Foundations through The Classical Era: From Human Prehistory to Classical Civilizations


Walker AP World History Ch 5 Reading Study Guide #1 P. 98-107

1. What body of water was vital to trade during the Classical Era? Why?

2. What striking similarities are found between Buddhism and Christianity?

3. How long did the Guptas (India) last after the Fall of Rome? What was their economic orientation?

What THREE big issues do Stearns et al identify as central to the fall of the Classical Civilizations?




7. Why were the activities of integration & expansion vital for all three of the Classical Civilizations?

Timeline P. 100

8. When did the Han Dynasty begin to decline? 9. When did Rome begin to decline?

10. When did the Huns invade India? 11. When did Rome officially “Fall”?

12. Identify each “seminal thinker” found in the major classical civilizations (550-400 BCE).

China: India: Mediterranean:

How did each of the major civilizations attempt to integrate their territories & societies?

13. China

14. India

15. Greco-Roman (Particularly Roman Empire)

16. Briefly describe the rise of the Kingdom of Kush and its successors.

Read In Depth: Nomads & Cross-Civilization Contacts and Exchanges P. 102-103 Be prepared to discuss.

17. Briefly describe the rise of early civilization in Japan.

18. Why was ‘civilization’ in Northern and Western Europe tenuous as the Roman Empire fell?

19. Describe it.

20. Describe the advance of early civilizations in the Western Hemisphere.

21. What earlier Eastern Hemisphere civilizations can we compare them to?

22. Who were the Yellow Turbans and what was the outcome of their political program?

23. Why did China simply have a ‘revival’ of civilization under the Sui/Tang Dynasties?

24. Who were the Rajput?

25. Why Hinduism progress at this time in India?

26. Why did the caste system remain important in India after the Classical Era?