Forty Hill CE SchoolReceptionYearly Overview: 2017/2018

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic / All about me / Celebrations / Winter around the world / How do we know it is spring? / Space / Traditional tales.
Trips/events / Gruffalo trail & Chicken Shed theatre / Church / Forty Hall- Lambing / Dome in
Alien dress up day. / Forty Hall.
Physical Development
Moving and Handling
Health and Self care / Complete Free Flow to assist transition.
Stories / games linked to PSED self confidence and identifying differences and similarities between each other.
Baseline assessment will take place during these weeks.
Why do we have rules?
British values.
What rules do we have at home / school?
Whole class phonics to begin Mon 3rd October
Opportunities in environment.
Focus on ourselves - making connections with people who seem 'different' to us.
-Access to class PCs.
-What do we know about God?
Self portraits
Junk modelling
Collage Elmer.
Role play - Home corner.
Harvest / Start PE lessons
PE - Listening and attention skills.
Enabling environment with a variety of challenging fine motor activities. / How do we stay warm?
PE – Movement/dance
Continue to provide a variety of challenging fine motor activities. / Travelling like animals.
PE – Apparatus (focussing on Balance and co-ordination).
Continue to provide a variety of challenging fine motor activities. / Activities in environment
PE – Ball skills and football (Control).
Continue to provide a variety of challenging fine motor activities. / PE – practising for sports day leading onto games and their rules.
Continue to provide a variety of challenging fine motor activities.
Communication and Language
Listening & Attention
Speaking / Repeating and joining in with phrases from The Gruffalo story.
Free flow - understanding and speaking interactions. / Talking about the story.
Describing characters from the story.
Free flow - understanding and speaking interactions. / Have a frogspawn/ tadpole tank in class.
Butterfly cage in class.
To promote conversation, discussion between peers and adult: child. / Role play and small world to stimulate discussion and conversation.
What would we do in space?
What creatures might we find? / Role play and small world to stimulate discussion and conversation.
Re-tell the stories and suggest alternative endings.
Personal, Emotional & Social development
Self confidence
Managing Feelings and behaviour
Making Relationships / Discussing our lives and what/ how we celebrate.
Free flow for interactions to assess/ teach social skills. / Free flow for interactions to assess/ teach social skills.
Discuss how the characters from the story feel at different points.
Links to RE. / Free flow for interactions to assess/ teach social skills. / Class presentation and new display for corridor. / Free flow for interactions to assess/ teach social skills.
Moving into yr1 - transition.
How do we feel?
What have we enjoyed?
What are we looking forward to?
What will we do better next year?
Class assembly.
  • Key texts
  • Genres
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
Story scribing will happen daily/ when requested. / The Gruffalo.
Act out story
Draw the story
Create story maps
Re-tell with puppets
Attend trip
Continue Phonics - Next set of sounds plus blending CVC.
Small group work with those able to blend. / One Winter's Night, Little Eskimo
Act out story
Draw the story
Create story maps
Write captions/sentences to go with pictures
Re-tell with puppets.
Phonics - Next set of sounds plus blending CVC
Groups of CVC blenders and CCVC blenders.
Finger spaces / Tadpoles promise various lifecycle stories as well as non-fiction.
Introduce 'non-Fiction' vocab.
Children help set up non-fiction section in our book corner and create labels for it.
Writing information booklets on frog / butterfly life cycles.
Creating posters to explain what is happening to our class pets.
Finger spaces and capital letters
1.CVC 2.Blenders
3.CCVC Blenders
4.Readers / Whatever next, Aliens love underpants.
Write own stories as a result of story scribing.
Children to label models built and write weekend news.
Big push on finger spaces and capital letters / full stops now. / Goldilocks and the three bears, The 3 little pigs.
Act out story
Draw the story
Create story maps
Re-tell with puppets.
Write the story ourselves.
Write the next part.
Draw and label characters.
Finger spaces
Capital letters
Full stops.
Writing stories.
Small group work and 1:1 boosters for reading.
Shape, Space and Measure / Positional language and comparing sizes.
Making 10.
Daily counting forwards and backwards 0 to 15. / Repeated patterns (scarves~)
Counting to 20 and back.
Writing 0-9
Addition 0-10
Subtraction 0-5 / Writing 0-9
Addition 0-20 subtraction 0-10
Sharing equally.
Halving / Writing 0-20
3D shapes
Size / height / Double/ half
Comparisons with weight
Understanding the world.
Including R.E
-People and communities
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
-The world
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
/ Look at all festivals occurring in October, November and December.
Hanukah, Diwali, Eid, Advent, Christmas.
Discuss how other people celebrate in different ways. / Focus on countries that have severe winters.
Arctic/ Ant arctic
What is it like in Australia, when it is winter here?
Lots of internet research and discussion.
Use a toaster to make marmalade on toast.
that tells the story. / Life cycles
What happens?
Compare human with animals.
Create physical venn diagrams for grouping animals.
Use cameras/ ipads to record the changes in tadpoles. / Use PC to make shape pictures.
Light box to create shape patterns.
Names of planets
What is space like?
Who landed on the moon?
Using books and internet to find out. / Using our senses to taste porridge. Materials – which one is stronger to build The 3 little pigs house.
Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring and Using Media and Materials
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
Being Imaginative
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
/ Paintings / clay work in styles of the celebrations we are focused on.
Role play to change to relate to festivals from around the world / Design scarves for hedgehog.
Draw pictures of characters from story in our own books.
Role play - story props. Igloo. / Create dioramas for animal habitats.
Children encouraged to draw designs before they build them. Then write labels for them to display. / Role play - Create a fire station / Create planets to display in class
Marble paper to look like stars.