Category / Points / Description
1 / Knowledge of person at poster / 5
2 / Presentation / 6
3 / Background / 3
4 / Hypothesis / 3
5 / Experimental / 5
6 / Results / 4
7 / Discussion / 4
8 / Conclusion / 3
9 / Future experiments / 3
10 / Effort / 4


Each group will be assigned a category. You should write a description for a high score, a medium score, and a low score for your category. For example if my category of discussion was worth 5 points.

5 –Uses bullet points to address all results presented on poster. Addresses sources of error. Explains how data relates to question and hypothesis.

3- Unclear how some aspect of the conclusion was obtained from results; Leaves reader with a few questions; All data is there, but hard to find and understand in reading poster; needs more thought about sources of error

1-Discussion undecipherable; leaves lots of questions

6 points should be divided into 6, 4, 2, and 0; 5 points scores should be divided into 5, 3, 1; 4 point scores into 4, 2, 0; and 3 point scored into 3, 2, 1.

Please keep in mind that you are working on a poster with limited space and where easy readability is critical.

Once your group is finished, pass your description onto the next group. Edit the description. Pass and edit two more times.

Knowledge of person at poster

Questions are answered correctly, clearly, and thoroughly

Group member minding the poster is knowledgeable of the projects background and conclusions

Person at poster thoroughly answers all questions, is able to explain everything

Can answer questions

Ability to answer questions and clearly explain experiment/topic

Ability to answer our own questions/ elaborate on

Person at poster can answer Q’s effectively

People walking around ask good questions

Ability to answer questions

Know results for experimental setup

Group member knows how to answer questions about their experiment

The presenter speaks loud, clearly, and knowledgeably on the subject and answers the Q’s to the best of his/her ability

Accurately and professionally answer questions; comfortable with the subject

The presenter should be able to explain questions asked and understand the project thoroughly

Person should be able to answer questions about all materials on board and some not on board

Understands almost all aspects of experiment; gives concise answers; does not hesitate when answering

Should be able to answer most questions with ease

Person who minds the poster knows the information well

Knows what happened; able to explain experiment

Able to answer questions sufficiently and describe the experiment


Overall appearance such as color, attractiveness;

Reader can follow the presented information clearly

Clear, visually appealing interpretation of the project

Poster is neatly done, well organized

Organized, clear, easy to read

Easy to read and understand, clear ideas, overall visual effect

Clarity, easy to read and easy to follow; not boring; interesting

Easy to comprehend, creative

Professional looking; attention paid to small details; readability

Good use of layout, colorful, pretty

Overall appearance of poster

Look; interesting; good use of space; color; easy to read

Clarity, easy to read, creativity

Clearly represents experiment, very neat and organized, easy to read

Appropriate, adequate use of color and graphical representations; poster is laid out and presentation is coherent.

The poster should be organized, self-explanatory, clear and easy to read

Well thought out, not cluttered, easy to read, attractive, creative, proper grammar used.

Clear, easy to read, organized; easy to understand and find information. Results are clearly visible

Clear and easy to read

Does it look pretty or is it horrible?

Clear, easy to read and understand; colorful, including graphs and tables

A good set-up with all the information needed. Information is in an organized fashion

Poster is clear, easy to read and flows well; easy to understand

Easy to understand, information is easy to rind/read; good use of the color wheel, professional but fun

Easy to read; neat

Speaks clearly, knows subject, poster is easy to read, poster is correct (no grammatical errors, etc.)


Presentation includes a history of the project. Where did the idea come from? What other studies have been done?

Knowledge behind history of topic for experiment

Previous testing, why we chose to do this

Displays reasoning behind choice of experiment

Reasoning for doing experiment

Is enough information provided for a reviewer to understand the experiment just from the poster

Reasons for investigating topic; clear and concise knowledge of the problem and its significance; provides factual data of a particular case

Should be well-explained and make clear to observers

Describes history/information that sets up importance of experiment.

Gives good background of experiment along with purpose; good research and sources; informative

Should include information on the area the water came from, info on each contaminant, water quality standards and past research on water

Relates your experiment to the non-chemistry world

Enough related information can be provided which shows the purpose to do the experiment

Topic was well explained/research planned out

“Why would we test for nitrates?”

Gives reason for experiment, not overly detailed, provides strong basis for project


Project has a precise hypothesis that makes a prediction

All necessary info given

Clear and concise


Can results be anticipated

Shows prior knowledge; clear and testable

Clearly states the independent and dependent variables; makes a testable and relevant claim about the data

The hypothesis should be logical and reasonable

Clearly presented hypothesis, testable, specific enough, applicable to overall subject

Able to understand hypothesis and purpose of the experiment. Hypothesis correlated to the actual experiment

The hypothesis should include what the group thinks is in the water and how much of each contaminant is in the water

Sort of explains the whole idea of the experiment

Clearly states purpose of experiment

Have clearly stated what they think will happen in the experiment

Provable hypothesis

Clearly stated, easy to understand, testable, etc.


Experiment well explained; procedures could be replicated

Experiment is thoroughly explained on poster; details of experiment included

Experimental process is explained and one would be able to carry out the experiment

Clearly explained experimental procedure

Experimental procedure on poster and easy to follow

Description of procedures, display knowledge of experiments

Effectively explains experiment; understandable person could carry out experiment

Should be able to repeat experiment; steps

Explaining step by step process of lab; easily understood

Shows effective process to determine hypothesis

Written in paragraph form; past tense; all materials and safety procedures identified; every step in the experiment is outlined; adequate measures are taken to control variables

The procedures should be listed well and purpose should be listed as well; it should be organized

Well executed experiment, steps clearly described, well though out, can be repeated

Easy to understand and someone should be able to repeat getting the same results

Tell what you did in class both days

Proper procedure chosen

Choice of experiment makes sense, works, and well planned and explained

Good idea; procedure

Procedure is present; well explained (can be easily duplicated)

Experiment design/process

Experiment can be easily replicated; no steps left out


Results are creatively, clearly displayed in charts and graphs

Results are easy to interpret and understand; charts or graphs are used effectively

Clearly describes results

Results are good but if they don’t prove the hypothesis, then possible explanations are provided

Results shown in table, graph, and/or chart

Error analysis

Shows results; explains results

Easily understood, axes labeled; all necessary data included

Are they reasonable? Reasonable for experimental error.

Graphs/tables; shows what they found

The results are clearly displayed and interpreted as best as possible so that a conclusion can be drawn and presented

Has results shown clearly and effectively

Results are presented in a clear table of data; data table is titled, labeled, and units are identified

Reliability of results should be shown

Tried hard to get results, explained well even if they didn’t turn out perfectly- effort based

Results correlated to experiment and make sense (not out of the blue numbers) clear graphs/visible data

Should include results form the experiments with graphs, charts, and conclusive findings

Do your results make sense? Do you know what went wrong?

Reliable, make-sense, accurate

All experimental data is displayed clearly; can be understood

Clear; reasonable

Well presented in tables and graphs; organized

Correct sig figs

Clearly displayed; graph/table; example calculations shown


Discussion includes meanings of data and possible sources of error

Thorough discussion of experiment and results is conducted. Error is addressed , and interesting/unexpected results are brought up.

Implications of the results are inferred and explained

Significance of results, discuss error

Sums up experiment

Explaining how our results prove or disprove the hypothesis

Accurately discusses results

Calculations are carried out correctly with significant figures. Examples of calculations are shown; there is a relevance to the hypothesis; calculated data is presented using figures, graphs

Analysis of results should be clear

Applies results to broader world view, what they learn in the context of our city; well-written

Applies research to the results and explains the results. Understanding of results and experiment

Should include the significance of your results and who it will affect. Discuss possible flaws in data and how results related to hypothesis

Explains results and how they correlate to hypothesis

Discusses results and possible errors.


Final conclusion of experiment is clearly expressed. What does the data show overall; 1-2 concise sentences

Quality of conclusions drawn from experimentation

Refer to hypothesis, meaning of results

Puts finishing touch on poster

Makes conclusion that solves hypothesis

Conclusions on the data tested and the findings; changed or altered hypothesis if necessary; identifying limitations of the experiment

Should include answer to hypothesis and questions, as well as key points in results and discussion

Wraps up everything, ties all loose ends, doesn’t leave many questions unanswered.


A summary of the main points observed in the discussion

Talk about the results. Relate them to the hypothesis

Sums up results

Based on the results, correct conclusions are made

Makes sense; a future experiment can be conducted

“Did results prove/disprove hypothesis?”

Discussion of results; relation to hypothesis

Future Experiments

Recommendations are made for future experimentation. Reasons for future experiments are included

Improvements and suggestions for future experimentation are discussed.

Clear; can be completed

Have results showing future experimentation; reasonable experiments

Poster points to future experimentation from conclusion

Clear experiments for further testing.

Other experiments are proposed based on the findings or the results of the hypothesis

Experiment should be repeatable and others can conduct it with the experimental procedure listed

Connection between future experiments and experiment done. Good purpose and reasoning

Should be feasible and supported by results section

Idea for future study; what could have been done different

Gives idea of future experiments that can be conducted

Goes further; introduces new idea


The poster is well put together

The presentation appears to be well planned. It looks like the group put time and effort into the poster.

A significant amount of effort is put forward into preparing the poster, shown in its quality.

Is clear that they tried their best to make it as good as possible.

Is it obvious that effort was made to make the poster presentable

Time put into the poster is clearly shown

Section number:

Awards: Each group should place a checkmark next to their two top choices

Best project idea
Best poster
Best project overall
Best results
Most creative
Most original
Most interesting results
Most practical/useful
Most effort put forth
Most knowledgeable
Most scientifically pertinent
Most useful for student life

Category assigned:
