Author Guidelines for the Preparation ...1


Chapter title – Author Guidelines for the Preparation of Contributions to „Internet in the information society”


Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, Katedra Informatyki




The abstract is a mandatory element that should summarize the contents of the paper (and contain at least 50 words).To write the abstract title the StreszczTytul style is used, and to write the abstract text the Streszczenie style is used.

  1. Titles and headers

The first page of the chapter starts with the word "Chapter" and then the title of the chapter. For these elements appropriately TytulPrzed and Tytuł styles are used. Each chapter is written in a separate section, Different headers on the first, the odd and the even pages are used. The first page header uses the NagłówekStr1 style, while other pages uses Nagłówek strony style. In the headers of even pages first and last name initials of author (s) are written and the odd-numbered headers contain title of the chapter or first few words of the chapters title ended with three dots. The text in the header of the odd-numbered pages should not exceed ¾ of the page width. The headers should be written in italics (except for the page number).

  1. The numbering of the sections/subsections

Sections/subsections are numbered automatically starting with one. Each subsection ends with a dot and a space, to separate the subsection title. Subsection titles do not end with adot and do not use hyphenation.

The RozdzPoziom1 style is designed for the highest level of subsections. Subsequent levels use styles (respectively) : RozdzPoziom2, RozdzPoziom3 and RozdzPoziom4.

2.1.Subsection level 2

If there are more subsections directly after previous section (subsection) title and are not separated with text of a section, then the author should modify the parent section’s paragraph by typing a zero value in the "Spacing After" fiel. An example is shown below.

2.2.Subsection level 2 directly before the subsection level 3

2.2.1.Subsection level 3 directly after the subsection level 2

In the paragraph of the subsection 2.2 the value in the "Spacing After" field was set tozero. The field "Spacing After" is available in the Parahraph menu. level 4

The numbering of subsections should not exceed level 4.

  1. Section three – text, numbering and bullets

For basic text formatting in sectionTekstPodst style should be used. The first line of a paragraph is no indented, but there is used 2 pointed space before and after paragraph. There should not be uses additional spacing between paragraphs by putting blank lines. The paper should be written in impersonal form. It`s necessary to divide a words to eliminate surplus space between a words. It is also a "stick" single letter conjunctions and prepositions (a, i, o, u, w, z) to the next word, so as not to remain at the end of the line. Keys codes helpful in sharing words, sticking words separated by spaces, going to beginning of next row in the same paragraph and other useful characters are available on the Special Characters tab by selecting Insert /Symbol.

Quotes, words borrowed from foreign languages, and terminology explanations should be written in italics, for example, Nec Hercules contra plures, or ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One).

In any section, numbering and bulletscan be used. In the numbering, there should be remembered that if the symbol of numbering is ended by bracket, the text of numbering begins with a small letter, but if the symbol of numbering is ended by dot, the text of numbering begins with a capital letter. Examples of numbering:

  1. This is first typical problem.
  2. This is second typical problem.

You have four options as follows:

1)first option,

2)second option,

3)third option,

4)fourth option.

Styles prepared to numbering: Wylicz_1, Wylicz_A, wylicz_1) i wylicz_a). To continue the numbering in next paragraph without writing a character of numbering were prepared Wylicz_cd style.

Example of bullets:

You have four options as follows:

  • first option,
  • second option,
  • third option,
  • fourth option.

Prepared styles of bullets: Wypunkt_o i Wypunkt_–. Styl Wypunkt_– can be used as a second level bullets. Style Wypunkt_– was used in section 4.5.

  1. Section four – formatting ingredients of article
  2. Equations

To write equations, the font Times New Roman size 11 point as in the basic text should be used. The equation should be middle on the site. For equation`s notation is prepared Rownanie style contains middle and right tab. Notation of equation should precede a tab (center). Equation number enclosed in parentheses should be aligned to the right margin (it precedes the second tab character). Example of notation equal and numbering the equations is presented below:


Next is an example of a record variable functions and example of appeal to the equation: Expanding the function x(t + h) in a Taylor series represents equation (1). Variables should be note in italics. Brackets, and operators are written in normal type. You can generally assume that a string that represents a variable or function should be identical with that figure, generated by an equation editor.

4.2.Figures and descriptions under pictures

Figure and figure caption should be centered on the page and placed together on a single page. Styles Rysunek and RysOpis are prepared to format figures and description under figures. An example of the figure and description’s position is shown below.

Fig. 1. Geometric interpretation of Euler scheme

The caption under the figure should not be terminated by a dot.An example of references to the picture: Fig. 1 shows the geometric interpretation of the Euler scheme. Figure width should not be larger than the width of the page (13cm). The size and type of font used in the descriptions of the figure should be close to the main text font. Figures should not contain border and blank areas above and below the picture. This case often occurs when you paste image developed using MS Excel.

4.3.Table and table caption

The table and the title of the table should be centered on the page and placed together on one page. Centering the table is set by using the tabs Tables Table Properties on dialog window displayed when selecting the menu item Table / Table Properties. A tabelaTytul style was prepared to format table title. Text for the table title is not terminated by a dot. Tabela style was prepared to formatting text of the table (align text with bilateral). Other align text in a table can be done using the appropriate toolbar buttons Formatowanie.

Table width should not be greater than the width of the page. Column and row titles should be written with a capital letter. The size and type of font used in the tables should be the same size or smaller than basic text font. Example of a table format is shown below

In the example shown in the table were added two additional rows. Title of the table is stored in the first row, and the line of a 3 mm ensures an adequate distance from the next section of text.

Tabela 1. Characteristics of the first quarter 2004[1]
Styczeń / Luty / Marzec
Liczba dni / 31 / 29 / 31
Liczba dni roboczych / 21 / 20 / 23
Liczba dni wolnych / 10 / 9 / 8

An example of an reference to the table: Table 1 shows the number of working days and free days during the months of the first quarter of 2004. If a table or figure come from other sources, including information should be placed in a footnote or explicitly make a reference to the entry in the literature.

4.4.Algorithm or program code

Style program is designed to write program code. It uses a fixed-width font characters with no spaces before and after paragraphs. Example program code is shown below:

function ekspimp4(pkr,pt1)

% ustawianie parametrów, wykonanie eksperymentu i wyświetlanie

% odpowiedzi układu impulsowego o modelu zapisanym w pliku imp4.m

global kr t1

% ustawianie parametrów

kr=pkr; t1=pt1;

% wykonanie eksperymentu

[t,x,y]=rk45('imp4', 100,[0;0;0],[ 1e-9,0,1]);

% wyświetlanie przebiegów


plot(t,[y(:,[1,2]), x(:,2)],tt,yy)

To maintain proper distance from the body text is proposed to put an extra line before and after the program, in the style of program.

4.5.Bibliography and references

Bibliography should be located at the end of the article. The title of this section should be written with capitals (BIBLIOGRAPHY), and LiteraturaTytulstyle should be applied.Every position should be formatted using LiteraturaWykaz style, and is supposed to contain:

a)in case of book/monography:

−consecutive position number (1., 2. etc.),

−Last name and initials of first name(s) (eg. Rostanski M. S.),

−Semicolon ending the authors part,,

−Title (ending with period symbol),

−Publisher’s name,

−Place and year of publishing,

−tome, part(optionally),

−ending period symbol,

b)in case of article/paper:

−consecutive position number (1., 2. etc.),

−Last name and initials of first name(s) (eg. Rostanski M. S.),

−Semicolon ending the authors part,,

−Article’s title (ending with period symbol),

−Paper’s / Proceedings’ title,



−pages number(s), after pp. abbreviation.(optionally),

−ending period symbol.

All bibliography elements should be written with regular font style. The examples are given at the end of this document. References should contain specific position number in brackets. An example of reference: Reproduction is described in [6]. In case of the reference to multiple bibliography positions, all of those are to be put into single brackets. The example of multiple reference: Behavior of those environments is a known issue, as noted in [1, 2, 4].

  1. Conclusions

Summary should be contained in ‘Conclusions’ section. In a few lines, please outline subject once again, provide final thoughts, conclusions, future developments, etc.


  1. Bogusławski L.: Korekta drukarska i wydawnicza. 2nd Ed., WPL, Warszawa 1967.
  2. Czachórski T., Kowalówka M., Szczerbiński Z., Wilk A. Wołowiec W.: Modelowanie systemów komputerowych za pomocą AMOK-u. Podstawy Informatyki, 1987, t.17, nr3–4, pp.103÷127.
  3. Mielczarek W.: Cyfrowy interfejs pomiarowy ICS-BUS. ZN Pol. Śl. s. Informatyka z.22, Gliwice 1993.
  4. Skowronek M.: Wybrane ważniejsze zasady redakcyjne. Opracowanie Instytutu Informatyki Pol. Śl., Gliwice 1992.
  5. Węgrzyn S.: Podstawy automatyki. PWN, Warszawa 1978.
  6. Węgrzyn S., Winiarczyk R.: Reprodukcja i multiplikacja jako informatyczne technologie wytwarzania. ZN Pol. Śl. Studia Informatica Vol.24, No2A (53), Gliwice2003.

[1] Data in table acquired from XXXXX. On footnotes please use „restart each page” numbering style.