Student Support Services

Kansas State Department of Education

August 2006

Kansas Extended Standards 2

Revised August 2006


Kansas Extended Reading Standards Committee Members ii

Chapter 1 Document Clarification

Introduction v

Purpose v

Background v

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1997 Requirements and Background vi

Title 1 - No Child Left Behind Requirements and Background vi

Definitions vii

Responses & Communication ix

Use of this Document ix

Chapter 2 Kansas Extended Reading & Writing (Standards, Benchmarks, and Indicators) 1

Standard 1 3

Standard 2 8

Chapter 3 General & Extended Standards Grade Level Alignment 13

3rd Grade 15

4th Grade 18

5th Grade 21

6th Grade 24

7th Grade 28

8th Grade 32

High School 36

Chapter 4 Clarifying Examples 41

Standard 1 43

Standard 2 79

Appendix A 103

Extended Curricular Reading Standards at a Glance 105

Appendix B 121

Glossary of Terms 123

Appendix C 125

References 127

Kansas Extended Standards v

Revised August 2006

Kansas Extended Reading Standards

Committee Members

Robert Aman…………………. Teacher, Emporia High School, USD. 253

Kerri Anderson Teacher, SMD class, South High, USD 259

Shirley Armentrout Parent Representative, Topeka

Susan M. Bashinski University of Kansas, Beach Center on Disability

Penny Carrithers Teacher, Levy Special Education Center, Wichita, USD 259

Martha Cutright ………………. Teacher, Dodge City Middle School, Dodge City USD 443

Tammy Esposito Principal, Levy Special Education Center, Wichita, USD 259

Pauline Hintz Principal, Lakemary Center, Paola

Glenda Parma Special Education Teacher, Sharon Learning Center Sharon, USD 605

Deborah Matthews Extended Standards and Alternate Assessment Consultant, KSDE

Jeanette Souther Extended Standards and Alternate Assessment Consultant, KSDE

Linda Sullivan School Psychologist, Chisholm Life Center, Wichita, USD 259

Teresa Terpening……………. Teacher, Solomon USD 393

Veronica Williams…………… Reading Consultant, KSDE

Lynnett Wright Extended Standards and Alternate Assessment Consultant, KSDE


Document Clarification



Kansas Extended Standards v

Revised August 2006

This document replaces all Extended Standards in Communication Arts developed prior to August 2006. These extended standards are an extension of the Kansas Communication Arts Standards. These extended standards, benchmarks, indicators, and examples are intended to be used in developing curricular materials for students with significant cognitive disabilities who are eligible for the alternate assessment. In addition, the extended standards will be helpful in developing IEP goals, benchmarks, or objectives for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who are eligible to take the Kansas Alternate Assessment. These standards are designed for students who require substantial adjustments to the general curriculum, yet allow that curriculum to maintain a clear connection to the general education standards.

With the expertise and assistance of the members of the General Reading Curricular standards committee members, these new extended reading standards have been aligned to the general grade level indicators that are assessed on the grades 3 - 8 and high school. Many of the extended standards can appropriately be repeated in several general indicators. It is critical to remember that these extended indicators are taught in the appropriate context including grade and age appropriateness.

When the extended benchmarks and the indicators are listed separately they have been organized in a hierarchical fashion (where possible), reflecting the wide variation in performance expectations for these students.

Because of the extremely wide range of abilities of students there remain very few students who are eligible to take the alternate assessment, whose level of skill acquisition is not possible to establish grade-specific alignment and expectations. These indicators are listed on each page and are to be taught in the appropriate context, including grade and age appropriateness.

Kansas Extended Standards v

Revised August 2006


The extended standards writing committee studied the Kansas Reading Standards and invited a range of educational professionals and content experts to participate in aligning the Extended Standards with the General Standards. The focus of the standards alignment work was on aligning to the general education grade level academic standards to the extended standards.

The work of the group ALWAYS started with the intent of the grade-level standard before considering the extended standard
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Requirements and Background

The Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1997 (IDEA 97) resulted in a significant clarification of the educational expectations for students with disabilities. The reauthorization of this act in 2004 strengthens those requirements.

Section 614(d)(VI)(bb): “if the IEP Team determines that the child shall take an alternate assessment on a particular State or district wide assessment of student achievement, a statement of why – (AA) the child cannot participate in the regular assessment; and (BB) the particular alternate assessment selected is appropriate for the child;”

Accordingly, the Kansas Extended Standards have been developed to be consistent with the general standards, thus ensuring that the education of all students, including those with the most significant disabilities, is consistent with goals and standards for students as established by the Kansas State Board of Education. Further, the state is required to develop an alternate assessment for students with disabilities who are unable to participate in regular state and district assessments:

Section 611(1)(16)(A): In general – All children with disabilities are included in all general State and district-wide assessment programs, including assessments described under section 111 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, with appropriate accommodations and alternate assessments where necessary and as indicted in their respective individualized education programs.

(C)(i) In general – The state (or, in the case of a district wide assessment the local education agency) has developed and implemented guidelines for the participation of children with disabilities in alternate assessments for those children who cannot participate in regular assessments.

(ii) Requirements for Alternate Assessments – The guidelines under this clause (i) shall provide for alternate assessments that – (I) are aligned with the State’s challenging academic content standards and challenging student academic achievement standards;

(iii) Conduct of alternate Assessments – The state conducts the alternate assessments described in the subparagraph.

In keeping with this requirement, the extended standards serve as the basis for the development of the Kansas Alternate Assessment.

Kansas Extended Standards v

Revised August 2006

Title 1 – No Child Left Behind Requirements

·  States are required to hold all students to the same standards except that these regulations permit States to measure the achievement of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities based on alternate achievement standards. (These are called “The Kansas Extended Standards.”)

·  These regulations clarify that a State is permitted to use alternate achievement standards to evaluate the performance of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

·  Alternate achievement standards are acceptable only for the small number of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

·  The alternate achievement standards embody challenging academic expectations appropriate for those students who are assessed against them.

·  The use of ‘‘highest learning standards possible’’ is intended to reflect that the alternate achievement standards should be no less challenging for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.


The following definitions clarify the four levels of this extended standards document. These definitions are very closely aligned with the definitions that are used in the Kansas Curricular Standards in Reading and Writing.


A curricular standard is a general statement of what a student should know and be able to do in academic subjects.

Example of a standard:

Learners demonstrate skill in reading a variety of materials for a variety of purposes. For the purposes of the extended standards, reading is broadly defined and includes receptive communication. Receptive communication is the processing of a message mediated through one or more of the senses.


A specific statement of what a student should know and be able to do. Benchmarks are used to measure a student’s progress toward meeting a standard. Benchmarks are listed in hierarchical order under a standard.

Example of a benchmark:

The learner understands basic vocabulary.


A statement of the knowledge or skills that a student demonstrates in order to meet a benchmark. Indicators are critical to understanding the benchmarks and standards. Where possible, the indicators are listed in hierarchical order under a benchmark, from lower-level indicators to indicators of higher performance. This design allows every student from within the population covered by these extended standards to demonstrate a level of performance for the standards.

Example of an indicator:

The learner recognizes frequently used (sight or common) words.

Clarifying Examples

Examples show how a student might demonstrate an indicator, using practical, real-world examples. Clarifying examples are NOT listed in hierarchical order. These examples are taken from the domains of school, vocational / career, community, recreation / leisure, and home. These domains are those in which students receive instruction in order to practice and maintain skills. The clarifying examples should provide a clear connection between the standards and instructional practice.

Clarifying Example:

School – Recognizes own name on class roll sheet

Vocational / Career – Reads meeting notices posted in the break or lunch room

Community – Recognizes the names of national brand names

Recreation / Leisure – Reads names of boxed games on the shelf at the recreation center

Home – Reads names of ingredients common to favorite recipes

Blank example pages are provided at the end of each benchmark.

Teachers may use these pages to generate additional clarifying examples for individual students.



R. Reading, third grade, standard 1, benchmark 3, indicator 2


ER.1.1.10 Extended Reading, standard, benchmark, indicator. The extended benchmarks and indicators are hierarchical or increase in complexity. For example; indicator 10 is a more complex skill than indictor 4.

Responses & Communication

The extended standards are written to address the wide variety of communication methods used by students who qualify for the alternate assessment. These methods are determined by the IEP team and may include, but are not limited to:

Speech / Computer access
Large print / Pictures (picture board, notebook, etc.)
braille / Vocal responses (cries, utterances, etc.)
Augmentative communication / Written responses (handwritten, computer generated, etc.)
Sign language / Eye gaze
Touch and / object cues / Body movements

Uses of this Document

This document may be used for a variety of purposes. This document will assist Kansas’ teachers in planning local curriculum and assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities in reading and social communication. Although the document is intended to provide a curricular focus, it is not a state-mandated curriculum. In addition, the document provides a resource that can and should be used in developing the IEP, yet it is not intended that the document contains everything a student may need regarding reading and social communication, or that may appropriately appear on a student’s IEP.

It is also not expected that districts will develop curriculum to include every indicator; instead, the document has been developed to provide information to support a broad range of different local curricular emphases. It should be noted that if students are taught only the items that are assessed, a comprehensive individualized instructional plan has not been made available and the student does NOT have a quality program.

Teachers should use this document to:

·  serve as a guide for instruction.

·  serve as a guide for developing IEP goals.

·  select indicators to be assessed on the Kansas Alternate Assessment.

·  understand what is assessed in each grade level on the Kansas State Assessments.

Kansas Extended Standards v

Revised August 2006


Kansas Extended Reading

Standards, Benchmarks, and Indicators

Kansas Extended Reading Standards

Standard 1 - Reading:

The student reads and comprehends text.

For the purposes of the extended standards:

« “Reads” is broadly defined and includes receptive communication. Receptive communication is the processing of a message mediated through one or more of the senses.

«“Text” is broadly defined and includes a variety of materials for a variety of purposes.

Benchmark 1:

The student demonstrates observable responses to a variety of relevant stimuli.

Extended Knowledge Base Indicators


Extended Clarifying Examples

The student:
1. This indicator no longer exist due to federal guidance
2.  assigns meaning to olfactory / gustatory cues
3.  assigns meaning to kinesthetic / tactile symbols
4.  This indicator no longer exist due to federal guidance
5.  assigns meaning to visual symbols
6.  assigns meaning to auditory symbols
7.  This indicator no longer exist due to federal guidance
8.  This indicator no longer exist due to federal guidance
9.  understands cause and effect
10. discriminates similarities and/or differences
11. matches
12. follows directions / The student:
1.  N/A
2.  makes choice between two items base on olfactory/gustatory cues
3.  responds to tactile sign language
4.  N/A
5.  utilizes light scanning cues to select item on communication device
6.  matches animals and their sounds
7.  N/A
8.  N/A
9.  understands classroom rules and consequences
10.  sorts by multiple features (shape and size, color and shape, etc.)
11.  matches picture to object (picture of book to actual book)
12.  puts completed class work in proper basket on teacher’s desk

Special Notes

A variety of clarifying examples that illustrate the range of application possibilities is included in chapter 3.

The extended standards are written to address a wide variety of response and communication modalities or methods used by students who qualify for the alternate assessment. These are individually determined by the IEP team.

Kansas Extended Reading Standards

Standard 1 - Reading:

The student reads and comprehends text.

For the purposes of the extended standards:

« “Reads” is broadly defined and includes receptive communication. Receptive communication is the processing of a message mediated through one or more of the senses.

«“Text” is broadly defined and includes a variety of materials for a variety of purposes.

Benchmark 2:

The student uses skills to decode.

Extended Knowledge Base Indicators


Extended Clarifying Examples