Minutes of the Planning Committee of Llangunnor Community Council held in Ysgol Llangynnwr School immediately after the Monthly Council Meeting on

18th January 2007.

PRESENT:Councillor C. M. Jones (Chairman).

Councillors M. Lloyd, T. A. West, R. O. Griffiths,

C. James, D. Valentine, S. J. Howells, DE Williams,

A. M. Jones, D. Williams, G. P. Bevan.

APOLOGIES: Councillor W.D.V. Evans.

IN ATTENDANCE: 4 local residents [for planning application W/15059].


RESOLVED: Ratify and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 14th December 2006.


RESOLVED the following applications:

i)W/15016 –Full planning for replacement dog kennels at Dyfed Powys Police HQ.

No Objections

ii)W/15050 – Full planning for change of use of outbuilding to dwelling at Penlan, Nantycaws.

No Objections in principle subject to full consultation with the owner of adjacent buildings where livestock is housed.

iii)W/15059 - Full planning for 4 Flats & 40 Houses, Off Heol Bolahaul, Mount Pleasant, Llangunnor.

Council supports the development and welcomes proposals to provide a number of dwellings as affordable housing, in line with County Council guidelines. Observations were submitted questioning: the high density estate layout and positioning of some properties; the width, visibility and road safety concerns relating to the main vehicular access; the provision of on-site parking space; street lighting provision; detail of the pavement towards Heol Blaengwastod; preservation of existing mature trees; the community park boundary; naming the site and the provision of house numbers at the entry point to each cul-de-sac. Council also sought assurance that residents in all the neighbouring properties have been notified of the development and givenfull opportunity to access consultation with the Planning Authority.

Obtain the Section 106 provisions for ‘commuted sums’ in respect of this development.

iv)W/15104 - Full planning for change of use from residential to community police base, 60 Bron y Dre, Tregynnwr.

No Objections in principle subject to full consultation with neighbouring residents

v)W/15227 – Full Planning for extension to existing garage, Innsbrook, Heol Capel Dewi.

No Objections in principle subject to neighbouring residents being fully consulted and that the side window is not intrusive upon other properties.


W/14890 – Alterations and new access, Hazelbrook, Llangynnwr - GRANTED.

W/14610 – New ATM Room, Morrisons Supermarket, Parc Pensarn – GRANTED

W/14049 – Summerhouse with wet room, West Winds, Llysmorfa. – GRANTED

W/14248 – Mezzamine floor within Dreams’ Store, Parc Pensarn – GRANTED.



a) Correspondence received:

i)The Planning Authority advised of a site visit arranged to consider application for an agricultural dwelling at Hendy Farm. RESOLVED: Confirm Chairman’s decision for Cllr D Williams to represent Council.

ii)Letter from Cornhill Estates Ltd advising that the affordable houses will be priced in accordance with the County Council guidelines – minute 2iii) refers.

b) Cllr R Griffiths reported that the appellant failed to attend the Planning Inspectorate’s hearing of the appeal against planning refusal for development on land between Penbryn Farm and Brynglas, Nantycaws that he and the Clerk had attended in County Hall at 10.00am on 9/01/07.