ATS 606 Introduction to Climate- Spring 2015
David Thompson, 430 ATS
BrianCrow,429 ATS
Department programming TA:
Alex Goodman
Office Hours:
Brian: MW 2-3pm
Dave: TTh 1-2pm
Class materials are available via:
Class Schedule:
Tues/Thurs11:00-12:15 ATS West.
Student Learning Goals and Objectives:
The successful student will gain a broad graduate level process-oriented understanding of the Earth’s climate system. The material will provide a strong foundation for further specialized study on the climate system.
None required, but we will frequently refer to three textbooks. Wallace and Hobbs is strongly recommended.
1) Global Physical Climatology, by D.L. Hartmann, Academic Press, 1994, 411pp.
2) Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey, by J. M. Wallace and P. V. Hobbs,Second Edition, Academic Press, 483pp.
3) Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics, An Introductory Text, by John Marshall and Alan Plumb, 319 pp.
The format of the class is lecture/discussion. The preponderance of the course will focus on the fundamentals of climate dynamics. The latter part of the course will focus on current themes or problems in climate research.
Grading: The course requirements and grading will be approximately as follows:
Homework: 20%
Exam on first half of course:25%
Exam on second half of course:25%
Modeling Project: 25%
Class Participation: 5%
Modeling Project:
The modeling project will entail developing a simple heuristic climate model in one dimension. The model usesthe concept of radiative-convective equilibrium in a single column with different imposed profiles of radiative constituents (e.g., greenhouse gases, clouds). The project will involve a multistep programming project that first models a multi-layer atmosphere in radiative equilibrium, then a many layer atmosphere in radiative equilibrium with a stratosphere, followed by a column in radiative-convective equilibrium. The project will explore the timescale of the climate system by using simple slab oceans of different depths as well as imposition of greenhouse gas and cloud perturbations to explore the concept of climate sensitivity. This project is a nice introduction to scientific computing for those with limited experience.
The project will be assigned in steps, with individual modeling assignments expected to be turned in on an assigned schedule.We will start the project relatively early in the course, and build on it as the course progresses.
Course Outline (subject to change):
- Weeks 1-2
The Sun.
Global-mean energy budget.
Gradients in heating.
Radiative transfer.
Radiative-convective equilibrium
- Weeks 3-4
Role of clouds in atmospheric energy.
Surface heat fluxes.
Surface energy balance models.
The hydrologic cycle.
- Weeks 5-7
Overview of the atmospheric general circulation.
- Week 8
Overview of the atmospheric general circulation.
Exam 1.
- Weeks 9-11
The ocean in climate.
The ocean mixed-layer, stability, and the thermocline.
The wind-driven circulation.
The thermohaline circulation.
Ocean-atmosphere coupling.
- Week 12
- Week 13
Natural climate forcing and change.
- Week 14
Climate sensitivity and feedbacks.
- Week 15
Anthropogenic climate change.
- Finals week
Exam 2