Approval by C.A.S.DL (Curriculum & Academic Standards Distance Learning) Subcommittee &NeLSC (North’s e-Learning Support Center) for development in a distance learning (DL) modality (i.e. method of delivery) of an already approved course.
Please complete this Part A: Intro
This completed form must be approved priorto scheduling the class in the quarterly schedule. Follow the instructions for submittal at the end of this form.
Course # _269______Course Title: __Not-for-profit practices and procedures
Credits _5__ Course Contact Hours ____55______
Submission date __11/5/10_____Effective course delivery date (qtr/yr) _Spring 2011
Submitted by: _Lauren Psomostithis Tel#
Division/Department __BEIT______
Distribution of instructional modalities in the course
Approximate the relative use of on-campus lectures, on-campus labs, on-campus testing, online lessons, online activities/testing, email, online “discussion forum” communication (asynchronous web conferences), online “chat room” communication (synchronous web conferences), and/or other instructional modalities. (For example: 0% on-campus activities, 25% online lessons, 25% online activities/testing, 40% discussion, 10% personal email)
Online Lessons20%
Online activities/quizzes/tests30%
Email 5%
Asynchronous web conferences45%
Delivery method(check all that apply) / Fees
(check all that apply)
x Online course / x Online Learning support fee (UD)
¤ Videomedia course (using VHS, DVD
and/or videostreaming-on-demand / ¤ Computer Lab / Server Support fee (CL)
¤ Other fees (please specify):
¤ Two-way interactive classroom
¤ Other modality (please specify):
Part A (continued)
Please describe the intended elements of this course. The purpose is to provide the basic conceptual framework for this course. After course development is underway, further details will need to be provided in Part B of the CAS approval process.
Course communications
Plan:Similar to other online accounting courses, we will use the angel course management system including a discussion forum, chat rooms, and an internal email system to facilitate communication. We will also offer lecture notes and other instructional material to facilitate the delivery of the course.
4 weeks course complete:
Methods of assessment/evaluation --
Plan:Students will submit required homework and complete weekly quizzes via ANGEL’s drop box and assessment tools; group discussion will be completed via the online discussion room in ANGEL; the examinations will be administered via ANGEL assessment tools. The assigned work will parallel the work given in the original course; the course outcomes will be the same. IRS tutorials will be taken via the IRS website; however, all links will be included in the ANGEL classroom.
4 weeks course complete:
Expectations of students --
Plan:Assignments should be completed in a timely manner. Online quizzes, and a mid-term and a final examination will be completed. Students are expected to maintain a presence in the class by logging into the class website frequently and participating in the class discussion forum. Students are expected or promptly communicate concerns and problems to the instructor and to participate in the evaluation of the course.
4 weeks course complete: Please include a complete syllabus and schedule.
Required technologies --
Plan:All students will need a reliable Internet connection or access to on-campus computers.
4 weeks course complete:
Required materials --
Plan: Textbook(s) as specified by the instructor
4 weeks course complete:
Supplemental materials – IRS tutorials, found on IRS website
4 weeks course complete:
Required competencies --
Plan:Basic Windows applications and email skills are required
4 weeks course complete:
Supplemental competencies -- Plan:
4 weeks course complete:
Plan for course development –Intro Only:I have extensive online teaching experience and course development experience. Additionally, at the end of November I will begin Quality Matters training, and will put what I learn in this class to use as we develop this course. I will also work with colleagues in the department on content and format of this course.
Quarter/year when this DL course will first be offered ___Spring 2011______
Part A due date ___November 2, 2010_____
Part B: due date __February 8, 2011______
“I agree to follow this schedule and design this course as described above.”
Faculty (Course Developer) Date
“This course has been approved by the division for development & delivery.”
Division Dean Date
1Approval of this Part A: Intro must precede the scheduling of this class in the quarterly printed schedule. Allow 2 weeks for CAS DL Subcommittee review to take place.
Chairperson of CAS D.L. Subcommittee Date
- Email an electronic copy of this completed form together with an official course outline approved by the NorthSeattleCommunity College Curriculum and Academic Standards (CAS) Committee to North’s e-Learning Support Center (NeLSC). (). This electronic copy will be placed online (
- Deliver a signed (Instructor and Dean signatures) paper-copy of this form to the main desk in NeLSC in Room LB 2237(which has an outside entrance on the second floor of the LibraryBuilding just south of the main entrance to the library).
Part B: 4 Weeks Course Completedsubmittal date2: ______
(C.A.S. D.L. Final Review)Refer to the questions in Part A: Intro and provide more detailed and specific information that reflects the further development that you’ve made. Please describe in detail the distance learning elements built into this course. In addition to the completion of basic course website, the first third (weeks 1-4) of the course content (including assignments, quizzes, lessons, power point presentations, etc.) must be completed and available for full C.A.S. review.
2If this date is later than 8 weeks prior to the start of the quarter listed above, the CAS
DL Subcommittee and full CAS Committee may not be able to review this course in a timely manner. The division dean has agreed to defer offering this course until a later quarter. Any student enrollments may be canceled. Check the official CAS website at for the applicable critical date for the quarter/year proposed
Course website address and access instructions (using your student view password):Provide access to the course website C.A.S. DL Subcommittee as well as all C.A.S. members can review the course design and delivery features.
- Course website address: ______
- Student Logon: ______e.g. _student…
- Student password: ______
e-Learning Director (Tom Braziunas) Date
Chairperson of CAS D.L. Subcommittee Date
Chairperson of CAS (Tracy Furutani) Date
Vice President (Mary Ellen O’Keeffe) Date
- Bring the original signed paper-copy of this form (and official course outline) to the North’s e-Learning Support Center (LB 2237). The e-Learning Director and C.A.S. D.L. Subcommittee Chair will review the course website with its 4 weeks of completed course materials and will signify their recommendation that the course be offered as planned by signing the form. All C.A.S. members will also have the opportunity to review the course website.
- The CAS chair will then sign Part B and deliver it to The V.P of Instruction for her signature and filing.
ch Revised: January 2010