T-PGES Peer Observation Checklist
Tips / CompleteSchedule observation, pre-observation conference and post-observation conference with your peer. / Place dates and times of observation, pre-conference, and post-conference in Outlook. Use the invite feature to send the dates/times to your peer for confirmation.
Complete the peer observation conference document together in a face-to-face meeting. / Pre-observation form can be found at http://hcspges.wikispaces.com
During the pre-observation conference, check with your peer to see if it is okay to use audio or video recording to assist you with scripting.
Prepare your technology for the observation. Decide what you will use and have it ready to go. / Laptop: Type/script evidence into Word.
iPad: Be sure you have a Bluetooth keyboard and you can use Notes or Pages to type your evidence.
iPhone: You might want to bring your phone along and use the Voice Memos feature to tape what the teacher is saying during the lesson. These files use large amounts of memory though, so you’ll want to delete them as soon as you finish scripting the evidence.
Video Camera: If your peer agreed to be video-taped, you can set up a video camera or iPad/iPhone to record the observation.
Paper/Pencil: You can write your evidence, but you will have to type it into CIITS eventually. You can find an observation template on the Wikispaces if you’d like or just use notebook paper.
Observation / Be sure to script everything the teacher is saying and doing AND everything students are saying and doing—just the facts—no interpretations. You can use shorthand. For example, use T for teacher and S for student.
Within TWO working days, sort the evidence into the domains in EDS. / Remove any statements that might include interpretation or bias.
Cut and paste the evidence into EDS into the appropriate components.
You can also add artifacts here (ie. Pictures you took during the observation, student work that you have scanned, video recorded during the observation)—This is completely OPTIONAL and for your first year, I would just focus on the scripting.
Once you sort the evidence, Share Draft with your peer.
Within FIVE working days, hold your post-observation conference.
Use the post-observation form to guide your discussion. / Remind your peer to review their evidence in EDS prior to the conference and bring any additional evidence to the conference or upload the additional evidence/comments into EDS.
Post-observation form can be found at http://hcspges.wikispaces.com
Post-Observation Conference / At the end of the conference, click Submit Observation. You cannot make changes to the observation once you hit Submit. By hitting submit, you are “signing-off” on the peer observation together. You do not need to sign any pieces of paper that the process was completed.