending training in Broadus on criminal investigating. The first Department Head meeting and 911 meeting for Interim Chief Ty Ulrich will be this week. Background checks are being done for potential officers and Ulrich would like to set a date for testing and interviews by possibly mid-May. Jones inquired about the fee for littering and stated the fines should be stiffer to deter some of the new people in town from littering.

Fire –Chief Lane reminded everyone there is a red flag warning out due to the wind. There were a few wildland fires on Sunday and during those fires the engine on the wild land truck was burned up. It has been sent to Mile City and will be back and operational Wednesday.

Finance is gathering information for Great West Engineering for the DNRC and TSEP grant applications. Dorwart has been working with some personnel issues and Police Union negotiations begin Tuesday at 9:00am. Dorwart has several conference calls within the next couple days, one with the league of cities and towns to discuss the oil impacted areas and brainstorm ideas for the next legislative session and the other call will be for employee benefits with MMIA.

Public Works has been very busy with street sweeping and preparing the parks. They have spent a couple weekscleaning, open the bathrooms, preparing the sprinklers so they are ready to charge. They are continuing their meter project and busy with the ongoing multiple projects going on. Zuroff also mentioned a conference call on the 23rd, with Craig Pozega of Great West Engineering and the Dawson County Commissioners regarding the joint waste water project.


April 20th - MMIA Board of Directors meeting – Helena

April 20th - Boys and Girls Club Cheesecake Luncheon – Methodist Church – 11:00am – 2:00pm

April 20th - Catholic Daughters of America – Salad/Dessert Luncheon – KC Hall –11:00am – 2:00pm

April 21st – Boys and Girls Club Sponsored Magic Show – DCC Toepke Auditorium – 1:00pm, (& April 22nd – 4:00pm)

April 21st – GMC Badlands Foundation Gala – Moose Hall – 5:30pm

April 22nd – Frontier Gateway Museum Annual Meeting – 2:00pm

April 23rd – 28th – Community Cleanup Week (City/County/WBI – Scott Fradenburgh)

April 25th – Eastern Plains RC&D Meeting – YRI – 1:30pm

April 27th- 28th – Annual Makoshika Quilt Show (Sponsored by Patches on the Prairie Quilters)

April 30th – Week of the Young Child Parade – 10:00am

April 30th – Ribbon Cutting for the Intake Diversion Dam – 1:00pm


Ordinance Committee – Monday, April 23, 2012 – 4:00pm

Personnel Committee – Monday, April 23, 2012 – 4:30pm


Police Report – March 2012 was included in the packets.


Kelsey Bray was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for her work as a City reporter with the Ranger Review. She is moving out of town and her hard work and dedication will be missed.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Dated this 17th day of April, 2012.

Approved the 1st day of May, 2012.


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Kathleen Zander, Treasurer