Student Behavior Guidelines
In order to effectively support learning for students, stakeholders within Foshay Learning Center are responsible for ensuring a safe and orderly environment for all students. Working with young people, stakeholders are to assist students in developing self-discipline as much as possible. Often, because they are learning, it becomes necessary for personnel in and out of the classroom to impose discipline standards.
The following guidelines will serve as a foundation for discipline standards for students at Foshay Learning Center.
- Teachers are responsible for establishing standards of behavior appropriate for his or her classroom. Furthermore, teachers are to communicate these standards to students and parents/guardians, and consistently enforce these standards on a daily basis.
- A teacher should exercise every effort to help students improve behavior.
- Discipline standards are most effectively enforced by the classroom teacher, within in the classroom. All options should be exhausted before removing a student from the classroom. Try moving the student’s seat, holding a one-on-one conference with the student, contacting the parent/guardian, or holding a parent/guardian conference.
- Referrals to the Counseling Office or Dean of Students Office should be made for students whose extreme behavior interferes with the educational process or for student behaviors that may be considered criminal in nature. Police matters may also be referred to the assistant principal in charge of discipline.
- Referrals to the Counseling Office or Dean of Students Office should be made only after all other efforts to affect behavior have been exhausted by the classroom teacher.
- Referrals to the Counseling Office or Dean of Students Office should include the following information:
- What has the student done? Be specific.
- As the teacher, what action did you take?
- What corrective measures have been taken to date?
Recognize and/or reward student behaviors that meet the standards as defined by the teacher and/or the school.
In order to maintain a safe and orderly campus, Foshay Learning Center has adopted strict behavior rules and all students are expected to adhere to them. These rules are based upon state and district mandates. All students referred to the Dean’s Office will be counseled and have their parents/guardians contacted. Serious offenders of school rules will be suspended and a parent conference with a dean or administrator will be required before the student may return to school. All incidents and action taken by the school will be recorded on the student’s anecdotal record. The following is a list of the major infractions of school rules along with the action taken by the deans and administrators:
Alcohol Use: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding possession and consumption of alcohol. Any student found possessing or consuming alcohol will be suspended and cited b school police.
Assault on another Student or Staff: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding assaults, both physical and verbal. Students involved in assaults will be arrested, suspended and possibly expelled from LAUSD.
Cellular Phones: Per LAUSD guidelines, high school students may carry cellular phones, but they must be registered with the appropriate administrator. Phones must be stored in closed backpacks or purses, must remain OFF during school hours and may not be used on campus at any time. Middle school students may NOT carry cellular phones. Any student who wishes to have a cellular phone must do the following:
Bring his/her parent to register the phone with the Assistant Principal
Parent’s personal information will be filed along with the phone information and student user.
If the student uses the cellular during school hours, the phone will be confiscated immediately and turned into the Assistant Principal.
The parent of the student must present an ID to retrieve the phone.
Defacing School Property: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding graffiti, vandalism, and other forms of damage to school property. Any student found defacing school property will be arrested, suspended and cited by school policy.
Defiance toward Teacher or Staff: Students shall not defy any teacher, administrator, custodian, aid or any other adult at school. Defiant students will be counseled and possibly suspended. The dean will hold conferences with the student, parent and staff member. Continued defiance may lead to an opportunity transfer to another school.
Disruptive School Behavior: Student behavior that disrupts school activities will not be tolerated. Disruptive students will be counseled and parents notified. Continued disruption may lead to an opportunity transfer to another school.
Drug Use: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding drugs. Any student found in the possession of drugs will be arrested, suspended and possibly expelled from LAUSD. Student found selling drugs will be arrested, suspended, and possibly expelled from LAUSD.
Electronic Devices: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy towards all electronic devices (including beepers, walkmans, Discmans, etc.) Electronic devices will be confiscated and returned to the student after the completion of school beautification detail. Continued infraction of this policy will lead to an extended impounding of the device by the school.
Fighting: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding fighting. Students found fighting will be arrested, cited, suspended and may be transferred to another school.
Hate Crimes: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding hate crimes. A hate crime is defined as an act or an attempted act against a person or property that constitutes an expression of hostility toward the victim due to race, religion, disability, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Students found committing a hate crime may be arrested, suspended, and possibly transferred to another school or given other appropriate disciplinary action.
Possession of Dangerous Weapons: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy towards dangerous weapons (this includes guns, facsimile guns, BB guns, knives, explosive devices, clubs, or anything that can be construed as a weapon). Students found in possession (including concealment in lockers, vehicles, etc.) of these weapons will be arrested, suspended, and expelled from LAUSD.
Sexual Harassment: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conductof a sexual nature that may have a negative impact on academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. Students found committing sexual harassment will be counseled and may be suspended or recommended for expulsion or other appropriate disciplinary action.
Stealing: Foshay has a zero tolerance policy regarding stealing. Any student stealing or attempting to steal school property or person property will be arrested, suspended, and possibly expelled from LAUSD.
Vulgar Language: Vulgar language is not tolerated at Foshay. Students found displaying or using vulgar language will be counseled and possibly suspended from school with parent notification.
Foshay Learning Center Faculty Handbook D7 - 1