Form IPPC Part A – application for a permit, variation, transfer or surrender

For Environment & Resources Authority Use Only

Data received Fee received: Yes No Amount received Name assigned to installation

Introduction to Part A

When to use this form

Use this form if you are sending an application to the
ERA under the Industrial Emissions (IPPC) Regulations, 2013.
The form is to be used for applications made in respect of both ‘installations’ and ‘mobile plant’ (and in the rest of the form, the term ‘installation’ also covers ‘mobile plant’ where appropriate).

Before you start to fill in this form

There may be two or more operators in a single installation. Each operator will need a permit, each obtained by a separate application. Your applications will principally relate to the part of the installation under your control, but will also need to include some information on the rest of the installation. This will help us to assess the operation of the whole installation. The term “installation”, when used in this application form (and elsewhere) may refer to either the whole or part of the installation, depending on the nature of the information we are seeking to obtain.

Which parts of the form to fill in
The form is in five parts but we usually only send you the parts you need to fill in. Everyone has to fill in Part A, and prepare and sign a covering letter at the end of their application.
The other parts you need to fill in depends on the type of application you are making:
• To apply for a new permit – fill in Parts A and B;
• To vary an existing permit – fill in Parts A and C;
• To transfer all or part of an existing permit to
someone else – fill in Parts A and D. This should be a joint application by the transferor and the transferee;
• To surrender all or part of an existing permit – fill in Parts A and E. /

Other documents we need to see

There are a number of other documents you will need to send us with your application. Each time a request for documents is made in the application form you will need to record a document reference number for the document or documents that you are submitting in the box provided on the form for this purpose.
Please also mark the document(s) clearly with this
reference number and either the application reference number if you know it or your existing permit number. If you do not have either of these, please use the name of the installation.
If you know your Application Reference Number, please enter it into the box below:

Using continuation sheets

In the case of questions required to be answered on the application form itself, please use a continuation sheet if you need extra space; but please indicate clearly on the form that you have done so by stating a document reference number for that continuation sheet. Please also mark the continuation sheet itself clearly with the information referred to above.

Please submit 1 hard copy and 1 soft copy of the application form and all supporting information.
A soft copy of the application form must also be submitted to the consultees identified in Regulation 19(2) of Legal Notice 10 of 2013. A signed delivery note must be enclosed with the application to MEPA.

If you need help and advice
We have made the application form as straightforward as possible, but please get in touch with us on tel: 2292 3500 or email: you need any advice on how to set out the information we need.
A1 About your application
A1.1 What type of application are you making?new permit
variation of an existing permit
transfer of an existing permit
surrender of an existing permit

A1.2 Name of the installation
Please tell us if this name is:
Please tell us if this name is:
already agreed with the MEPA; or
one that you are proposing.

A1.3 Please give the address of the site of the installation, and a map or plan showing the site of the installation and the location of the installation on the site
Locality / Post Code

A1.4 Give details of any existing permit(s) for the installation.
Please give details of any applicable waste management licences, planning permits, environmental permits or sewer discharge permits. Include permit number(s), type(s) and date(s) of issue, and submit copies.

A3 About the operator

Please provide the information requested below about the ‘operator’, which means:
• for applications for a new permit – the person who
it is proposed will have control over the installation in accordance with the permit (if granted),
• for applications for a variation, transfer or surrender – the person who currently has control over the installation in accordance with the permit.
If you are applying for a transfer, we will ask for more information relating to the proposed new operator (transferee) in Part D.
Legal status of operator
A3.1 Is the operator an individual, a group of individuals, a partnership or a company/corporate body?Individual (sole trader) or group of individuals: go to question A3.2.
Partnership: go to question A3.3.
Company or corporate body: go to question A3.5.

Individual applicants
A3.2 Please give us the following details.
Where more than one person is applying (other than
as a partnership) we need details of each person.
Continue on separate sheets if necessary.
Full Name
ID Card/Passport No.
Trading/business name (if any)
Business address
Locality / Post Code
Phone Number

A2 Authorised contacts

It will help us to have someone who we can contact directly with any questions about your application. The person you name should have the authority to act on your behalf.
A2.1 Who can we contact about your application?
This could be an agent rather than the operator.
Locality / Post Code
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email address

A2.2 Operational contact
If different to the above, please identify the person we should contact to discuss operational matters on an ongoing basis.
Locality / Post Code
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email address
Fax Number
Email address
Now go to question A4, What to do next.

Applications from partnerships
A3.3 Who is applying?
We can only issue permits to named individuals, not to a partnership name. We therefore need details of each person in the partnership.
Continue on separate sheets if necessary.
Person Full Name
ID Card/Passport No.
Principal place of business
Locality / Post Code
Contact Numbers
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email address

Person Full Name
ID Card/Passport No.
Principal place of business
Locality / Post Code
Contact Numbers
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email address
Person Full Name
ID Card/Passport No.
Principal place of business
Locality / Post Code
Contact Numbers
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email address

A3.4 Please give us the following details about the partnership.
Name of partnership (if there is one)

Principal place of business
Locality / Post Code
Contact Numbers
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email address
A3.6 Is the operator a subsidiary of a holding company?
No Yes name of ultimate holding company

Registered office addressStreet
Locality / Post Code
Principal office address (if different)
Locality / Post Code
Company registration number

A4 What to do next
Now you need to fill in the other Parts of this form available online.
If you are applying for
• A new permit – fill in Part B;
• A variation – fill in Part C;
• A transfer – fill in Part D;
• A surrender – fill in Part E. / Now go to question A4, What to do next.

Companies or other corporate applicants
A3.5 Please gives us the following details.
Full name of company or corporate body.

Trading/business name (if different)

Registered office address
Locality / Post Code
Company registration number

Date of formation of company

• For applications from companies,please provide a copy of the certificate of incorporation or registration and any certificates of subsequent name changes.
Document reference number

• For applications from other corporate bodies,please provide evidence of status.
Document reference number
