Land Development Application
Subdivision Ordinance #2006-2
Ref: Ordinance #2006-02, 12/6/2005, Chapter 5
- Preapplication conference conducted on ______.
- 4 copies of a signed application form. The Administrator shall review and determine if the application is complete.
- 4 copies of a blue line print, 18x27 (supplied by your surveyor).
- 4 reduced (8 ½ x 11, or 11 x17) copy of plat.
- 4 prliminary road/profile drawings and outline construction specifications as shown in Ordinance #2006-02 and 2005-04.
- Closure calculation sheets showing error of closure of each lot, block and the total boundary of the subdivision.
- Please be advised to contact IDEQ regarding filing a SWPPP prior to initiating this project.
- A Boise County Road Development Fee may be charged to this project.
- Vicinity Map scalled at 1” equals ¼ mile, or as approved by the Administrator, showing the proposed site, natural features, public roadways, and contours.
- A copy of the deed(s) for the area to be platted.
- Proposed on-site and off-site improvements pertaining to streets, water supply, sanitary sewer systems, fire protection facilities and utilities.
- A schedule of construction and completion of all on-site and off-site improvements.
- A draft or recorded copy of covenants for this project.
- An outline of any relvant provisions which might be contained within any protective covenants to be recorded with the plat.
- For projects of ten (10) lots or more, submit a Hydrogeologic Investigation Report; ref Ordinance 2006-02, Chapter 5, Section IV, B, 4), 9).
- For projects of thirty (30) lots or more, submit a Transportation Impact Study; ref Ordinance 2006-02, Chapter 5, Section IV, B, 4), 10).
- For all projects submit a Fire Plan; ref Ordinance 2006-02, Chapter 5, Section IV, B, 4), 11).
- For all projects, submit a Storm Water Management Plan; ref Ordinance 2006-02, Chapter 5, Section IV, B, 4), 12).
- For all project submit a Sediment/Erosion Control Plan; ref Ordinance 2006-02, Chapter 5, Section IV, B, 4), 13).
- For all projects, review Ordinance 2006-02, Chapter 5, Section IX for:
- Hillside Subdivision
- Large Scale Development
- Mobile Home Subdivision
- Floodplain Development; see also Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance #98-2
- HillsideLot or Subdivision
- Development fits topography
- Minimize grading
- Submit:
- Soils Report
- Geology Report
- Hydrology Report
- Grading Plans
- Maintenance Plans
- Developmental Roadway/Street Standards; see also Ordinance 2005-04.
- On the Plat Show:
- The Sections, Township, Range and sectional reference to the location of the proposed subdivision.
- Name of the proposed subdivision.
- Name and address of all owners, sponsors, designers, engineers, land surveyors and buildiers.
- Size and area of subdivision, and all existing easements and deed restriction pertinent thereto.
- A drawing and related data showing number, depth and width of lots and dimensions of streets and their maximum and minimum gradient.
- Legal metes and bounds description of area to be platted.
- The data, scale, and reference to true north point.
- Monuments, consisting of the section corner, the quarter section corner or the meander corner, including historical and existing meander lines or such other makers or record as required by the county recorder.
- The boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided.
- Contours with intervals acceptable to the CountyEngineer.
- The tract designation of any immediate adjacent subdivision as shown in the files of the Boise County Recorder.
- All parcels of land or interests therein ordained to be dedicated or temporaryily reserved for public use or to be reserved in the deeds for the common use of the property owners of the subdivision with purpose, condition, or limitations of such reservations clearly indicated; in residential plats, all parcels intended for or other than residential use to be appropriately labeled.
- The proposed street names and the number of lots and blocks, together with the layout of the proposed street right-of-ways lines, lot lines, alley and easement lines, and building setback lines, including all approximate dimensions and any and all proposed extensions, and other important features, such as the general outline of the following: existing buildings, water cources, power lines, telephone lines, railroad lines, and existing easements, municipal boundaries, and section lines.
- Typical cross section and profiles of streets and/or drainage easements showing grades approved by the CountyEngineer. The profiles shall be drawn to county standard scales and elevations and shall be based on a datum plane approved by the CountyEngineer.
- Right of Way widths for both public and private-common use streets shall be in accordance with those standards adopted by the Boise County Road Standards Ordinance, or its successor.
- For subdivision with community water and/or sewer systems, a rough layout showing the proposed location, length and approximate size and grade or pressures at various locations, of water distribution systems, pipes, valves and hydrants, type and size of services, source of water supply storage, and so on.
- A rough layout showing the proposed location, length and grades of sewer lines, catch basins, pumps and other drainage and sewage structures, types and sizes of service, treatment and disposal facilities and so on.
- Plat Map on CD: please provide your plat map on a CD in DXF format using Idaho Coordinate System of 1983 West Zone, and identify two public land ties on the plat.
Application accepted as complete by: ______
Date: ______
J:\PlanZ\Land Development Forms\Full.Large sub Prelim checklist 3-11-10-v.doc