Rules and Regs for PE class:
§ You can purchase a new uniform through your PE teacher anytime throughout the year. Cost $14.
§ There will be a one time usage and lock rental fee of $6.
§ You must wear exercise appropriate shoes and athletic socks. (no Velcro and securely fastened)
§ It is required that your first and last name go on your shirt and shorts. The teacher will write these on your clothes.
§ There will be no interchanging of clothes between students
§ Uniforms will be taken home each Friday to be laundered
§ Students are expected to dress out every day
§ If you cannot participate an alternate assignment will be given (the student is responsible to report to the teacher for this at the beginning of class)
§ The student will receive a school wide tardy if she is not in the locker room by the tardy bell
§ The student will receive a class tardy if she is not in line for attendance at the end of 5 additional minutes
§ If a student does not participate in class, she will not receive a participation grade
§ If a student does not dress out she will not be allowed to participate
§ Rental uniforms are available for dressing out if a student forgets for a nominal fee
§ On cold weather days the student can wear a jacket with no pockets
§ If your child uses an inhaler please notify the teacher
§ No water bottles, sunglasses or caps allowed
§ No jewelry is permitted due to safety issues
§ Hair must be tied back and out of the face for safety
§ To be excused from participation in PE a parent note must be presented. It is good for a maximum of three days, then a doctor’s note is required. If it is a lengthy excuse the student may be given a NO GRADE or be requested to have schedule change. An alternative assignment will be given on these days of not participating.
§ Lockers are assigned and not to be switched during the school year
§ Activity and usage fee is nonrefundable
Lock up your valuables!
Rules are printed in the locker room
§ Read and follow directions on the board
§ No food or drink allowed in the locker room
§ Drinks may be purchased at the end of the period
§ During the school day students are not allowed in the locker room except during their class period!
§ Zero tolerance is in effect
§ No aerosol cans or glass bottles
§ The student handbook guidelines on cell phone use will be in effect
§ Showers are for showers and not changing clothes
100 points will be awarded daily. 5o points will be given towards fitness and participation
50 points will be given towards dressing out