Spring Agenda for the Outcomes Discussion

Instructional Support / Administrative Services Programs

Semester (e.g. Spring 2009) Spring 2009 Program: TASSL

  1. Which critical issue(s) and associated Student Learning Outcomes or Service Area Outcomes did your department choose to focus on during the Fall semester? Although we evaluate our activities on an ongoing basis, we are not sure about whether they are making a long term difference and contributing to enhanced effectiveness of attendees.
  1. Please note the tools used to assess theseStudent Learning or Service Area Outcomes.

Direct observation of processes (e.g. record keeping processes, staff training processes, activities during program meetings, etc.)

Assessment of student work indirectly related to the program (e.g. completeness of student financial aid forms, etc.)

Student self-assessments of their interactions with program processes (surveys, etc.)

X Guided discussion among program employees (group or individual) – we conducted focused interviews with several employees who had attended more than one TASSL event during the year

X Other - we conducted a survey of past participants to assess their implementation of concepts and ideas they had learned at TASSL events.

  1. a. What did you learn from your assessments?

We learned that the two-day seminar had the most significant impact with respect to changing behaviors and enhancing the effectiveness of attendees. We also learned that providing opportunities for people to practice utilizing new methods during the activity enhanced its long-term effectiveness.

  1. b. What changes, if any, are planned based on your Fall assessment? Please check any appropriate boxes and give a brief description.

X Modify forms or other materials –we will be adding more opportunities for people to put their learning into practice during our activities. We will also include employee testimonials from the assessments (with their permission) in future flyers about the seminar.

□Revise training of new employees

□Revise job duties for specific personnel

□Revise methods of interacting with students (e.g. materials provided for students)

□Purchase new equipment or supplies needed for modified activities

□Revise staffing plans (e.g.job descriptions, request new positions, etc.)

□Identify and adapt/implement best practices related to this issue or outcome

X Conduct further assessment related to the issue and outcome – we will be modifying activity outcomes and conducting further assessments
