PhotonicSensing Transnational Call 2016
Full proposal Form
This document has to be filled in by the project coordinator and submitted
by 29thMarch 2017, 17:00 CET.
Note: font Arial, size 11 (except tables)
PART A: Summary
1.Project Overview
Project Acronym:Full Title:
Application Topic(s): / Safety including food safety
Civil security
Manufacturing / production
Environmental monitoring
Medical applications
Total Project Costs
(Euro) / Requested Funding
Planned starting date / MM/YY / Duration / (in months)
1.1Consortium Details
Add more partners if needed here as well as in table below.
Organisation: full name, short name and website / Country / Founding year / Number of employees / Turnover in million Euros (MEUR) p.a.[Insert name of Coordinator:]
[Insert name of Partner 1:]
[Insert name of Partner 2:]
[Insert name of Partner 3:]
[Insert name of Partner 4:]
1.2Consortium Contacts
Organisation / Contact PersonFirst name + FAMILY NAME / Country / Email
[Insert name of Coordinator:]
[Insert name of Partner 1:]
[Insert name of Partner 2:]
[Insert name of Partner 3:]
[Insert name of Partner 4:]
Summary of the project(publishable abstract, max. 1/2 page to be written below and also to beentered into ESS):
This summary will be used publicly for PhotonicSensing related publications, and as such you should not include any commercially sensitive information about your project in this summary.Be precise and concise.
Relevance to the topic addressed in the call(in particular specify here which part of the call text is adressed by your project, max. 1/4 page):
Be precise and concise.PART B: Technical Description of the Project
2.Excellence (max.8 pages)
2.1Scientific, technological and commercial objectives and challenge
Give evidence relating to the scientific, technological and commercial objectives and challenges of
the project, outlining:
- Overall aims and objectives of the projects
- Key Performance Indicators[1] and relevant targetsto be achieved in the project
- Technology Readiness Levels (at start and end of project)
- Scientific, technical and commercial challenges
2.2Technical and scientific description of the project
- State of the art – current level of technology/knowledge
- Advance beyond the state-of-the-art
- Degree ofinnovation and associated risk
- Methodologies and technologies utilised to obtain goals
- Recent research relevant to the project undertaken by the consortium partners
- Clear definition of the national subprojects
2.3Interdisciplinary nature
- research disciplines involved
- added value from interdisciplinarity, including measures for exchange, cross-fertilisation and synergy
3.Impact (max.3 pages)
3.1Expected impacts
Demonstrate how the proposal contributes to the goals of the PhotonicSensing Call. Demonstrate the transnational added-value of the collaboration between consortium partners. Describe mid- and long-term benefits of this collaborative effort.
3.2Significance of the project results
Describe the strategic significance of the project results for the organisations involved in qualitative and quantitative termsincluding market impact (if applicable) as well as environmental and societal impacts.
3.3Dissemination and exploitation strategy
Describe for each partner measures to disseminate and exploit the project results and to maximise the impact.
- Management of intellectual property rights (IPR)
- Dissemination activities of project results
4.1Work Plan
Describe briefly the overall structure of the work plan.
Table 1 Work package overview (total effort per WP and partner in person-months)
WPNo. / Work package title / Work package leader / Participating project partners / Duration (months) / Start
MM/YY / End
Table 2 Description of work package
Describe the content of the individual work packagesand state person-months per work package and partner. For the description of each work package, please use the template provided. The table should be copied and completed separately for each work package (max. 1 page per WP)
WP No. / Title of WP:Participating organisation (A/Pn) and person-months per organisation:
Description of contents:
Milestones (to measure project progress), planned results and deliverables (verifiable results / products of R&D work)
4.2Time schedule (max. 1 ½ pages)
Describe the timing of the different work packages and their components.
- provide a clearly arranged and detailed time schedule (Gantt chart or similar)
4.3Management structure and procedures (max. 2 pages)
Describe the organisational structure and the decision making
4.4Consortium as a whole (max. 1 page)
Describe the complementarity and balance of the consortium.
4.5Quality of the individual participants
Describe the role and expertise of each partner in the project. Explain the added value expected from the transnational cooperation for each partner. (max. 1 page per partner)
Use the following templates for the coordinator, the other partners requesting funding, and partners not requesting funding if any. If the project relies on input to be provided by a third party, append a letter of commitment at the end of the proposal.
Partner 1Project Coordinator / Organisation name / Department
Expertise of the organisation related to the project objectives.
For the principal investigators give a brief CV, highlighting research experience; and list up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (incl. widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the call content. Include gender information.
Role in project:
4.6Description of cost plan (max. 1 page)
Please explain the relevance of the items listed in the cost plan for the project: personnel costs, costs of infrastructure use, costs of materials, third-party costs and travel costs (especially purpose of travel).
4.7Projects Costs in EUR*
Organisation / Total Costsin EUR / Own contribution
in EUR / Requested Funding
in EUR / Overall Funding ratio
in %
[Insert name of Coordinator:]
[Insert name of Partner 1:]
[Insert name of Partner 2:]
[Insert name of Partner 3:]
4.8Detailed Projected Costs
Table 3 Detailed Projected Costs for Project Consortium
Project consortium / Total Costs in EUR / Requested Funding in EURPersonnel costs
Travel & subsistence costs
Other costs
Overhead costs
Table 4 Detailed Projected Costs for Coordinator [Organisation name]
[Organisation name] / Description / Total Cost in EUR / Requested Funding in EURPersonnel costs (1)
Equipment (2)
Materials (3)
Sub-contracting (4)
Travel & subsistence costs (5)
Other costs (6)
Overhead costs (7)
(1) Put number of person-months and average monthly salary (incl. social expenses) in “Description”.
(2) Describe the equipment needed specifically for the project.
(3) Describe the materials to be procured specifically for the project.
(4) Describe the sub-contract for the task that cannot be carried out by the project consortium and its particular
relevance for the project.
(5) Travel & subsistence costs according to national / regional rules.
(6) E.g. conference fees for dissemination activities specifically related to the project.
(7) To be specified according to the national / regional rules (some do not ask for separate overhead costs as they
are part of personnel costs).
Table 5 Detailed Projected Costs for Partner 1 [Organisation name]. The table should be copied and completed separately for each partner
[Organisation name] / Description / Total Cost in EUR / Requested Funding in EURPersonnel costs
Travel & subsistence costs
Other costs
Overhead costs
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