XV Ordinary Synod on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment

Preparatory Document – Questionnaire

This questionnaire is open to all those in the diocese who would like to share their experiences and observations regarding young people, the faith and vocational discernment with particular regard to Ballarat Diocese. Priests, youth ministry leaders, university and school chaplains, school principals and faith educators, parents, social justice groups, vocation committee, and other individuals or groups in the diocese are invited to respond to some or all of the questions.

In considering the questions, please refer to what you know from your own experience in communities large or small in the diocese regarding young people (from mid-teens to late twenties.)

Please note these questions refer both to young people who take part in Church programmes, as well as those who do not take part.

There has been a separate survey of young people but young people can also respond to this questionnaire. Responses are welcome from people of any age.

To respond to the Questionnaire: Please type your responses in a WORD document. We have been asked to collate the responses into one diocesan document and so need to be able to ‘cut and paste’ from a Word document. Please ensure the Question numbers are attached to the response. An alternative method is typing into each question box after the question. You can access a WORD VERSION of the Questionnaire on the Ballarat Diocese website: www.ballarat.catholic.org.au

Please email your responses to by Tuesday 15 August 2017. Phone 5337 7125 for queries.

The full preparatory document from the Vatican includes reflections to accompany the questionnaire. These are available on the diocesan website.

You do not have to answer all questions.

Name of person responding and role and/or name of parish/organisation/group:


Please note: Names will not be published. Comments will not be attributed to individuals or groups.


Note: questionnaire starts at Section 2
(a) / Young People, the Church and Society
These questions refer both to young people who take part in Church programmes, as well as those who do not take part.
1. / In what manner does the Church listen to the lived situations of young people?
2. / What are the main challenges and most significant opportunities for young people in your diocese or local situation today?
3. / What kinds and places of group gatherings of youth, institutionalized or otherwise, have a major success within the Church, and why?
4. / What kinds and places of group gatherings of youth, institutionalized or otherwise, have a major success outside the Church, and why?
5. / What do young people really ask of the Church in your diocese or local situation today?
6. / What possibilities for participation exist in your diocese or local situation for young people to take part in the life of the ecclesial community? / “Ecclesial community” – do youth participate in the lives of other people who have a faith similar to them?
7. / How and in what manner is contact made with young people who do not frequent Church surroundings? / “Church surroundings-” how the Church connects with young people who do not regularly participate in its life.
(b) / Pastoral Vocational Programmes for Young People
8. / How are families and communities involved in the vocational discernment of young people? / “Vocational discernment” - how families and communities assist young people to aspire to life choices that are faith based.
9. / How do schools and universities or other educational institutions (civil or ecclesial) contribute to young people’s formation in vocational discernment? / “Vocational discernment” – how universities, schools or other educational institutions, through systematic plans, form young people in faith.
10. / How are you using social media and technology to connect with young people?
11. / How can World Youth Days or other national or international events become a part of ordinary pastoral practice?
12. / In what manner is your diocese planning experiences for the pastoral vocational programme for young people? / “pastoral vocational programme” – immersion placements or other opportunities that assist young people to experience faith in action.
/ Pastoral Care Workers with Young People
13. / How much time and in what manner do clergy and other formators provide for personal spiritual guidance? / “other formators” – clergy and leaders / mentors who provide personal spiritual guidance.
14. / What initiatives and opportunities for formation are in place for those who provide pastoral vocational guidance? / “pastoral vocational guidance” – formation initiatives and opportunities for those who assist young people to make choices for faith-based life professions and lifestyles.
15. / What personal guidance is offered in seminaries? / “personal guidance” – the roles played by priest-formators, spiritual directors, rectors and mentor-priests in the life of a seminarian who offer guidance for his discernment of vocation
(d) / Specific Questions According to Geographic Areas
Asia and Oceania
(a) / Why and how do religious gatherings by those who are non-Catholic exercise an attraction on young people?
(b) / In what way can the values of a local culture be combined with Christian teaching, while also giving importance to popular piety? / “popular piety” – how comfortable young people feel to express their faith through devotions and other customs.
(c) / What modern means of communication (media, music, language, arts, etc) does the Church use to engage young people?
2. / List the main types of pastoral activity in accompaniment and vocational discernment in your present situation (You may wish to refer back to your responses in Q8 and Q9). (One page limit)
Choose up to three activities / experiences you consider the most interesting and relevant to share with the universal Church, and present it according to the following format (no more than one page for each experience).
a) Description: In a few sentences, describe the activity. Who are the leading characters? How does the activity take place? Where? etc.
b) Analysis: Evaluate the activity in layperson’s terms, for a better understanding of the important elements: what are the goals? What is the theoretical basis? What are the most interesting insights? How have they developed? Etc.
c) Evaluation: Were the goals achieved? If not achieved, why? Strengths and weaknesses? What are the consequences on the social, cultural and ecclesial levels? Why and in what way is the activity important / formative? etc.

Please email your response as a Word document to Thank you.

Diocese of Ballarat Youth Synod Questionnaire – Diocesan Consultation page 1 of 3