Birthday girls included Caterina, Frankie, Maria, and Mary Harris (Ruth, Mary S., Sarah, Bruce and Bernard were blowing out candles too)

Forthcoming Events 2016 - 2017

6thNovember -Cake Sale

20th November- Today coffee will be served at Kineton Village Hall after mass – all welcome. There will be a tombola and this will be followed at 12pm bya Talk about the history of Catholic Warwickshire and then a hot buffet lunch (tickets £5 to include Talk and Lunch).

10th December - Christmas Carol Service, St Francis of Assisi

Poinsettias for Christmas – please bring in by 24 December for Church decorating

18thFebruary -International Supper in the Village Hall, Kineton

Congratulations to our latest1975 Club Winners

July - Peter DeeleyAugust – Brian DelanaySeptember – Monica Hermolle

Proceeds are divided between the parish and the individual winner of the draw each month. You can join the 1975 Club at any point during the year – please see the notice board in the Church lobby for details.

Maria Tredgold

Everyone will recognise Maria as the Chairperson of St Francis Guild and as one of our Children’s Liturgy leaders. Some of us know she is also a fantastic baker (evidence overleaf – she was responsible for the lovely birthday cakes at the Birthday Breakfast) but our exclusive Guild Newsletter highlights some lesser known facts about our leader…..

Where was your place of birth? I was born in Bristol in 1960 into a large family of 5 children. My father and brothers were very involved in Church life I guess this is where I get it from.

Where were your early years spent? I decided to become a nurse from an early age and moved to Bath to undertake my training in 1978 and loved every minute of it. In 1982, I made the decision to become a midwife and so moved to Dorset to carry out my training and lived there for 7 years.

Needing a change, I took a midwifery job in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, for 6 years. When I came to the end of my contract I moved to Warwick in 1996 and have been there ever since. I met my husband in 1997, got married in 1999 and moved to Northend.

What brought you to St Francis Parish? I was a parishioner at Avon Dassett until my daughter Katie made her First Holy Communion in 2008 at St Francis, where I found the people of the Parish very friendly so I stayed.

What do you like about St Francis parish? I like St Francis Parish because it is small and friendly, and there is a great community spirit.
If you could be granted one wish for our Parish, what would it be? My wish for the Parish is to encourage people back into the church, and to use the church as a focal point in people’s lives.

Do you have a philosophy for life? My philosophy in life is to do the best you can.