MISSION: to Mentor Young Adults to Become Better Citizens

MISSION: to Mentor Young Adults to Become Better Citizens

Roneagle Navy JROTC


SNSI(Senior Naval Science Instructor) / NSI(Naval Science Instructor)
Capt Sanders USMC (Ret.)
Phone: (504) 315-5532 / Sr Chief Barnes Navy (Ret.)
Phone: (504) 641-3819

MISSION: To Mentor Young Adults to become better Citizens.


  1. To improve your ability to express yourself orally and in writing.
  2. Develop individual leadership traits and a sense of responsibility in yourself, school, community, and the NJROTC unit.
  3. Cultivate and improve citizenship skills, proper conduct, and manners.
  4. Plan and prepare yourself morally, mentally, and physically to take your place in society…i.e. make a positive contribution to your community.

Course Description:

NJROTC cadets will learn and exhibit; the principles of self-discipline, self-reliance, and responsibility which includes study skills, interpersonal and mediation abilities, and life skills such as financial responsibilities, tax obligations, etc. The cadets will learn Naval History, Maritime and Navigation fundamentals, and Oceanography/Astronomy. Also, the Naval Science training includes leadership principles, techniques, and human relation skills applied in a classroom environment (i.e. Military inspections, drill, ceremonies, marksmanship, and firearms safety). The cadets will learn the fundamentals of health, first aid, and physical fitness training. In addition, the cadets will be mentored on all grades (report cards and progress reports), conduct on campus, and how they are progressing towards their goals. And lastly, the NJROTC unit will visit multiple universities and military bases.


NJROTC Website:McDonogh 35 main site -Clubs & Organizations -Navy JROTC

Extracurricular Activities:

Navy JROTC / Color Guard / Drill / Academic
Teams / Physical Training / Marksmanship / Orienteering

Classroom Rules:

1. Be responsible; come to class on time with the correct materials.

2. Be respectful of self, peers, and adults in language and actions (specifically deportment).

3. Maintain proper grooming standards in the Navy Uniform.

4. No sleeping. No gum. No food. Only water to drink.

5. Raise your hand to be recognized. (i.e. questions, headcalls, or get tissue)

Other Class Info:

1. Cadets absent from class are responsible for making up all work to include missed tests and inspections.

2. Cadets are graded in the form of exams (60%) and quizzes (40%); i.e. Inspections, YPFT, Marksmanship, and PACE (Participation, Attitude, Cooperation, and Effort).

A - 93-100 Excellent
B - 85-92 Good
C - 75-84 Fair
D - 67-74 Poor
F - 66 & Below Failing / WEIGHTED PERCENTAGE:
Uniform Inspection 40%
Academics 25%
Physical Training 25%
P.A.C.E. / Attendance 10% / SUPPLIES:
-Pen; Blue or Black
-Planner / Note taking material
-PT Gear (t-shirt, shorts, socks, running shoes)

Classroom Management:

•1stMinor Infraction: Warning

•2ndMinor Infraction: Additional Counseling/Change seat

•3rdMinor Infraction: Call Home/EMI assigned/Demerits

(EMI is as after school detention)

•4thMinor Infraction: Discipline Referral/Demerits

Parent Contact Information

Name: ______Phone:______

Email:______Preferred: Phone / Email / Text

(circle one)

Syllabus Acknowledgement

I have read the syllabus and understand the requirements to be successful in this program.

Signature of Student:______Date: ______

Signature of Parent: ______Date: ______