Rev. 2/1/2017
FPL OASIS Business Practices
General Practices
FPL’s general OASIS business practices such as products offered, requirements for submittal, qualifications for service, creditworthiness,etc.are contained within FPL’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) posted on the OASIS website. Additional practices are those specified within NAESB’sBusiness Practice Standards for Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS). Business practicesthat are not specifically addressed within either FPL’s OATTor NAESB’s Business Practice Standards for OASIS are noted below or are posted separately within the OASIS Business Practices folder on FPL’s OASIS site.
Revisions to FPL’s Business Practices
A message alerting all users of anyproposed changes to the business practices listed below will be posted on FPL’s OASIS home pagefor a two week period prior to implementation of the change. The new business practice(s) will become effective at the end of the two week period.
Application of Creditworthiness Standards
Transmission Customers who do not satisfy the criteria for creditworthiness set forth in Attachment L to FPL's OATT pursuant to a credit review by FPL or have not provided the financial assurances required by FPL in accordance with Attachment L are classified as "Inactive" on OASIS and may not request Transmission Service through the OASIS. Potential Transmission Customers whose creditworthiness has not been reviewed by FPL also may not request Transmission Service through the OASIS. In the event a request for Transmission Service on the FPL Transmission System cannot be made through the OASIS, please contact FPL at and the matter will be addressed during the next business day.
Congestion Relief
Third parties that desire to post an offer of congestion relief may do so by posting such an offer in the Category “Other” under the Notices tab on the FPL OASIS.
Specific Business Practices
Request Duration Requirements
Point To Point
- FPL allows Hourly Non-firm in increments of 1-24 hours within the same calendar day.
- FPL allows only a fixed day for Daily Firm and Non-Firm requests, i.e., clock hour midnight to clock hour midnight.
- FPL allows a sliding week for WeeklyFirm and Non-Firm requests,e.g., a reservation can run from Friday to Friday or Monday to Monday.
- FPL allows only a fixed month for MonthlyFirm and Non-Firm requests,e.g., January 1 to January 31st.
- Yearly requests may be submitted starting on the first day of any month, and must be in whole yearly increments (e.g. if a request starts on 10/01, it must end on 10/01 HE 00:00 of any following year.)
Network Secondary Service - NITS
- FPL allows Hourly Network Secondary Service in increments of 1-24 hours within the same calendar day.
- FPL allows a sliding week for Weekly Network Priority Secondary Service (NPSS) requests,e.g., a reservation can run from Friday to Friday or Monday to Monday. The maximum duration of a Weekly NPSS is one week.
- FPL allows only a fixed month for Monthly Network Priority Secondary Service requests,e.g., January 1 to January 31st. The maximum duration of Monthly NPSS is one month.
Designate Network Resources (DNR) - NITS
- The minimum increment a DNR can be submitted is one calendar day, clock hour midnight to clock hour midnight.
- FPL will consider requests that are submitted lasting up to 6 days to be Daily DNRs.
- FPL will consider any requests submitted lasting between 7 and 27 calendar days to be Weekly DNRS.
- FPL will consider any requests that are submitted lasting between 28 and 365 calendar days will be considered Monthly DNRs. Any request lasting more than 365 days will be considered a Yearly DNR.
Submission Timing Requirements
- On Fridays,FPL allows the submittal of requests for hourly service for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. If the following Monday is a holiday, requests for the following Tuesday may also be submitted. Requests for hourly service submitted on a day preceding a holiday, or a day when a holiday is observed may also include the day of the holiday (or day of observance) and the following day. Example: If July 4th falls on a Wednesday, requests submitted on Tuesday may include service for both Wednesday and Thursday. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the previous business day and if the holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on thefollowing business day. With respect to this Business Practice, holidays are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This business practice also applies to requests to designate/undesignated a Network Resource.
- FPL generally adheres to the timing requirements of NAESB WEQ 001-4.13 with the following adjustments. For hourly transactions FPL allows an eight minute customer response time before unconfirmed requests are retracted. For day ahead hourly requests the customer response time is 30 minutes. FPL defines a dayahead request as one that is submitted 10 or more hours earlier than the transaction start time.
- FPL accepts Daily Firm transmission service requests (PTP and DNRs) only if the start and stop time of the request are within the Daily posting window of 60 days. Similarly, FPL accepts Weekly transmission service requests (PTP and DNRs) only if the start and stop time of the request are within the Weekly posting window of 10 weeks.
- Requests for Hourly Network Secondary Service may be submitted beginning at 8:30 AM the business day prior to the commencement of such service.
Transaction Processing
- FPL accepts OASIS transmission service requests based on conditions at the time of the request. If conditions change, new ATC will be posted. If ATC becomes available that could be used for transmission service that was previously refused, FPL does not re-offer such available ATC. It is the customer’s responsibility to monitor the OASIS and submit a new request if the previously refused transmission service is still desired.
- Once a customer has QUEUED a Network Service request, FPL shall evaluate the request from completeness. The following actions shall be taken by the system:
- A request that is missing Scheduling Rights shall be deemed DEFICIENT and sent back to the customer.
- A request that has not been attested shall also be deemed DEFICIENT and will be sent back to the customer.
- If requests are completed, they will be set to the COMPLETED status and continue processing as below.
- FPL processes most Point to Point and Network Service requests automatically, as outlined in Table 1,using the OATI webTrans system. The following actions will be taken by the system in accordance with NAESB WEQ 013-2.2:
- The request will be set to INVALID if the system identifies an invalid field in the request, such as improper POR, POD, Source, Sink, etc.
- The request will be set to REFUSED in the event that the service request has been denied due to lack of ATC.
- The request will be set to ACCEPTED to indicate the service request at the designated price and capacity has been approved/accepted.
- The request may be automatically set to other states such as SUPERSEDED, DISPLACED, etc. to indicate competition procedures as outlined in NAESB WEQ 013-2.4 and NAESB WEQ 001-4.14 through 001-4.27
- FPL adheres to the negotiation requirements of NAESB WEQ 001-4.14 through 4.27 when dealing with competing bids for constrained resources. Additionally, in order to allow for proper processing FPL will allow for new requests to compete for constrained resources if they meet the following conditions:
- New requests will compete only if the competition will result in granting the full capacity requested.
- New requests will compete only if all lower priority requests to whom Right of First Refusal must be extended (as per NAESB WEQ 001 Table 4-3) can be accommodated.
- New requests will compete only if submitted prior to the following deadlines before the start of the transaction, to allow for sufficient processing time.
- All Non-Firm and Secondary Network Service requests shall have a deadline equal to the greater of, 2 hours or, the sum of the Provider Evaluation Time Limit and the Customer Confirmation Time Limit (NAESB WEQ 001 Table 4-2) rounded upwards to the nearest hour or day, if greater than 24 hours.
- All Firm requests shall have a deadline equal to the greatest allowed Customer Confirmation Time Limit in NAESB WEQ 001 Table 4-2.
Table 1. TSR Timing Requirements (All times related to request Start Time).
Service / Maximum TSR Lead Time / TSR Submission Deadline / Competition Lead Time / Automatic ProcessingHour Non-Firm / 12:00 PM Day Prior / 20 Min / 2 Hours / Yes
Day Non-Firm / 2 Days / 1 Hour / 3 Hours / Yes
Week Non-Firm / 2 Weeks / 1 Hour / 2 Days / Yes
Month Non-Firm / 2 Months / 1 Hour / 3 Days / Yes
Hour Secondary / 8:30 AM Day Prior / 20 Min / 2 Hours / Yes
Week Secondary / 2 Weeks / 1 Hour1 / 2 Days / No
Month Secondary / 2 Months / 7 Days1 / 3 Days / No
Day Firm / 60 Days / 1 Hour / 1 Day / Yes
Week Firm / 10 Weeks / 1 Hour / 2 Days / Yes
Month Firm / N/A / 7 Days / 4 Days / No
Year Firm / N/A / 60 Days / N/A / No
Day Network Resource / 60 Days / 1 Hour1 / 1 Day / Yes
Week Network Resource / 10 Weeks / 1 Hour1 / 2 Days / Yes
Month Network Resource / N/A / 7 Days1 / 4 Days / No
Year Network Resource / N/A / 60 Days / N/A / No
1Requests will be processed following the receipt and review of attestation during Business Hours. Business Hour are Monday-Friday, between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, excluding holidays.
- In the event that FPL is required to offer Rights of First Refusal (ROFR), FPL will automatically submit, to the customer being offered ROFR, a transaction in the COUNTEROFFER state, with type MATCHING.
- All MATCHING requests will be submitted with the same Transmission Service as the higher priority request.
- All MATCHING requests will be submitted extending the lower priority’s end date to match the required duration.
- All MATCHING requests will be submitted with additional capacity equal to the amount conflicting with the higher priority request.
- All MATCHING requests that are allowed to expire, or are withdrawn, indicate to FPL that the customer is declining its ROFR.
- It is a customer’s responsibility to monitor OASIS for MATCHING requests submitted to it.
- Transactions that cannot compete or do not meet requirements for competition are evaluated as normal and shall be counteroffered/refused depending on ATC availability.
Point to Point Transmission Service Requirements
- When requesting firm transmission service from FPL, the transmission customer generally may request a control area to control area transfer provided that the generating resources involved do not materially change system flows so as to materially reduce transmission capability. Where transmission capability might be materially reduced, FPL may need more detailed information about the proposed transaction and the specific sources and sinks involved in order to accurately model the request. The transmission customer will supply requested information as necessary to complete the application under the terms of FPL’s OATT. This business practice pertains to FPL’s requirement for a complete transmission service request and does not address any regulatory requirements for designation/un-designation of network resources.
- Section 13.8 of FPL’s OATT provides that FPL customers must submit schedules for their Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service no later than 10:00 AM the day prior to the commencement of the service. Schedules submitted after the 10:00 AM deadline will preempt confirmed lower priority reservations provided the scheduling request is submitted at least two hours prior to the scheduled start time.
Network Integration Transmission Service Requirements
OASIS NITS Application and related templates
- NITS customers shall file an application on the OASIS to request for network service in accordance with section 29.2 of FPLs OATT. Applications shall consist of the following requests:
- newNITSApplication
- The NITS Application shall include: The identity, address, telephone number and facsimile number of the party requesting service;
- A statement that the party requesting service is, or will be upon commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under the Tariff;
- Service Commencement Date and the term of the requested Network Integration Transmission Service. The minimum term for Network Integration Transmission Service is one year;
- addNITSLoad
- FPL requires that 10 years of summer and winter peak load data be maintained on OASIS
- The amount and location of any interruptible loads included in the Network Load. An Eligible Customer should identify the amount of interruptible customer load (ifany) included in the 10 year load forecast provided.
- The customer shall also include the most approximate POD and Sink associated with the Load.
- A separate addNITSLoad application will be required for each member system
- addNITSGeneration
- For each generator being designated, the customer shall include: the Unitsize and amount of capacity from that unit to which the customer is entitled.
- VAR capability (both leading and lagging) of all generators
- Operating restrictions
- Any periods of restricted operations through-out the year
- Maintenance schedules
- Minimum loading level of unit
- Normal operating level of unit
- Any must-run unit designations required for system reliability or contract reasons
- Approximate variable generating cost ($/MWH) for redispatchcomputations (If the unit is not included in the FRCC databank).
- FPL does not require dispatch data for existing customers.
- addNITSResource
- For each resource being designated, an addNITSResource request shall be submitted containing the class (ON or OFF System) and Resource Type
- The customer shall also include the most approximate POR and Source point for the resource, and 10 years of summer and winter forecast of the resource.
- Approximate variable generating cost ($/MWH) for redispatch computations for PPA Resources,
Procedure for Designation and Undesignation of Network Resources (DNR)
- All Resources that are to be designated to serve network load shall require a Designate Network Resource request for the duration that the resource in question shall be used to serve network load.
- All Requests to Designate Network Resources must be made through OASIS – Submit Requests as add DNR type and fill in the information that can be filled in (start and stop date/time, Source/Sink, POR/POD, MW (MW change for the request). (See OATT Section 30.2 and 30.3)
- All requests must be submitted to provide FPL sufficient time to review the request. The minimum times are outlined in Table 1, and FPL will make best efforts to respond within 72 hours, or before the scheduling deadline, for requests submitted between 2 and 30 days before the start time. Yearly and Monthly requests may need to be studied therefore requests should be submitted early enough to allow for the studies to be completed.
- DNRs that are QUEUED without being Attested will be deemed DEFICIENT.
- Attestation shall be submitted on the addNITSDNR form, whereby customers shall attest that:
- (1) the Network Customer owns the resource, has committed to purchase generation pursuant to an executed contract, or has committed to purchase generation where execution of a contract is contingent upon the availability of transmission service under Part III of the Tariff, and (2) the Network Resources do not include any resources or any portion thereof, that are committed for sale to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve sharing program.
- The Attestor shall be “an Authorized officer from or agent of the Network Customer”
Scheduling Right Requirements
- All DNRs that are submitted where the POR of the generator being designated is different than the POD of the load which it shall serve will require Scheduling Rights in the same MW amount as the resource being designated. DNRs that do not include the equivalent amount of scheduling rights will be deemed INVALID.
- DNRs that are submitted where the POR of the generator being designated is equal to the POD of the load which it shall serve shall not require Scheduling Rights.
- Requests to undesignate resources shall use the terminate DNR template, but will select the Temporary_Termination option as DNR Action. Customers will reattest that the remaining capacity will remain designated. Also the capacity being undesignated from the request will be entered as a negative value.
- The OATT requires network customers and the transmission provider’s merchant function to undesignate network resources or portions thereof in order to make certain firm, third-party sales from those resources. In particular, network customers and the transmission provider’s merchant function may only enter into a third-party power sale from a designated network resource if the third-party power purchase agreement allows the seller to interrupt power sales to the third party in order to serve the designated network load. Such interruption must be permitted without penalty, to avoid imposing financial incentives that compete with the network resource’s obligation to serve its network load.
- Any request for Transmission Service on FPL’s system required to effectuate a firm sale must be submitted to FPL at the same time as the Network Resource termination request and such Transmission Service Request will be evaluated at the same time as the termination request (FPL must approve or deny as a single request).
Restrictions on Use of Service
- The OATT now specifies penalties for use of Network Integration Transmission Service sales to non-designated loads or provision of transmission service by a Network Customer to third parties. (See OATT Section 28.6) The OATT also now specifies penalties for scheduling energy in excess of a Network Resource’s designated capacity unless such excess is supported by Point-to-Point Transmission Service or secondary service pursuant to Section 28.4. (See OATT Section 30.4)
Procedure for Hourly Network Secondary Service
- Requests for secondary service deliveries must be made through FPL’s OASIS using the addNITSSecondary template listed as “Add Secondary”. Requests must include appropriate source/sink and path information.
- Requests by Network Customers for deliveries utilizing secondary service may be submitted starting 8:30 AM the business day (non-weekend and non-NERC holidays) prior to the Start Date of such deliveries. Requests submitted each Friday or the day before a NERC holiday may cover all secondary delivery requests for each 24 hour period through the end of the next business day.
- In the event that requests for secondary service deliveries exceed available capacity, the capacity available will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis starting at8:30 AM. Such requests will not result in any reallocation of previously approved and scheduled secondary service to network customers, except as provided below.
- Once a request that is not Preconfirmed is ACCEPTED by FPL on its OASIS, the Network Customer must confirm the request (the OASIS Transaction Status changed to indicate CONFIRMED) within one-hour or the request is deemed rescinded by the Network Customer and will be RETRACTED by FPL on its OASIS.
- NERC Tags, as defined in this document, must be submitted no later than two hours beforethe start of the schedule. Capacity on the reservation that has not been scheduled within two hours of the time it is expected to flow shall be made available to all customers on a non-firm basis. Tags received after the two-hour window will be accepted if there is still sufficient ATC to grant them.
- Requests submitted less than two hours before the transaction is to start shall not be guaranteed until a NERC tag is confirmed. Unscheduled capacity shall be made available to all customers on a non-firm basis.
- Requests for deliveries utilizing secondary service will preempt confirmed reservations for Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service, provided the request is submitted at least two hours prior to the start time of the Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service. Schedules for Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service will be interrupted or curtailed if necessary to accommodate a request to schedule delivery of secondary service upon two hours’ notice.
- If a Network Customer requires secondary delivery service for reliability purposes, following the declaration of an Energy Emergency Alert Level 3, the entity shall submit an EMERGENCY-SECONDARY request for the total amount of power required, therefore if the customer has an existing TSR for 20 MW, and requires an additional 10 MW, the EMERGENCY-SECONDARY request shall be for 30 MW. As soon as practicable, following the receipt of the EMERGENCY request, FPL will, to the extent necessary to support the EMERGENCY request, interrupt or curtail any Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service and, if necessary, will curtail, as soon as practicable, any non-emergency secondary service schedule of other Network Customers. On the SOCO-FRCC interface, capacity for competing EMERGENCY requests shall be distributed based on a load ratio share schedule. This provision is intended to be used only on a one day basis, and only when the Network Customer has used all available Network Resources and all other reasonable alternatives.
Procedure for Network Priority Secondary Service
For the purposes of the Procedure for Network Priority Secondary Service: